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, Va., after making a successful reconnoissance to Southfield, Chuckatuck, and Blackwater Bridge. At the latter place he had a fight with a party of rebels, but at the expiration of twenty minutes, they hastily withdrew. In this affair, several rebel prisoners were captured with their horses and arms. A detachment of National troops under the command of Colonel Chickering, left Baton Rouge, La., for the purpose of reconnoitring the surrounding country and burning the bridges on the Comite River. They destroyed Bogler, the Strickland, and the Roberts bridges over that river, dispersed a large force of rebel guerrillas, and returned to camp without losing a man. To-night, a second Quaker gunboat, or sham monitor, constructed of logs, with pork barrels for funnels, was sent adrift by the National fleet above Vicksburgh, for the purpose of drawing the fire of the rebel batteries. It showed that the rebels were always on the alert, for, although the night was very dark, ninety
September 20. Lieutenant Earl, of the Fourth Wisconsin regiment, in command of a squad of forty cavalry, marched from Baton Rouge, La., as far as Comite River, and captured fourteen prisoners, with their arms, horses, and equipments. Among the prisoners were Colonel Hunter and Captain Perry, notorious guerrilla chiefs.
rty to an immense amount; we also captured one thousand horses and mules. Our loss during the entire journey was three killed, seven wounded; five left on the route sick, the Sergeant, Major, and Surgeon of the Seventh Illinois left, with Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn, and nine men missing, supposed to have straggled. We marched over six hundred miles in less than sixteen days. The last twenty-eight hours we marched seventy-six miles, had four engagements with the enemy, and forded the Comite River, which was deep enough to swim many of the horses. During this time the men and horses were without food or rest. Much of the country through which we passed was almost entirely destitute of forage and provisions, and it was but seldom that we obtained over one meal per day. Many of the inhabitants must undoubtedly suffer for want of the necessaries of life, which have reached most fabulous prices. Two thousand cavalry and mounted infantry were sent from the vicinity of Greenwood a
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
mortally wounded. Benjamin H. Grierson. The 2d of May was the last day of the great raid. They marched early, burned a Confederate camp at Sandy Creek Bridge, and, a little later, captured Colonel Stewart and forty-two of his cavalry on Comite River. This was the crowning act of their expedition, and at noon on that day May 2, 1863. the troops that remained with Grierson, wearied and worn, and their horses almost exhausted, entered Baton Rouge, in the midst of the plaudits of Banks's trles in a day, over blind, rough, and miry roads, in order to regain the main body. During the twenty-eight hours preceding their arrival at Baton Rouge, the whole body had traveled seventy-six miles, engaged in four skirmishes, and forded the Comite River, in which many of the horses were compelled to swim. Grierson's experience caused him to declare that the Confederacy was but a shell, and subsequent events justified the opinion. Grant's first movement toward the Big Black region was to d
Prince, of the 6th, and Lt.-Col. Loomis, 7th Illinois, and their subordinates. Detachments necessarily made to the right and left to destroy Rebel supplies or mislead pursuers — of whom thousands were sent after his from Jackson, Vicksburg, and other points — were frequently compelled to ride 60 miles per day of these horrible roads in order to regain the main body — which, during the 28 hours preceding its arrival at Baton Rouge, had marched 76 miles. enjoyed four fights, and forded the Comite river where it was necessary to swim many of the horses. Grierson's conclusion that the confederacy was a mere shell, which needed but to be fairly pierced to demonstrate its rottenness, was justified by his experience; but a leader less able, alert, wary, untiring, and courageous, would have found that shell far easier to enter than to emerge from. All being at length ready, April 29. Gen. Grant directed a naval attack on the batteries of Grand Gulf; which was gallantly made by Admiral<
Rebel reports and narratives. General Breckinridge's report. Headquarters in the field, near Comite River, August 6, 1862. To the Officers and Soldiers under my Command: I desire to express to you briefly my sense of your gallant conductld have been driven from New-Orleans in a few days. --Jackson Mississippian. Grenada appeal narrative. camp on Comite River, Thursday, Aug. 7, 1862. On Saturday, July twenty-sixth, we received marching orders, and on Sunday the train left o'clock, Monday night, August fourth, the troops, about two thousand four hundred in all, advanced from their camp on Comite River. The men were in the finest spirits and confident of accomplishing their purpose before breakfast-time. The march ofhundred. I send you the lists of the casualties in such regiments as I have been able to visit. We are now comfortably encamped on the Comite River, while the wounded have been removed to Greenwell Springs — most delightful locations. Se De Kay.
