Browsing named entities in James Redpath, The Roving Editor: or, Talks with Slaves in the Southern States.. You can also browse the collection for Christmas (New Mexico, United States) or search for Christmas (New Mexico, United States) in all documents.

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ursel's. Do you work for your boss, or are you hired out? I asked. I works for de boss. What kind of time do you have with him? Bery hard mass'r, bery hard. He works us all day, and neber ‘lows us anyding for oursel's at all from Christmas to Christmas. What! Don't he give you a present at Christmas? No, mass'r, not a cent. Some bosses do ‘low someding at Christmas; but not my boss. He doesn't even gib us ‘bacca to chaw. He was carrying a bag in which his day's provising, pumping, wood cutting, engine firing, and in other necessary labors along the line. These men are the most favored sons of Africa employed in the country, in the States of Alabama or Georgia. They are hard worked from sun to sun, and from Christmas to Christmas, but they are well fed and clothed, and comfortably lodged — comfortably, that is, for negro slaves. Their allowance. They receive five pounds of pork, a pint of molasses, and one peck of meal each per week; three suits of c