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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
a Court House on the Danville Railroad about equidistant from Richmond and Petersburg. Those with whom we had been principally engaged, Pickett's and Bushrod Johnson's Divisions, with Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry, moved up the south side of the Appomattox, closely followed by us. The cavalry ahead were pressing on the enemy's rear all day, and just at dusk of the evening came upon a strong line of Lee's cavalry with Hunton's and Wise's infantry brigades boldly confronting us at the crossing of Deep Creek. The cavalry had forced them away in a sharp engagement before we got up to share in it. We could not help admiring the courage and pluck of these poor fellows, now so broken and hopeless, both for their cause and for themselves. A long and hard road was before them, whatever fate should be at the end of it. We had a certain pride in their manliness, and a strong fellow-feeling, however determined we were to destroy the political pretension which they had accepted as their cause. Before
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 18: battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
es were so wide that we had no guns which would do effective firing across them, while the enemy's heavy guns from the north bank of the river completely swept the whole of our front, and reached over beyond our line. On the morning of the 11th of December the enemy commenced his movement, and by the use of his artillery drove the regiments which were guarding the river from its banks after an obstinate resistance, and succeeded in laying down their pontoon bridges, one at the mouth of Deep Creek, and the other two at Fredericksburg. The first was laid early in the afternoon, but the latter two not until near night, and during night and the next day the enemy crossed in heavy force. On the afternoon of the 12th I received an order from General Jackson to move at once to the vicinity of Hamilton's Crossing, which I did by marching nearly all night, and a short — time before day I bivouacked some two miles in rear of the crossing where the division had a little time to rest. At
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Chapter 20: battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
neutralize if united to the army near Chancellorsville. It is true that there was the force massed near Falmouth and the indications were that it was moving above, but still there was a much larger force of infantry stationed below, which evinced no disposition to move. While we were conversing, information was brought me that the enemy had abandoned his lower crossing, and that our skirmishers had advanced tothe Pratt house, but he still, however, maintained his position at the mouth of Deep Creek with a division of infantry and a number of guns on our side of the river. The orders as delivered to me left me no discretion, and believing that General Lee understood his own necessities better than I possibly could, I did not feel justified in acting on my own judgment, and I therefore determined to move as directed. It subsequently turned out that Colonel Chilton had misunderstood General Lee's orders, which were that I should make the movement indicated if the enemy did not have
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
s Battalion, 198 Dabney, Major, 78 Dams, 59, 60, 63, 72, 80, 81, 109 Dance, Captain, 241, 307, 308, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315 Daniel, General, 346 Daniel, Major J. W., 187, 310, 314, 349, 359, 473, 474, 479, 480 Danville, 104 D'Aquin, Captain, 176, 180 Darien, 260 Darkesville, 283, 413 Davis, Eugene, 4 Davis, General, 353 Davis, President, Jefferson, 27, 45, 56, 473 Death of Jackson, 235 Delaware, 45, 157 Dement, Captain, 97, 98, 108, 111, 176, 179 Deep Creek, 170, 201 Deep Run, 167, 168, 193, 194, 198, 199, 202, 205, 206, 209, 211, 221 Department of the Gulf, 418 Department of Northern Virginia, 51 Department of Southwestern Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, 461 Department of Susquehanna, 417, 418, 419 Department of Washington, 344, 417, 418, 419 Department of Western Virginia, 417, 418, 419 Dillstown, 255 Dix, General (U. S. A.), 51 Dogan House, 26 Doles, General, 267, 268, 346, 363 Douglas, Colonel, 108, 109, 112,
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, The capture of Petersburg-meeting President Lincoln in Petersburg-the capture of Richmond --pursuing the enemy-visit to Sheridan and Meade (search)
t they would be uninterrupted. Humphreys, who was far ahead, was also out of rations. They did not succeed in getting them up through the night; but the Army of the Potomac, officers and men, were so elated by the reflection that at last they were following up a victory to its end, that they preferred marching without rations to running a possible risk of letting the enemy elude them. So the march was resumed at three o'clock in the morning. Merritt's cavalry had struck the enemy at Deep Creek, and driven them north to the Appomattox, where, I presume, most of them were forced to cross. On the morning of the 4th I learned that Lee had ordered rations up from Danville for his famishing army, and that they were to meet him at Farmville. This showed that Lee had already abandoned the idea of following the railroad down to Danville, but had determined to go farther west, by the way of Farmville. I notified Sheridan of this and directed him to get possession of the road before
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 22: battle of Fredericksburg. (search)
As Barksdale's brigade withdrew, he was relieved at the sunken road by the Eighteenth and Twenty-fourth Georgia Regiments and Cobb's Georgia Legion, General T. R. R. Cobb in command. The Third Grand Division had no severe work in laying the bridges below Deep Run, and were ready for cooperation some hours in advance of the right. The Federals occupied the 12th in moving the Right Grand Division into the city by the upper bridges, and the Left Grand Division by the bridges below Deep Creek. One hundred and four guns crossed with the right, one hundred and twenty with the left. The Centre Grand Division was held in reserve. Two divisions of the Third Corps were sent to the lower bridges during the night to support the battle of the left, and were ordered over on the 13th. The plan of battle by the Federal commander, in brief, was to drive the Confederate right back into the highlands and follow that success by attacking the Confederate left by his Right Grand Division.
