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John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Jennings Wise: Captain of the Blues (search)
Jennings Wise: Captain of the Blues I. I found in an old portfolio, the other day, the following slip from a Norfolk paper of the year 1862: The Confederate steamer Arrow arrived here this morning, from Currituck, having communicated with a steamer sent down to Roanoke Island under a flag of truce. She brought up the bodies of Captain O. J. Wise, Lieutenant William Selden, and Captain Coles. Captain Wise was pierced by three balls, and Lieutenant Selden was shot through the heaa contest so unequal! But who has fallen more honourably, more nobly? Young Selden, too, died at his gun, while gallantly fighting the enemy that had gathered in so superior numbers upon our shores. Last night, when the steamer arrived at Currituck, General Wise directed that the coffin containing the remains of his son be opened. Then, I learn from those who were present, a scene transpired that words cannot describe. The old hero bent over the body of his son, on whose pale face the f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
ll this, Davis, assuming the attitude of a Dictator, as he really was, with his usual haughty disregard of the opinions of others and the wishes of the people, promoted Benjamin to the position of Secretary of State. the insult was keenly felt, but the despotism of the conspirators was too powerful to allow much complaint from the outraged people. in his Report to General Huger, Wise said Roanoke Island was the key to all the defenses of Norfolk. It unlocked two sounds — Albemarle and Currituck; eight rivers — the North, West, Pasquotank, Perquimmons, little, Chowan, Roanoke. And Alligator; four canals — the Albemarle and Chesapeake, Dismal Swamp, North-West, and Suffolk; two railways — the Petersburg and Norfolk, and seaboard and Roanoke. At the same time it guarded four-fifths of the supplies for Norfolk. Its fall, Wise said, gave lodgment to the Nationals in a safe harbor from storms, and a command of the seaboard from Oregon Inlet to Cape Henry, at the entrance of Chesape
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 59: (search)
er American Coaster 350 00 119 27 230 73 do Oct. 19, 1863 Currituck. Ship Amelia $5,708.32 awarded to claimants. 30,446 list of the Currituck. 575 00 301 40 273 60 Washington   Currituck. Sloop Clara Ann. 1,300 75 308 12 992 63 do Jan. 11, 1e Fleet 3,105 79 574 83 2,530 96 Washington Nov. 20, 1863 Currituck.   Canoe, 1; flatboat, 1 Waiting for prize list of 249 93 679 47 do Feb. 15, 1865 Eureka, Yankee, Freeborn, Currituck, Commodore Read, Teazer, Fuchsia, Jacob Bell. Steamer ector 285 10 128 99 156 11 Washington May 4, 1862 Corwin, Currituck. Steamer Diamond 29,683 10 1,958 08 27,725 02 do Jan. chooner Hampton 5,586 42 684 80 4,901 62 do Jan. 11, 1864 Currituck. Schooner Henry Travers 7,648 76 1,142 61 6,506 15 Key32 1,526 40 Washington Oct.1 9, 1863 Primrose, Anacostia, Currituck, Satellite. Schooner Lookout 1,468 87 254 00 1,214 87 co, 18 boxes 329 14 95 23 233 91 Washington Oct. 19, 1863 Currituck, Anacostia. Schooner Three Brothers 320 00 116 92 203
ieves an attack would be useless, 796. Committee on Conduct of War sustains Butler regarding occupation of Manassas Junction, 223; examines Butler as to operations in Department of Gulf, 577. Conant, Captain, 480. Concord, N. H., President Pierce's home, 1020. Craig, Captain, Grant in office of, 868. Crimea, medal presented soldiers of, 742; Butler reads history of war, 868. Crispin, Captain, Commandant of U. S. Arsenal, 761. Crosby, Lieutenant, at Fort Hatteras, 284. Currituck, Union Gunboat, 617. Curtis, General, given reinforcements by Halleck, 457-459; proposed junction with Grant, 463; command drawn from Pittsburg trenches, 841. Curtis, Hon. B. R., 97; Counsel for President Johnson, 929-930. Cushing, Caleb, offers Butler a West Point appointment, 57; presides at Charleston Convention, 134; presides at Baltimore Convention, 144; in Mexican War, 303; refused army appointment by Andrew, 308; opinion regarding Trent affair, 318. Cushing, Lieut. J. W.
