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Davis, Colonel B. F., death at Fleet.
wood, 313.
Davis, Jefferson, at Manassas, 58.
Deep Bottom—see Petersburg.
Despondency of the North at the close of 1861, 78.
Detached columns of d Kautz, 513; losses of preliminary operations, 514; the lines of both armies described, 515; Deep Bottom, Hancock's expedition to, 519; Deep Bottom, Hancock's secret return to Petersburg lines, 520;Deep Bottom, Hancock's secret return to Petersburg lines, 520; Lee's diversion against Baltimore and Washington—see Early, 526; Deep Bottom, Hancock's second expedition, 529; summer and autumn operations against Petersburg and Richmond, 529; Weldon Railroad, WaDeep Bottom, Hancock's second expedition, 529; summer and autumn operations against Petersburg and Richmond, 529; Weldon Railroad, Warren's seizure of during Deep Bottom operations, 532; Weldon Railroad, Warren's capture, and Confederate efforts to retake, 533; Peeble's Farm, movement by the left, 539; turning movement on SouthsidDeep Bottom operations, 532; Weldon Railroad, Warren's capture, and Confederate efforts to retake, 533; Peeble's Farm, movement by the left, 539; turning movement on Southside Railroad (for further—see Southside Railroad), 540; Fort Harrison carried by Butler, 540; Butler at battle of Chapin's Farm, 540; Chapin's Farm, capture of Fort Harrison by Butler, 540; Southside R<