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December 7. Cyrus W. Field has addressed a letter to Gen. McClellan, recommending the laying of a submarine telegraphic cable around the southern coast, to connect the national forts and military stations on the coast with the North, by way of Newport News, Fortress Monroe, Hatteras, Port Royal, Hilton Head, Tybee Island, Fernandina, Cedar Keys, Fort Pickens, Ship Island, to Galveston, Texas. Gen. McClellan fully concurs, and earnestly urges that the plan be adopted by the Government, and that Mr. Field be authorized to have it carried into execution. A band of rebels entered Independence, Mo., last night, and arrested several Union men, and forced them to take an oath that they would not take up arms against the Southern Confederacy. This morning they took possession of the stage leaving for Lexington, but through the influence of some secession citizens it was restored. To-day, ten six-mule teams, while on a foraging expedition, about eight miles west of Sedalia, Mo.
They set fire to the buildings, which were entirely consumed.--Ohio Statesman, April 3. In accordance with the orders of Major-Gen. Hunter, Gen. Benham this day assumed the command of the northern district of the department of the South, constituting the First division of the army of the South, said district comprising the States of South-Carolina, Georgia, and all that part of Florida north and east of a line extending from Cape Canaveral, north-west to the Gulf coast, just north of Cedar Keys and its dependencies, and thence north to the Georgia line.--Benham's General Orders, No. 1. To-night an armed boat expedition was fitted out from Com. Foote's squadron, and the land forces off Island Number10, in the Mississippi River, under command of Col. Roberts, of the Forty-second Illinois regiment. The five boats comprising the expedition, were in charge of First Master J. V. Johnson, of the St. Louis, assisted by Fourth Master G. P. Lord, of the Benton, Fourth Master Pierce,
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 37: operations of the East Gulf Squadron to October, 1863. (search)
uld with safety land their cargoes of arms or provisions in a night and be out of sight of the blockaders when daylight came. Following the coast up to the northward were the Ten Thousand Islands, Charlotte Harbor, Tampa Bay, Crystal River. Cedar Keys, Suwanee River, Appalache Bay, St. George's Bay, Appalachicola, St. Andrew's Bay, and a thousand other places of refuge too numerous to mention. Arms and munitions of war of all kinds could have been landed but for the watchfulness of the navaby boat expeditions, and Rear-Admiral Bailey kept his officers and men well employed, giving all those who deserved it an opportunity to distinguish themselves. On March 24th, 1863, he directed Lieutenant-Commander Earl English to proceed to Cedar Keys with the gunboat Sagamore, taking with him two armed launches from the flag-ship St. Lawrence, under the immediate command of Acting-Lieutenant E. Y. McCauley, for the purpose of scouring the coast between the Suwanee River and the Anclote Keys
ates of South-Carolina, Georgia, and all that part of Florida north and east of a line extending from Cape Canaveral north-west to the Gulf coast, just north of Cedar Keys and its dependencies, and thence north to the Georgia line. The headquarters of this district will be at Port Royal, South-Carolina, and Brigadier-Gen. H. W. Bstrict, will comprise all of Florida and the islands adjacent, south of the said line from Cape Canaveral, extending north-west to the Gulf coast, just north of Cedar Keys. The headquarters of this district and the troops will remain as at present, under the command of Brigadier-General J. M. Brannan. 3. The third, to be called the Western District, will comprise that part of Florida west of the line before described as running north from Cedar Keys to the Georgia line. The headquarters of this district will remain at Fort Pickens, as at present, with Brigadier-General L. G. Arnold, commanding. III. The usual reports, returns, etc., will hereafter
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 87.-the campaign in Florida. (search)
on, rice, tobacco, pistols, and other property, valued at half a million of dollars. We took breakfast at the hotel, and on settling our bills, found rebel money more acceptable than our own. It so happened that we could give the landlord what he wanted, as one of our number in searching the trash in the deot came across one hundred and fifty dollars' worth of confederate notes. Twenty-seven dollars of this stuff paid for a breakfast for nine. At Baldwin, the railroad from Fernandina to Cedar Keys crosses the Florida Central. It will be seen at a glance that it is an important place for us to hold. In the afternoon, General Seymour and staff came up from Jacksonville, and later in the day, General Gillmore, with a portion of his staff. That same night, the three cars were loaded with cotton and other property, and drawn by horses to Jacksonville. Since then all the guns and camp-equipage taken at Ten-Mile Run, also much of the property captured at Baldwin, have been sent to Jack
