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The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 2 0 Browse Search
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190, 308. Cross, D. R., II., 69. Cross, E. E., I., 279: VIII., 192. Cross Keys, Va.: I., 310, 311, 366; IV., 102. Cross Lanes, W. Va., I., 350. Croxton, J. T.: III., 252; IV., 140; X., 297. Cruft, C., II., 31S; X., 87, 293. Cruisers: Confederate, captured vessels fitted out as, VI., 82; destruction wrought by, VI., 20, 25, 36; first to get to sea, VI., 80; prizes of, VI., 290 seq.; the first built with Confederate funds, VI., 291, 292, 293, 299. Crump Hill, La., II., 350. Crump's Landing, Tenn., I., 200, seq., 206. Cub Run, Va., II., 45; V., 20 seq. Culbertson's Art., Confederate, I., 356. Cullmann, F., quoted, X., 124. Cullum, G. W., VII., 330. Culpeper, Va.: I., 39; II., 39, 57, 228, 344; Meade's headquarters at, II., 345; streets of, III., 31; IV., 101; V., 34 seq.; mansion of J. M. Botts, VII., 195 seq.; John M. Botts and family, VII., 197; VIII., 124. Culpeper Court House, Culpeper, Va. : II.,