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themselves to be satisfied for. Another grant, by the Squa Sachem of Mistick, of lands bordering on Medford, is as follows:-- The 15th of the 2d mo., 1639: Wee, Web-Cowet and Squa Sachem, do sell unto the inhabitants of the towne of Charlestowne all the land within the line granted them by the Court (excepting the farmes and the ground on the west of the two great ponds, called Misticke Ponds), from the south side of Mr. Nowell's lott, neere the upper end of the ponds, unto the littledoth leave all her lands, from Mr. Mayhue's house to neere Salem, to the present Governor, Mr. John Winthrop, sen., Mr. Increase Nowell, Mr. John Willson, Mr. Edward Gibons, to dispose of, and all Indians to depart; and, for sattisfaction from Charlestowne, wee acknowledge to have received, in full satisfaction, twenty and one coates, ninten fathom of wampom, and three bushels of corn. In witness whereof, we have here unto sett o'r hands, the day and year above named. The mark of Squa Sachem, m
ished until March 6, 1632-3, when it was agreed by the parties appointed by the Court, &c., that all the land impaled by the newe towne men, with the neck whereon Mr. Graves his house standeth, shall belong to Newe-town, and that the bounds of Charlestowne shall end at a tree marked by the pale, and to passe along from thence by a straight line unto the midway betwixt the westermost part of the Governor's great lot and the nearest part thereto of the bounds of Watertowne. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 10eshin Ryver, and between that and Concord Ryver, and between that and Merrimack Ryver, not formerly granted by this Court, are granted to Cambridge, so as they erect a village there within five years, and so as it shall not extend to prejudice Charlestowne village, or the village of Cochitawit, etc. Ibid., i. 330, II. 17. This grant was confirmed absolutely, March 7, 1643-4, Ibid., II. 62. The description in this grant is somewhat different from the former: Shawshin is granted to Cambridg, wi
s may serve to illustrate the primitive condition of the town. Aug. 5, 1633. Sundry lots were granted for cow-yards. Sept. 2, 1633. It is ordered, that whosoever hath any tree lying across a highway, and doth not remove it within seven days, or whosoever shall hereafter fall any tree and let it lie cross a highway one day, shall forfeit the tree. Dec. 2, 1633. It is ordered, that no person whatever shall fell any tree near the town, within the path which goeth from Watertowne to Charlestowne, upon the forfeiture of five shillings for every tree so felled. Agreed with Mr. Symon Bradstreet, to make a sufficient cartway along by his pales, and keep it in repair seven years; and he is to have ten shillings for the same. March 2, 1633-4. Granted John Benjamin all the ground between John Masters his ground and Antho. Couldbyes, provided that the windmill-hill shall be preserved for the town's use, and a cartway of two rods wide unto the same. Windmill-hill was at the sout
very month they shall there remain. There is granted unto Frances Greshold, the Drummer, 2 acres of land, lying at the end of Barnebe Lambson's pale towards Charlestowne, in regard of his service amongst the soldiers upon all occasions, as long as he stayeth, with condition, if he depart the town and leave off that service withapt. George Cooke, 600 acres; to Edward Goffe, 600 acres; to John Bridge, 350 acres; severally about the outside of the bounds between Watertowne, Concord, and Charlestowne. During this period, the General Court passed several orders, affecting the comfort and prosperity of the people dwelling here:— Oct. 28, 1636. The Co, Dorchester, Weimoth, Hingham, to be one regiment, whereof John Winthrope, senior, Esquire, shall be colonel, and Tho. Dudley, Esquire, lieftenant colonel: Charlestowne, Newetowne, Watertowne, Concord, and Deddam, to be another regiment, whereof John Haynes, Esqr. shall be colonel, and Roger Herlakenden Esqr. lieftenant colone
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 15: ecclesiastical History. (search)
en quartes of red wine for the use of the Lords tabell upon the 9th day of the tenth month 1638. at 15d. a quart.0.13.9 And for bread for the Lords tabell at that time 8d. For a messenger to goe for the wine 2d.0.1.8 Lent my brother Towne5.0.0 Payd for this booke (to keepe accounts in)0.4.6 Given to Elder Frost the 18 of January 1638-9. 20s.1.0.0 Pd for a lether pillow to put in the cushin to the desk 5s; it wayed 5lb.0.5.0 Payd for sendinge a messenger (goodman Crackbone) to Charlestowne and Roxbery to atayne helpe for preachinge in our pastors weaknes 2s.0.2.0 Payd to goodman Line for 5 quarts and 1/2 pint of wine0.6.6 Payd my brother Towne for his half years alowance1.5.0 and payd him for 5 times goinge with messages to the church0.3.4 Given to Elder Frost the 22 of the 3d month 20s.1.0.0 Given my brother John French 3l.30.0 Given to our brother Hall the 11th of the 4th month toward the rearing of his house that was blown down.1.0.0 For the refresshing my brother
