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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
advance on Little Rock, the capital of Arkansas. Being compelled to depend for his supplies by wagontrains from Rolla, far up in Missouri, he did not feel warranted in making aggressive movements, and he remained at Batesville until the 24th of June, when he moved on toward the Mississippi, crossing the Big Black River on pontoon bridges, and traversing a: dreary country, among a thin and hostile population, until he reached Clarendon, on the White River, a little below the mouth of the Cache River. Curtis was joined at Jacksonport June 25, 1862. by General C. C. Washburne, with the Third Wisconsin cavalry, which had made its way down from Springfield, in Missouri, without opposition. Southward the whole army moved, across the cypress swamps and canebrakes that line the Cache, and on the 7th of July the advance (Thirty-third Illinois), under Colonel A. P. Hovey, was attacked by about fifteen hundred Texas cavalry, led by General Albert Rust. Hovey halted until Lieutenant-Colon
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 43: operations of the Mississippi squadron, under Admiral Porter, after the Red River expedition. (search)
e river to prevent the enemy from using her against the Union forces or getting out her stores. When within a. few miles of Clarendon, however, two successive reports were heard up the river, which proved to be the explosion of the unfortunate gun-boat's magazine. General Shelby, hearing of the approach of the other vessels, had destroyed her. The gun-boats approached the point where the enemy was stationed in the following order: Taylor, Naumkeag, Fawn; and when they were abreast of Cache River the enemy opened fire, putting one of his first shots through the pilot-house of the Taylor. This vessel could only reply with one gun until abreast of the enemy's position, when she fired broadsides of shrapnel and canister. Having passed the batteries, the gun-boats rounded — to and steamed up at them again (at this time the Fawn's pilot had been mortally wounded and her signalbell arrangements carried away, which prevented her from participating in the second attack). The Confederate
with two howitzers, when an impetuous charge was made by the Indianians, whereby the enemy were routed and put to flight. The bodies of 110 dead Rebels were buried by our soldiers, whose loss was but 8 killed and 45 wounded, including Maj. Glendennin, who led the charge, receiving a shot in the breast, which proved mortal. The Rebels were satisfied with this experiment, and gave no further trouble. Gen. Curtis again struck July 9. White river at Clarendon, just below the mouth of the Cache, only to learn, with intense chagrin, that Col. Fitch, with the expected gunboats and transports, had gone down the river barely 24 hours previous. Being short of provisions, in a thoroughly inhospitable country, he had no choice but to make his way to the most accessible point on the Mississippi. This was Helena, 65 miles S. E., which was made July 11. by Gen. Washburne, with 2,500 cavalry and 5 howitzers, in a march of 24 hours, the infantry coming through during the two following day
k., 27. Bermuda Hundreds, 567. Beverly Ford, Va., 369. Beverly, W. Va., 727. Big Black, Miss., 309. Big Blue, Mo., 561. Big Creek, Ark., 554. Blakely, Ala., 723. Bloody Bridge, S. C., 533. Blooming Gap, Va., 108. Boonsboroa, Md., 203. Boydton Road, Va., 734. Boyle's Creek, Ala., 718. Brandy Station, Va., 319. Brashear City, La., 337. Bridgeport, Ala., 72. Bristow Station, Va., 395. Buckland's Mills, Va., 396. Bushy Creek, I. T., 33. Cabin Creek. I. T., 449. Cache River. Ark., 34. Campbell's Station, 431. Cane River, La., 548. Cannouchee Cr'k, Ga., 692. Cape Girardeau, Mo., 448. Carney's Bridge, La., 328. Carter's Creek Pike, 285. Chariton River, Mo., 35. Charles City Load,Va., 592. Charlestown, Tenn., 622. Charlestown, Va., 396. Chattanooga. Tenn., 638. Cherbourg, France, 646. Chesterfield Br., Va., 577. Clinch's Station, Tenn., 283. Coffeeville, Miss., 286. Columbia, Ark., 551. Columbus, Ga., 719. Congaree River, S. C., 699. Co
within a mile of the place known as Round Hill, we met a messenger from Col. Hovey, who said that the Colonel had been attacked by a large force and had three companies killed. We afterward met a squad of infantry hurrying toward our camp on Cache River, who informed us that they had been badly used up; Col. Hovey, Thirty-third Illinois volunteers, with about four hundred infantry and one gun under the command of Lieut. Denneman, First regiment Indiana cavalry, had been fighting with the rebe. Four kegs of powder were found concealed. The houses along the road were filled with rebel wounded, and the porches and door-steps were besmeared with blood from those which they carried away. They abandoned their camp and fled across the Cache River, destroying a bridge they had constructed with boats. The bank on the opposite side was also cut out very steep so as to prevent pursuit from our cavalry. It has been subsequently ascertained that six thousand Texans, under Rust, crossed at
