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Your search returned 1,418 results in 167 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: March 9, 1864., [Electronic resource], Review of the Pennsylvania campaign. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: March 19, 1864., [Electronic resource], Pennsylvania campaign--second day at Gettysburg . (search)
Nicholl's Louisiana Brigade.
--A letter from Colonel J. M. Williams, of the 2d Louisiana regiment, referring to Nicholls's brigade, which he commanded, and some remarks made relative to it in our correspondent's review of the battle of Gettysburg, says:
"This brigade never fell back, or 'retired a short distance to conform to Jones's brigade.' We were not repulsed, but only checked, and held our advanced position for eighteen or twenty hours, until ordered by Major Gen. Johnson to withdraw.
Troops never fought better, nor with more determined valor, than did this gallant little band of Louisianians in storming the heights of Cemetery Hill."