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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 6 0 Browse Search
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Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 1, chapter 57 (search)
gians spoke I cannot say definitely. But if one may judge by those that still remain of the Pelasgians who live above the TyrrheniIf these are the Etruscans, then Creston may = Cortona: but the whole matter is doubtful. in the city of Creston—who were once neighbors of the people now called Dorians, and at that time inhabited the cCreston—who were once neighbors of the people now called Dorians, and at that time inhabited the country which now is called Thessalian— and of the Pelasgians who inhabited Placia and Scylace on the Hellespont, who came to live among the Athenians, and by other towns too which were once Pelasgian and afterwards took a different name: if, as I said, one may judge by these, the Pelasgians spoke a language which was not Greek. Ifk spoke so, then the Attic nation, being of Pelasgian blood, must have changed its language too at the time when it became part of the Hellenes. For the people of Creston and Placia have a language of their own in common, which is not the language of their neighbors; and it is plain that they still preserve the manner of speech whi<