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al, W. F Cox.
Schr.Mary Eliza, Moorecock, Chickahominy, billets.
Schr. Wm.
and James, Watson, Back River, oysters.
Schr. W.S. Thomas, Johnson, Hampton Creek, oysters.
Schr. Regulator, Watson, Warwick River, oysters.
Sloop Elizabeth Bush, Richardson, Nansemond, oysters.
Schr. Laura Francis, Higgins, Salem, feed, W. D. Colquitt & Co.
Schr. Amos Falkenbur, Wilbert, down the river, light.
Schr. D. M. French, Stiles, down the river, light.
Bremen, Oct. 19.--Arr'd, ship Elena, Richmond.
Liverpool, Oct. 24.--Cl'd, ship Avon, City Point.
Halifax, Oct. 30.--Arr'd, schr. Truro, Richmond.
Salem, Nov. 2.--Arr'd, schr. E. L. Hammond, Norfolk.
New York, Nov. 5.--Arr'd, schr. Sea Witch, Fredericksburg.
Nov. 6. --Cl'd, steamship Jamestown, Richmond.
Arr'd, schr. Amanda, Petersburg; Mary Langdon, do.; E. C. Johnson, Fredericksburg.
Portland, Nov. 3.--Cl'd, schr. Stephen Young, Richmond.
Alexandria, Nov. 6.--Arr'd,