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Doc. 22. letter of General Grant: headquarters armies of the United States, City Point, Va., August 16, 1864. Hon. E. B. Washburne: Dear sir: I state to all citizens who visit me, that all we want now to insure an early restoration of the Union is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last men. The little boys and old men are guarding prisoners, guarding railroad bridges, and forming a good part of their garrisons or intrenched positions. A man lost by them cannot be replaced. They have robbed the cradle and the grave equally to get their present force. Besides what they lose in frequent skirmishes and battles, they are now losing from desertions and other causes at least one regiment per day. With this drain upon them, the end is not far distant, if we will only be true to ourselves. Their only hope now is in a divided North. This might give them reinforcements from Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri, while it woul
he declaration that we commit our cause to the enlightened judgment of the world, to the sober reflections of our adversaries themselves, and to the solemn and righteous arbitrament of Heaven. Within a few weeks after the publication of this manifesto, it seemed to have met with a response from President Lincoln. In the early part of last month, a letter was received by General Lee from Lieutenant-General Grant, in the following words: headquarters armies of the United States, City Point, Va., Aug. 8, 1864. General R. E. Lee, commanding Confederate Forces, near Petersburg, Va.: General: I would request that Colonel Jaques, Seventy-third Illinois volunteer infantry, and J. R. Gilmore, Esq., be allowed to meet Colonel Robert Ould, Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners, at such place between the lines of the two armies as you may designate. The object of the meeting is legitimate with the duties of Colonel Ould as Commissioner. If not consistent for you to grant the
ther countries. Courage, patience, obedience to the laws and constituted authorities of our Government; fidelity to our trusts, and good feeling among each other; each trying to excel the other in the practice of those high qualities, and it will then require no prophet to foretell that our country will in time emerge from this war purified by the fires of war, and worthy its great founder, Washington. W. T. Sherman, Major-General, Commanding. The despatch from General Grant. City Point, Va., September 4,--9 P. M. Major-General Sherman:. I have just received your despatch anouncing the capture of Atlanta. In honor of your great victory, I have just ordered a salute to be fired with shotted guns from every battery bearing upon the enemy. The salute will be fired within an hour, amidst great rejoicing. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General All the corps, regiments and batteries composing the army may, without further orders, inscribe Atlanta on their colors. By order o
fifth he occupied, without opposition, both City Point and Bermuda Hundred, his movement being a co were frequently down between Washington and City Point, making it necessary to transmit messages a of the situation in Virginia, etc. City Point, Va., October 11, 1864--11 A. M. Your despaexpedition the follow-instructions: City Point, Va., January 3, 1865. General: The expedilowing instructions were given him: City Point, Va., January 31, 1865. General: * * * Yourspective departments in the field with me at City Point. Communicate with me by every opportunity; cation was sent to General Thomas: City Point, Va., February 14, 1865. General Canby is praphed General Sheridan as follows: City Point, Va., February 20, 1865--1 P. M. General: Ahe following telegram was sent him: City Point, Va., February 25, 1865. General: Sherman't for holding the lines about Petersburg and City Point, subject, of course, to orders from the comm[16 more...]
