Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 30, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bremen, Me. (Maine, United States) or search for Bremen, Me. (Maine, United States) in all documents.

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Later from Europe.arrival of the Etna.American affairs, etc., etc. The steamship Esq., Capt. Kennedy, from Liverpool on Wednesday, the 15th inst., via Queenstown 16th, passed Cape Race 9:30 P. M. of Thursday, the 24th, and was boarded by the news yacht. The Etna has nearly £300,000 in specie. Her advices are four days later than those by the Persia. The steamship New York, from Bremen, left Southampton on the 15th for New York. She has £13,500 in specie. A proclamation has been issued by the British Government relative to affairs in the U. States, warning British subjects against engaging in the American war, and all doing so will be held responsible for their own acts.--The proclamation declares the intention of that Government in maintaining the strictest impartial neutrality between England and the Government of the United States, and certain States styling themselves the Confederate States of America. It warns all British subjects, if they enter the mili