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that the king in council had, at the instance of Halifax, dismembered New Hampshire, and annexed to New-York the country north of Massachusetts and west of Connecticut river. Board of Trade to Lieut.-Gov. Colden, 13 July, 1764. Order in Council, 20 July, 1764. Lieut.-Gov. Colden to Board of Trade, Sept. 26, 1763. The chap. Xtime for this business was now come The two republics of Connecticut and Rhode Island were to be dissolved; the government of New-York extended as far as Connecticut river; and Massachusetts was to embrace the country from the Connecticut river to the Piscataqua. Another colony, with Falmouth—now Portland—as its capital, mightConnecticut river to the Piscataqua. Another colony, with Falmouth—now Portland—as its capital, might extend to the Penobscot, and yet another to the St. John's. Massachusetts, he continued, would then afford a fine opportunity for trying the experiment of the most perfect form of government for a mature American province. A modification of its charter, a certain civil list, an order of nobility for life, and places of profit wi