Amite River about ten o'clock P. M., without opposition — the picket being asleep. They had marched forty miles this day. May 2d.--They marched again early in the morning, and the Sixth Illinois, being in advance, surprised and burned a rebel camp at Sandy Creek Bridge. At this point the Seventh Illinois was ordered in advance, and, at about nine o'clock A. M., as a crowning glory to this most extraordinary series of adventures, captured forty-two of Stewart's Mississippi cavalry on Comite River, including their Colonel. This noble band of toil-worn heroes arrived at Baton Rouge about noon of May second, where their triumphal entry created a furore of joyful excitement that will not cease till it has thrilled every loyal heart upon this continent — ay, every heart that loves liberty anil human bravery, through the civilized world. Some idea of the pluck and endurance of these men can be gleaned from the fact that during the last thirty hours--in which they had ridden eighty
the fourth, the command having reached the Comite river, ten miles from Baton Rouge, and learning bt arrived, was left with his command on the Comite River, to observe Baton Rouge from that quarter, Thirty-First Alabama regiment camp near Comite River, La., August 8, 1862. Major John A. Buckner, rs Fifth Kentucky regiment, camp near Comite River, Louisiana, August 7, 1862. Sir: I have the hrt of Captain J. H. Millett. camp near Comite River, August 7, 1862. Captain John A. Buckner: rs, First brigade, Second division, camp on Comite River, August 7, 1862. Captain L. D. Sandidge, A. Thirtieth La. Sumer regiment, in camp near Comite River. Lieutenant L. D. Sandidge, Acting Assistanquarters Thirty-Fifth Ala. Vols. Camp on Comite River, La., August 8, 1862. Captain L. D. Sandidge,command of the brigade. Before leaving the Comite River, I deemed it advisable to consolidate certahirty-Fifth regiment Alabama Vols., camp on Comite River, August 7, 1862. Lieutenant Geo. C. Hubbard[5 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Defence of Vicksburg in 1862--the battle of Baton Rouge. (search)
men drive off the scum with their hands and greedily drink that water. The fierce heat of the sun was reflected on the sandy road and made greater. Men sickened and fell out of the ranks every mile we marched, until at last, when we reached Comite river, about ten miles from Baton Rouge, there were not more than 2,600 men fit for duty. Here a day of needed rest was taken and the men given an opportunity to wash their ragged clothes. Here General Breckinridge made a stirring speech to the Kee command retired a short distance out of reach of the gunboat fire and remained waiting, anxiously waiting, for the Arkansas. Late in the afternoon news of her fate reached General Breckinridge,. and the little army moved back to its camp on Comite river. Just before daylight, when the Arkansas had reached a point some four miles above Baton Rouge, a serious break occurred in her machinery and her engine refused to work. Finding her drifting helplessly, her commander, Lieutenant Stevens, mov
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Grierson, Benjamin Henry 1826- (search)
tile country, over ways most difficult to travel, fighting men and destroying property. His troops had killed and wounded about 100 Confederates, captured and paroled full 500, destroyed 3,000 stand of arms, and inflicted a loss on their foes of property valued at $6,000,000. Grierson's loss was twenty-seven men and a number of horses. During the twenty-eight hours preceding the arrival of the raiders at Baton Rouge they had travelled 76 miles, engaged in four skirmishes, and forded the Comite River. Grierson declared that he found the Confederacy to be only a shell. This was in 1863. He was made major-general of volunteers in May, 1865, and for his services in the war was brevetted majorgeneral, United States army, in March, 1867. He had been commissioned lieutenant-colonel of United States cavalry in July, 1866. From 1868 till 1873 he was in command of the Indian Territory district, and was actively employed in campaigns against hostile Indians; and in 1873-81 was similarly e