General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 18 (search)
ee colors and nearly three hundred prisoners taken; but the enemy soon returned in large force, made a determined assault, and compelled Birney to abandon the works he had captured. He succeeded, however, in holding the enemy's intrenched picket-line. In the mean time the enemy brought up a sufficient force to check the advance of Gregg and Miles and compel them to withdraw from their position. Our troops fell back in perfect order, retiring by successive lines. Gregg took up a line on Deep Creek. That evening the enemy made a heavy attack on him, but only succeeded in forcing him back a short distance. The fighting had been desperate, and all the officers present had suffered greatly from their constant exposure to the heavy fire of the enemy in their efforts to hold the men to their work and add as much as possible to the success of the movements. This day's fighting was known as the battle of Newmarket Heights. In these engagements I was fortunate enough to be able to render
ust before night, but his main column, retreating along the river road south of the Appomattox, had got across Namozine Creek, and the darkness prevented our doing more than to pick up some stragglers. The next morning the pursuit was resumed, the cavalry again in advance, the Fifth Corps keeping up with it all the while, and as we pressed our adversaries hundreds and hundreds of prisoners, armed and unarmed, fell into our hands, together with many wagons and five pieces of artillery. At Deep Creek the rear-guard turned on us, and a severe skirmish took place. Merritt, finding the enemy very strong, was directed to await the arrival of Crook and for the rear division of the Fifth Corps; but by the time they reached the creek, darkness had again come to protect the Confederates, and we had to be content with meagre results at that point. From the beginning it was apparent that Lee, in his retreat, was making for Amelia Court House, where his columns north and south of the Appomat
m the impoverished, exhausted country. And, while Lee halted here, throughout the 4th and 5th, trying to gather from any and every quarter the means of feeding his famished men, Sheridan, moving rapidly westward by roads considerably south of Amelia C. H., had struck the Danville railroad at Jetersville, while his advance had swept down that road nearly to Burkesville, scattering by the way such portions of the Rebel cavalry as had fled west-ward from their discomfiture at Five Forks. At Deep creek, a considerable force of infantry was encountered, April 3. and ultimately driven by the 5th corps. Concentrating at Jetersville, Sheridan had here planted him-self across the railroad, intrenched his infantry, and, supported by his cavalry, prepared to stop Lee's entire force, until Grant and Meade, pursuing, should be able to overtake and crush him. Meade, with the 2d and 6th corps, came up late on the 5th, while Lee was still at Amelia C. H. Thus the provisions which the Confederate
Va., June 19, 1863 2 Hanover C. H., Va., May 29, 1864 2 Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 7 Upperville, Va., June 20, 1863 1 Stony Creek, Va., June 28, 1864 2 Deep Creek, Va., April 3, 1865 6 Jones's Cross Roads, Va., July 10, ‘63 2 Ream's Station, Va., June 29, 1864 4 Appomattox, Va., April 8, 1865 2 Brandy Station, Va., SepVa., June 9, 1863 17 Yellow Tavern, Va., May 11, 1864 1 Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 6 Gettysburg, Pa., July 1, 1863 6 Meadow Bridge, Va., May 13, 1864 2 Deep Creek, Va., April 3, 1865 1 Williamsport, Md., July 6, 1863 2 Cold Harbor, Va., June 2, 1864 3 Namozine Church, Va., April 3, ‘65 3 Boonsboro, Md,, July 8, 1863 5 lin, Va., March 17, 1863 3 Petersburg, Va., June 9, 1864 5 Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 7 Suffolk, Va., April 13, 1863 1 Petersburg, Va., June 15, 1864 1 Deep Creek, Va., April 3, 1863 1 Suffolk, Va., April 15, 1863 2 Staunton Bridge, June 27, 1864 3 Andersonville Prison 1 Carrsville, Va., May 17, 1863 1 Fair Oaks, Va.,