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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reinforcements wanted. (search)
minutes all was over and the enemy in full possession. The firing in a measure having ceased I got up to make my escape, but hearing some one roughly ordering me to halt I looked around and noticed two troopers a short distance off, who covered me with their carbines. Up to this moment I supposed I was the only man who had fallen into the hands of the Philistines, but was speedily deceived. I was marched down to the low ground that lay between our camp and the breastworks and there found quite a number of our men, some wounded, Lieutenant G. V. Scott among the latter, having a dreadful wound in his face, having been shot through both cheeks. Among the wounded was a Federal trooper shot through the calf of the leg. Including killed, wounded and captured our loss was just about one half of our force engaged. In the old colonial church in Blandford, a marble tablet commemorates the names of those patriot citizens who received their death wounds on the fatal field. It reads thus: