ce on Monday next.
Application for admission to this school may be made to Benjamin Swift, Chester Adams, Henry Jaques, committee.
Charlestown, November 15, 1827.
June 7, 1828, the private school kept by Nathaniel Magoun opens.
Under date of August 9, 1828, appears the notice of a select school to be kept by Moses A. Curtis.
Latin and Greek will be taught.
But most interesting of these advertisements is the following, under date of February 9, 1828:—
The Ursuline Community, Mt. Benedict, Charlestown,
Admits-ladies from six to fourteen years of age. The garden has two acres, the whole farm twelve acres. Each pupil is to bring with her her bed and bedding, six towels, six napkins, and her table furniture, consisting of table and tea spoon, knife, fork, and tumbler, all which will be returned at her departure.
The uniform of the young ladies consists, on week days of a gray Bombazette dress, and white on Sundays. Three months notice of a removal is requested.
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Philadelphia, Penn., 18.
Phillips. 10.
Phipps, John, 50.
Phipps, Solomon. 50.
Pierce, Major, 62.
Pierce, Mary, 29, 51.
Pierce. Thomas, 29.
Pierson, Charles L., 69.
Pilgrims. The, 84.
Pillsbury, Caleb, 1, 2.
Pillsbury. Dr. Ernest D., 3.
Pillsbury, Edwin Brooks, 3.
Pillsbury. Harry Nelson, 3.
Pillsbury, Luther B., 1, 2, 78.
Pillsbury, Miss May F., 3.
Pillsbury, Nancy (Nelson), 1, 2.
Pine Street, 34.
Piper's Tavern, 6.
Pleasants. Lieutenant-Colonel, 72.
Ploughed Hill.
Plymouth Colony, 79.
Plymouth. Mass., 84.
Po. The. 59.
Polly's Swamp, 52.
Pony Plain. 22.
Poolsville, Md., 18, 19.
Pope Schoolhouse, 12.
Portland, Me., 38.
Potomac River, 18, 20
Powder House, 51, 81.
Powers. Robert. 58.
Prescott Grammar School, 2.
Prince of Wales.
Prospect Hill, 11. 17, 18, 26, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 53, 75, 81.
Prospect Hill Grammar School. 9.
Prospect Street, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14. 32, 34, 35, 39.
Prospect Street Station, 16.
Provincial Co
, III.—17.
Perry, Elizabeth, II.—23.
Petersburg, Va., I.—39; II.—38; IV.—28.
Pierce, Abigail, I.—23.
Pierce Academy, II.—29.
Pierce, Elizabeth (wife of Ebenezer Smith), L—24.
Pierce, James, I.—23.
Pierce, Mary, wife of Nathaniel Tufts, I.—24.
Pierce, Mary, wife of John Stone, I.—24.
Pierce, Thomas, II.—29.
Pierson, Colonel George H., IV.—24.
Pierson, Rev. William H., I.—11, 14.
Pierson, Rev. William H., Address by, I.—19.
Pillsbury, L. B., I.—13.
Ploughed Hill, II.—10.
Point of Rocks, I.—36.
Pope, General, I.—36.
Pope, General, Army of, III.—24.
Po River, I.—38.
Port Hudson, siege of, IV.—30.
Portland, Me., I.—34.
Portsmouth, N. H., I.—7.
Potomac River, I.—36; IV.—25.
Powder House, II.—21, 22, 23; IV.—12; III.—13, 14, 20, 22.
Powder House Square, III.—13, 14.
Prentice, Beulah, II.—25.
Professors' Row, I.—32.
Programmes of Meetings, IV.—5.