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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 1 1 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 1 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource] 1 1 Browse Search
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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 11: operations in Southern Tennessee and Northern Mississippi and Alabama. (search)
chin had large supplies. This expedition was arranged before Halleck arrived, and was successfully carried out, after which such demonstrations ceased for a while. No movement of importance was again made toward Corinth until about the first of May, when Monterey, nine or ten miles in that direction, was occupied by National troops. General Pope had arrived in the mean time, April 22, 1862. with the Army of Missouri, twenty-five thousand strong, and these, with some regiments from Curtis, in Arkansas, made Halleck's forces a little over one hundred thousand in number. General Mitchel, in the mean time, with his few troops and the cordial assistance of the negroes, who acted as spies and informers, General Mitchel informed the writer, late in the summer of that year, that he could not have held the railway from Tuscumbia to Stevenson so long as he did, had it not been for the assistance of the negroes. He found, near Huntsville, an intelligent one who was a carpenter. Havin
l M. L. Smith's brigade moved rapidly down the main road, entering the first redoubt of the enemy at 7 A. M. It was completely evacuated, and by 8 A. M. all my division was at Corinth and beyond. The force of General Beauregard was less than forty-five thousand effective men. He estimated that of the enemy to be between eighty-five and ninety thousand men. All the troops of the enemy in reserve in Arkansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and Illinois were brought forward, except the force of Curtis, in Arkansas, and placed in front of our position. No definite idea of their number was formed. In the opinion of Beauregard, a general attack was not to be hazarded; on May 3d, however, an advance was made to attack the corps of General Pope, when only one of his divisions was in position, and that gave way so rapidly it could not be overtaken. Again on May 9th an advance was made, hoping to surprise the enemy. But a division, which should have been in position at three o'clock in the mornin
an expediton to Mesquite Inlet, Florida. The captured steamer Magnolia arrived a New Fork on Monday, with 1,050 bales cotton. It is reported from Nashville that there will be concentrated in Tennessee a rebel force of 200,000, and that the impending battle will be the most important one of the war. The Herald says that Virginia will be conquered without much bloodshed. The New York stocks are languishing.--Cotton has slightly declined, sales at 28 cents. Gen. Curtis, in Arkansas, has issued a special order emancipating three slaves, on account of their being employed in the rebel service. The Baltimore American of Wednesday says that next month will end the active fighting. Afterwards there will be nothing to do but to restore order. It predicts that the next battle will be at Corinth, and says that Van Dorn and Price are moving to Memphis, to help Beauregard. The siege of island No.10 was progressing. The rebels had increased their defences.