he received information that Major Teed had been cut off by one hundred of the enemy, and to prevent being cut off also, the Colonel took a different road, swam Cache River, and proceeded directly to Duvall's Bluff, and arrived at the banks opposite this place next day. Major Teed arrived at the bayou, and sent out scouts to find t and Raymond at the same time we did, and were to operate with us. They arrived at Augusta at daylight, on the twentieth, here disembarked, and proceeded toward Cache River by different roads; the cavalry taking one road and the infantry the other. It was not long before the cavalry, commanded by Captain J. H. Garrison, him, and after firing a few shots at him, captured him, together with a few more rebs, and took him to the main command. After this, they proceeded toward the Cache River, arriving there at three o'clock P. M. Advance-guard here fired into a rebel picket on the other side of the river, causing them to skedaddle. They then turned
rain, it was ascertained that McCrea had left that country and gone toward Jacksonport. Upon getting this information, we immediately returned to the boat, and proceeded up the river to Augusta, where we arrived at half-past 5 A. M., on the first of April; disembarked, and pushed without delay, with one hundred and sixty men, all told, into the country, on the Jacksonport road, the cavalry in advance. My orders were to keep within supporting distance, which I did. At the crossing of the Cache River road, four miles from Augusta, I encamped with the cavalry, which had been skirmishing with the enemy for the last two miles, and here found them in force. The Colonel ordered me to take three companies into the woods and engage them. I took companies B, H, and I, and drove the enemy before me about one mile, and across a large cypress-swamp. I afterward learned from prisoners that the force. I drove was the notorious Rutherford and about one hundred and fifty men. At this time the re
promptly rendered upon this, as upon other hotly contested fields. I commend all these officers to the Lieutenant-General commanding, and through him to the President, for promotion, on account of gallant and meritorious conduct in the field. Acting Engineers, John Mhoon, of Alabama, and D. C. Cage, of Mississippi, not only deserve honorable mention for their gallantry upon the field, but for the skill and energy with which they overcame the difficulties that obstructed my road from Cache River to Helena. I have repeatedly recommended Mr. Mhoon for appointment in the Engineer corps, and again respectfully urge the President to recognize the worth of so excellent an officer. Mr. Cage's services demand a similar recognition. Nor should the less conspicuous, but equally useful, services of Major Isaac Brinker and Major John Reid be passed over in silence. To the practical good sense and untiring and well directed energy of the former, as Chief Quartermaster of my division, I
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
ownsville August 25. Bayou Metoe or Reed's Bridge August 27. Reconnoissance from Brownsville August 29. Ferry's Landing September 7. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Pursuit of Price September 11-14. Near Little Rock September 11. Duty at Little Rock till March, 1864. Duvall's Bluff December 1 and December 12, 1863 (Detachments). Indian Bay February 16, 1864. Clarendon March 15. Fitzhugh's Woods, near Augusta, April 1 (Detachment). Cache River Cotton Plant April 21-22. Operations against Shelby north of the Arkansas River May 13-31. Stony Point May 20. Searcy June 3 (Detachment). Bealer's Ferry, Little Red River, June 6 (Detachment). Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16. Jones' Hay Station and Long Prairie August 24. Expedition in pursuit of Shelby August 27-September 6. Expedition from Lewisburg to Strahan Landing November 26-December 2. Expedition from Brownsville to Augusta J
test, the enemy below on the river making serious demonstrations by land and water daily, the skirmishing being almost incessant. But, after inspecting the work and observing the spirit of the men, I directed that a garrison of 500 strong could hold out against Fitch, and that I would lead the remainder—about 1,500—to General Rust as soon as shotguns and rifles could be obtained from Little Rock. Two days elapsed before the arms could be obtained. In that interval Curtis advanced across Cache river and attacked General Rust, whose command, after an engagement of about thirty minutes, retreated in great disorder across White river. Many of his men deserted, both Texans and Arkansans. No report of this affair was ever received, though often called for, consequently I am not able to give any of the details. My instructions for devastating the country were not executed. The Federal reports of the affair with Rust show that if a McIntosh, a Cleburne or a McNair had been in command