th instant, and will then allow you and the committee to judge whether colored men are the poltroons which their enemies tried to make us believe them to be. The expedition with which we were identified had all the prospects in the world to prove successful, and would have been, if we had come prepared to advance immediately; but as it was, we gave them time to prepare for us when we did advance. We left Baldwin, at the junction of the Jacksonville and Tallahassee, and Fernandina and Cedar Keys railroads, about twenty miles west of Jacksonville, on Friday, the twentieth; marched westward eleven miles, and bivouacked for the night at Barber's Ford, on the St. Mary's River. The bugle sounded the reveille before daylight, and, after taking breakfast, we took up the line of march westward. Our march for ten miles to Sanderson Station was uninterrupted, but about four miles further west our advance drove in the enemy's pickets, keeping up a continuous skirmish with them for about f
more and Fort Henry for help. Two more boats were sent up the river as soon as possible, also an additional boat from the storeship J. L. Davis, and still another from the United States steamer Somerset--a steamer that had just arrived from Cedar Keys, Fla. As soon as all the boats had collected up the river, two of them were sent to capture the sloop. The rebels were secreted in ambush, and taking deliberate aim, fired upon our advance, wounding three of our men. The fire was immediately retu steamer will have to do some hard fighting when she comes down, and will find it a very difficult matter to run the blockade and get into the port of Nassau, N. P. The United States steamer Somerset reports that they were fired into at Cedar Keys, Florida, and eight of their crew wounded, some of them severely. It seems that a guerrilla band enticed a boat ashore by displaying three white flags from the houses on shore. As soon as the men had landed they were fired upon from the windows o
James Barnes, author of David G. Farragut, Naval Actions of 1812, Yank ee Ships and Yankee Sailors, Commodore Bainbridge , The Blockaders, and other naval and historical works, The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 6: The Navy. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), The blockade (search)
son Davis, the Amelia, the Dixie, the Petrel, the Bonita, the James Gray, and many others would A pursuer of many prizes — the Santiago de Cuba This vigilant blockader was one of the first to see active service. As early as December 3, 1861, Commander D. B. Ridgely brought her ten guns to bear upon the schooner Victoria and captured her off Point Isabel on her way to the West Indies with a cargo of cotton. In February of the next year, the Santiago caught the sloop O. K. off Cedar Keys, Florida. The next month she drove a blockade-runner ashore. On April 23, 1862, she captured two schooners and (two days later) a steamer, all on their way from Charleston loaded with cotton. On April 30th she added to her prizes the schooner Maria, and on May 27th the schooner Lucy C. Holmes, both with more cotton; on August 3, 1862, at sea, the steamer Columbia, loaded with munitions of war, and on August 27th the schooner Lavinia with a cargo of turpentine. In 1863 the side-wheel steame
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Battle of Ocean Pond, Florida. (search)
lower part of the State, to which end a position has been selected on the St. John's, a few miles above Jacksonville, for a battery of one rifled thirty-two pounder, three rifled thirty-, and one twenty-, and one ten-pounder Parrott's, and two eight-inch seige Howitzers, by which, with torpedoes in the river, it is expected trans-ports at least can be obstructed from passing with troops beyond Jacksonville. Cavalry pickets have been also established for the protection of the railroad to Cedar Keys, from injury by raiding parties set on foot from the west bank of the St. John's. I have for the present organized the forces under General Anderson into three brigades, commanded respectively by Brigadier Generals Finnegan and Colquitt, and Colonel George P. Harrison, three meritorious officers; the last two of whom have won promotion by their active participation in the combat of the 20th ultimo, at which it is proper to say, Brigadier-General Colquitt commanded on the immediate field
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 15: (search)
graphed substantially the same thing to Admiral Dahlgren, and also to General Gillmore. The following is Sherman's gold dispatch: Raleigh, N. C., April 25, 1865. Major-General G. A. Gillmore, Commanding Department of the South, and Real-Admiral John A. Dahlgren, Commanding S. A. B. Squadron. I expect Johnston will surrender his army. We have had much negotiation, and things are settling down to the terms of Lee's army. Jeff. Davis and his Cabinet, with considerable specie, is making his way toward Cuba. He passed Charlotte, going south, on the 23d, and I think he will try to reach the Florida coast either at Cedar Keys or lower down. It would be well to catch him. Can't you watch the East coast, and send word round to the West coast? W. T. Sherman, Major-General. The facts presented from the records in this chapter, are quite sufficient to show the totally unreliable character of what the General of the army has written reflecting upon the great War Secretary.