ssel, being say ten feet from one bank and six from the other. The machinery was entirely destroyed by the working party, the hull above water burnt and entirely consumed. A resident named Stone, having a store near this point, was interrogated, and stated that the force near was the remnant of the Wise Legion, commanded by Wise in person, and numbering about six hundred men. Capt. Graves, with a few men, followed their rear guard to the county bridge. This is the thoroughfare between Currituck and the upper counties, and there was a battery of three guns placed to command the canal and main road. The guard had been removed. In their haste they left the axes used in destroying the dredging-machine, some canteens, haversacks, and clothing. In fact, as a contraband deserter from the Legion at Elizabeth City told me: Ever since that fight in Western Virginia, in which we lost five hundred men, we have been running all the time, and now they will never stop until they get back to
Gov. Wise and his dead son.--The Norfolk correspondent of the Richmond Dispatch, under date of the 15th of February, writes: Last night, when the steamer arrived at Currituck, General Wise directed that the coffin containing the remains of his son be opened. Then, I learn from those who were present, a scene transpired that words cannot describe. The old hero bent over the body of his son, on whose pale face the full moon threw its light, kissed the cold brow many times, and exclaimed, in an agony of emotion: 0 my brave boy! you have died for me, you have died for me! That powerful old hero of Eastern Virginia, as famous for the generous impulses of his soul as for his indomitable bravery and prowess-recovering now from his illness — and nerved, perchance, more strongly by the great loss he has sustained, will fight the enemy with an energy and a determination that will scarcely be successfully resisted by the congregating enemies of freedom and humanity.
mo, Where the red Indian children play. And swearing never to forget The faith he pledged the tawny chief, They smoked the first tobacco leaf In the all-hallowed calumet. Alas! for Christian oath and plight, His holy vow the Briton broke, And murdered in a single night, The native Lords of Roanoke. The wild duck flocked the sound astir, The bear looked out from Secotan-- They saw no living human man, But only where the ashes were. And never more the yellow maize Flecked half the fields of Currituck-- The isle was seared by some ill luck Till after many weary days. Still might the squaw and hunter dwell-- Nor had the pale face need to go Far from the sunny Pamlico-- If but each trusted each as well. They spurn the pleasant homes they hold: The old, old peace they ruthly broke, And wandered vainly after gold Far up the stream of Roanoke. Those savage times have waned apace, The piney isle no red men tread, Their wigwams and their wives are dead, And war has blackened all the place; For
howing where the slaves had run away before the spring-work was done. The houses were generally closed, and a Sabbath silence brooded over the land. It was evidently one of the richest agricultural regions in the State, and even now was filled with plenty. But next year, with their slaves all gone, these wealthy planters must starve, or else put their own shoulders to the wheel. Some time after dark we came in sight of Captain Fry's picket-fires, and half an hour subsequently entered Currituck, having marched sixteen miles in five hours. The weather was exceedingly cold, and camp-fires were speedily blazing about the three houses constituting the village. The next day Colonel Draper obtained permission from the General to attempt the capture of Captain Grandy's guerrilla camp, concerning the location of which he had obtained reliable information. Taking with him one hundred and sixty men, he proceeded back on the road travelled last night as far as Sligo. Here, turning into
er, that if the Yankee scoundrels had been at home attending to their own business, Plymouth would not have been disturbed. The burden of the sin rests, therefore, upon the brutal invaders of a peaceful and peace-loving people. May I not hope that your Excellency, the Military Governor of North-Carolina, having rebuked confederate atrocities, will devote a portion of your valuable time to the excesses of the infernal Yankees? In the gubernatorial peregrinations of your Excellency from Currituck to Cherokee — the seaboard to the mountains — you must have been struck with the remarkable fact that there are more houses burnt in a few eastern counties than in all the rest of the great State over which your Excellency presides. It is observable that the counties so desolated are those in which the Yankee friends of your Excellency have been able to penetrate. Your Yankee master, Foster, is accustomed to make raids whenever he learns that his forces exceed the confederate five to o
x on Sewell's Point, and also considers any operation on Norfolk from here impracticable while the Merrimac is extant. He says he is responsible to the country for keeping down the Merrimac, and has perfect confidence that he can do it, but cannot spare from here anything except the following: Victoria--two eight-inch guns and one thirty-two-pound Parrott; Anacostia, Freeborn, Island Belle--Potomac fleet; Octoroon--not yet arrived; Fox calls her a regular gunboat of four guns; Currituck--merchant steamer like the Potomac gunboats, I suppose; Daylight--merchant steamer like the Potomac gunboats, I suppose; and two regular gunboats — the Chocorua, not yet arrived, and the Penobscot, here — these two carrying each two eleven-inch guns. He says he can't furnish vessels to attack Yorktown simultaneously, but he thinks what you propose is easily done; that the vessels he mentions are fully adequate to cover a landing, and that, with a landing and an advance from here, Yor
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