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Departure and arrival of prisoners. --Eight hundred and fifteen Abolition prisoners of war were sent from Richmond to City Point at 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and four hundred more will be gotten ready for exit this morning. The boat that conveyed away these followers of old Abe brought to City Point 215 Southern citizensCity Point 215 Southern citizens, who had been, in the last eight months, seized by the minions of Lincoln in various places, and confined in dungeons. On being brought to Petersburg on Monday they were carried to the Model Farm barracks, and from thence many of them, on yesterday, made their way to this city. It is said that among these prisoners is Rev. Dr. isoner while on his way to Europe from the South on a religious mission. Notice was given yesterday evening of the arrival of another flag of-truce boat at City Point containing 164 prisoners, only twenty of whom were citizen prisoners. Eleven Abolition prisoners arrived at the Libby on yesterday--eight from Weldon, N. C., a