cars came in, thus giving us the means of bringing from the depot at Morehead City full supplies for the army. It was all-important that I should have an interview with the General-in-chief, and presuming that he could not at this time leave City Point, I left General Schofield in chief command, and proceeded with all expedition by rail to Morehead City, and thence by steamer to City Point, reaching General Grant's headquarters on the evening of the twenty-seventh of March. I had the good foCity Point, reaching General Grant's headquarters on the evening of the twenty-seventh of March. I had the good fortune to meet General Grant, the President, Generals Meade, Ord, and others of the Army of the Potomac, and soon learned the general state of the military world, from which I had been in a great measure cut off since January. Having completed all necessary business, I reembarked on the navy steamer Bat, Captain Barnes, which Admiral Porter placed at my command, and returned via Hatteras Inlet and Newbern, reaching my own headquarters in Goldsboro during the night of the thirtieth. During my ab
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 54. the capture of Fort Fisher. (search)
to our success, and certainly nothing could surpass the perfect skill with which the fleet was handled by its commander. Every request which I made to Admiral Porter was most cheerfully complied with, and the utmost harmony has existed between us from the outset to the present time. I forward herewith General Ames' report. I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Alfred H. Terry, Major-General. Brigadier-General J. A. Rawlins, Chief of Staff, City Point, Virginia. Brigadier-General Comstock's report. headquarters United States forces, Fort Fisher, North Carolina, January 27, 1865. sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of engineer operations in connection with the capture of Fort Fisher, together with a sketch of that work and another of the country in the vicinity. Fort Fisher is situated on the peninsula between the Cape Fear river and the Atlantic ocean, about a mile and a half north-east of Federal Point. For fi
ion. United States steamer Onondaga, James river, Va., three miles above City Point, Thursday Evening, May 5, 1864. We have this day seen the beginning of the are crossing Harrison bar, and there in front of us, three miles further, is City Point, a place become famous since the a point of exchange for the Union andound Richmondward. The iron-clads move in order to a point two miles above City Point; come to anchor. Admiral Lee, who has been upon the Tecumseh during the aftened, and the flag of truce put back up the river. The fleet were gathered at City Point, two miles below; the army steamers were unloading their regiments, which werly slowly steamed. The steamboat New York, the regular Fortress Monroe and City Point boat, used for the exchange of prisoners, and which we last evening noted at ed rebels on board, now passed us for the point of exchange, which now is not City Point, but some place above the river, chosen at the option of Admiral Lee. On o
n under command of General Kautz has just reached City Point, after one of the most daring and successful raids headed to the north, and we began our march for City Point. A few miles from Lyttleton the advance met and n bivouacked at Zion church, about six miles from City Point, and entered that place this morning about ten o're officers. The Second expedition. City Point, Virginia, Tuesday, May 17, 1864. To-day Brigadier-General Kautz again entered City Point on his return from another still more daring and successful raid withinre burned. The march was then continued toward City Point by way of Prince George Court-house. As we came four o'clock this afternoon the division entered City Point, having made a complete circle in the most vital on, taking the right hand road at Harrison's for City Point. The rebels continued to harass our rear until i and finally the whole force moved directly on to City Point, which was reached about sundown on Tuesday. T
ront of the left an impassable ravine runs down to the Appomattox, crossed only at one point by the road along that.river. In front of the hight is a dense forest. Beyond the whole a swamp stretches along opposite the centre. The position is an excellent one for defence, and the intrenching now being done renders it a dangerous place to attack. The gunboats on the James and Appomattox protect the flanks. The line is only two and a half miles in length. Across the Appomattox we hold City Point, by another short line across the Point. This position is also protected by the gunboats. Great confidence is felt by General Butler and his general officers as to their ability to hold the position against any force which can be brought to attack it. About noon to-day, while the gunboat Shoshonee was fishing for torpedoes, near Deep Bottom, a battery from Richmond appeared on the north bank, took position and opened upon the boat. A shot passed through the steam chest, blowing up th
Doc. 77. operations in Virginia. General Butler's despatch. off City Point, Va., May 5, 1864. Lieutenant-General Grant, Commanding Armies of the United States, Washington, D. C.: We havtroops are there. At Fort Powhatan landing two regiments of the same brigade have landed. At City Point Hinks' division, with the remaining troops and battery, have landed. The remainder of both thYorktown during last night. The monitors are all over the bar at Harrison's Landing and above City Point. The operations of the fleet have been conducted today with energy and success. Generals Smidistressed and annoyed at the delay. He had hoped to reach his intended point of debarkation (City Point, fifteen miles below Richmond), at three o'clock in the afternoon. This he expected to accompon, gallantly kept them at bay until the order was given to retire. Tenth Army corps, near City Point, Va., Friday Evening, May 20, 1864. There has been to-day a fierce and sanguinary battle on t
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