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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
waters of which flow southward toward the river. The two most important ravines are that of Battle Creek, which empties below the town of Jasper, and that of Big Crow Creek, a stream which, after ha. A third route, running diagonally, connected the other two. Descending from Tracy City by Battle Creek, it went up the right bank to a point opposite Shell Mound, where it again met the railway. eft, Reynolds, followed by Brannan, had come down from the town of University, by the vale of Battle Creek, as far as the vicinity of the mouth of that stream, taking care, however, not to show his stas the 21st, to construct at Bridgeport another bridge of trestles. Brannan, at the mouth of Battle Creek, was preparing rafts to transport his infantry to the other side of the river, while Reynolds passed at Shell Mound between the 3d and the 4th in the morning; the other three, finding at Battle Creek the rafts still used by Brannan, have not been able to reach the left bank before the 4th, so