Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Belle Isle, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Belle Isle, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The Yankee prisoners on Belle Isle We have a few interesting facts with reference to the Yankee prisoners on Belle Isle which show how false are the statements which teem through the Yankee press touching the treatment and the condition of these prisoners. With a view to the proper distribution of clothing and provisionBelle Isle which show how false are the statements which teem through the Yankee press touching the treatment and the condition of these prisoners. With a view to the proper distribution of clothing and provisions sent by the North to these prisoners, a board of officers--nay, two boards of Yankee officers, have been organized; one for the quartermaster's and another for the commissary's department, under whose direction the distributions are made. We were present and saw a considerable lot of clothing in the course of distribution amongpt. Turner, who has been so studiously slandered by the Yankee press, uses every means in his power for the promotion of the order and the health of the camp on Belle Isle. In this he has the co-operation of the accomplished surgeon, Dr. Wilkins, formerly of Maryland. Lieut. Bossieux, is the officer stationed on the Island, and t