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 17: heresy and witchcraft. (search)
belonging to John Gibson, whose house was within plain view from Mrs. Holman's. Some root of bitterness sprung up between these neighbors, and troubled them, until Mr. Gibson entered a complaint against Mrs. Holman and her daughter as witches, and a warrant of peculiar form was issued for their arrest: To the Constable of Cambridge. You are required forthwith to apprehend the persons of Widow Holman and her daughter Mary, and immediately bring them before the County Court now sitting at Charlestowne, to be examined on several accusations presented, on suspicion of witchcraft; and for witnesses John Gipson and his wife; you are forthwith to bring them away, and not suffer them to speak one with another after their knowledge of this warrant, and hereof you are not to fayle at your perill. Dat. 21 (4) 1659. Thomas Danforth, R. It will be convenient that you charge some meet person to bring away the mayd first, and then you may acquaint the mother also with this warrant respecting her a
nd. Thus, for five years, from 1632 to 1637, Cambridge was the Headquarters of one of the two principal military commanders. And when a more perfect organization of the militia was made, Dec. 13, 1636, the whole being divided into three regiments, Cambridge had a large share of the honors. Thomas Dudley, one of the founders of the town, was appointed lieutenant-colonel of the first regiment; and seven years later he was elected Major-general of all the militia. It was further ordered, Charlestowne, Newetowne, Watertowne, Concord, Deddam, to bee another regiment, whearof John Haynes, Esqr., shalbee colonell, and Rogr. Herlakenden, Esqr., leiftenant colonell. Mass. Col. Rec., i. 187. Both were Cambridge men; the former had been Governor of Massachusetts, and was afterwards for many years Governor of Connecticut; the latter was one of the Assistants, and remained in office, both civil and military, until Nov. 17, 1638, when he departed this life. At the session of the General C
of Solomon Phipps, the carpenter, and a nephew of Samuel Phipps, the recorder. His father was a son of the carpenter, Joseph Phipps, and his mother, Mary Kettell. Samuel was born 1696, town clerk 1726, and died 1730-1, leaving a widow, Abigail, and five children, Abigail, Joseph, Samuel, Elijah, and Solomon. The widow married Joseph Whittemore, Jr., and died in 1734. Mr. Phipps' real estate lay in three parcels, within the limits of present Somerville, or, as it was then expressed, in Charlestowne without the neck. An appraisal rehearses and values it, viz.:— Homestead, 7 acres, 21 rods on the highway leading from Charlestown to Medford, bounded by lands of widow Mary Rand, of Captain Eben Breed, by land of William Hoppin and Meriam Fosket, and by rangeways, at £ 55 old tenor per acre£3924s4 1/2d Meadow, 4 acres, 54 rods, on same highway, and bounded by lands of Joseph Frothingham, Samuel Hutchinson, Nathaniel Frothingham, and rangeway, at £ 66 old tenor per acre£2665s6d Past<
nt dispersedly, some at Charles Towne which standeth on the North Side of mouth of Charles Riuer; some on the South Side, which place wee named Boston (as wee intended to have done the place wee first resolved on) some of vs vppon Mistick, which place wee named Meadford; some of vs westwards on Charles Riuer, four miles from Charles Towne, which place wee named Watertoune, others of vs two miles from Boston in a place wee named Rocksbury, others vppon the riuer of Sawgus between Salem and Charlestowne. And the westerne men four miles South from Boston at a place wee named Dorchester. This dispersion troubled some of vs, but helpe it wee could not, wanting abillity to remoue to any place fit to build a Towne vppon, and the time was too short to deliberate any longer least the winter should surprise vs before wee had builded our houses. The best counsel wee could find out was to build a fort to retire to, in some convenient place, if any enemy pressed thereunto, after we should have for
5 and 42, are articles relative to this matter, in which interest is revived by examination of original documents in the Massachusetts Archives, of which the following is copy: To the Honble Lt. Governer & Council & Representatives in Genl Court Afsembled The Humble petition of the Inhabitants of the Towne of Medford Showeth That Whereas Your Petitioners have hitherunto been necefsitated for want of a Grist mill within the sd Towne to carry their Corne to be ground as far as Charlestowne or Watertowne and sometimes to Boston and Noddles Island, Whereby many times before they can get their meal home, it costs them as much as the Corne was worth. And Whereas there is a very Suitable place upon the River A little above Mistick Bridge where A Mill may be Erected to the Easg of your Petitioners And Advantage And Convenience of places Adjacent And without damage to the Passage of Boats Timber Rafts &c Wherefore yor most humble Petitioners Prav this Honble Court to to grant the