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ion, supplies and clothing, they moved on to Nashville, the advance corps reaching that place on thgetting nearly around to the pike leading to Nashville, when Gen. Rosecrans appeared in person, and. This regiment left the camp in front of Nashville, with the brigade, on the morning of Decembeion of the Seventh Pennsylvania, hack on the Nashville road to operate against Wheeler's cavalry, wFourteenth army corps, from the advance from Nashville on the Twenty-Sixth December, 1862, includinolunteers, under my command, left camp, near Nashville, on the twenty-sixth ult., early in the mornom Louisville to Crab Orchard, and thence to Nashville, have been regarded nearly unendurable by ne nineteen enlisted men known to have gone to Nashville. Respectfully, Major J. M. Kirby, Commanded my forge into the train which started for Nashville, and it was captured and turned. During ty, had moved down the Murfreesboro road from Nashville, and we came upon it at Stewart's Creek. Gen[30 more...]
23d Feb. 1863. sir: On the twenty-sixth of December last, the enemy advanced in force from Nashville to attack us at Murfreesboro. It had been well ascertained that his strength was over sixty tam, occupying the entire front of our infantry and covering all approaches within ten miles of Nashville. Buford's small cavalry brigade of about six hundred at McMinnville. The brigades of Forrest. In a short time reports from the cavalry informed me that heavy trains were moving toward Nashville, some of the wagons loaded, and all the ambulances filled with wounded. These were attacked ad, felt, said, believed, hoped. I will tell you how it happened. The Yankees came out from Nashville a week ago yesterday, with baggage marked to Bridgeport and Chattanooga. A column confrontein the morning when the battle opened. That is to say, he was not driven back westwardly upon Nashville. We seemed to have made a pivot of the right of our centre, and turned our line upon it, and
Report of General Negley. headquarters United States forces, camp Nashville, Tenn., November 5, 1862. sir: This morning at two o'clock Forrest's rebel cav five killed, and nineteen wounded. He then burnt an old railroad building in Edgefield, and retreated to Gallatin. Finding the enemy on the south taking a positiTo Lieut.-Col. Ducat, Chief of Staff. Philadelphia press account. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 6, 1862. The rebels have at last made a demonstration upon this cdingly hilarious, and some of the more bold of that class have made bets that Nashville would fall before the arrival of Rosecrans. I heard a man say, on Sunday nigousand five hundred cavalry, came dashing down the Gallatin pike, and through Edgefield, capturing all of our pickets across the river, consisting of companies D, F,rebels arrived within gunshot, Colonel Smith's regiment, which is encamped in Edgefield, was in line of battle, most of his men having but little clothing on. Morgan
Doc. 46.-skirmish at, Rural hills, Tenn. Louisville Journal account. camp of Twenty-Third brigade, Fifth division, near Stone River, Tenn., November 22. the following little affair is probably worth writing you about. On last Monday two hundred men and officers of the Eighth Kentucky regiment, under Lieut. Col. May, were detached to guard a train of supplies to Col. Hawkins's (Fourteenth) brigade, then stationed some seventeen miles to the south-east of Nashville, at a point called Rural Hills, and fortunately reached there without casualty or molestation. It had rained all day, and Col. Hawkins did us the favor to give us the use of an old shed and buildings, constructed for camp-meeting purposes, situated about one hundred and seventy-five yards in front of his right, for our quarters for the night, assuring us that his picket-lines were strong. The night passed, and Tuesday morning dawned with favorable auspices for a rencounter with the rebels — wet and misty. An
trip from Dechard, rejoined us, and we were again in tents, after having been without them for ten days. From September seventh to the fourteenth, we were in Nashville, engaged in guarding the city, and in fatigue duties upon the extensive fortifications then being erected. On Sabbath afternoon, September fourteenth, by the approbation of Gen. Stedman, I secured one of the principal churches in Nashville, for the special use of our brigade, where we could have preaching every Sabbath, in a place dedicated to the worship of God, instead of being exposed to all the inconveniences of field-preaching. While thus dreaming, in common with the whole regiment, that we should spend many months in Nashville, the order came at three o'clock P. M. on that day, that we must march for Louisville, Ky., in one hour, with five days rations in our haversacks, leaving our tents all standing. This order came like a thunderbolt upon us. But such a folding of blankets, filling knapsacks and have
lo, Mississippi, through the States of Alabama and Georgia, reached Chattanooga in advance of Gen. Buell, turned his left, and, rapidly crossing the State of Tennessee, entered Kentucky by Munfordsville and Lebanon. Gen. Buell fell back upon Nashville, without giving the enemy battle — then followed, or rather moved parallel with Bragg, who, after capturing our garrison at Munfordsville, turned off from the main road to Louisville, along which Gen. Buell passed — the latter reaching Louisvil numbers engaged or the losses on either side have been received. After this battle, the main army of the Rebels retreated to East-Tennessee; Gen. Buell pursued it as far as Mount Vernon or London, then fell back to the line from Louisville to Nashville. Here Major-General Rosecrans superseded him in the command by the orders of the President. As the Secretary of War has ordered a military commission to investigate the operations of Gen. Buell in this campaign, it would be obviously improper
Doc. 65.-battle at Hartsville, Tenn. Cincinnati Gazette account. Nashville, Tenn., December 14. in a letter dated the eighth instant, I gave you such imperfect accounts of the affair at Hartsville, as had then come to hand, mentally resolving that I would write no more about it until I should be in possession of a suat was roasted. The day following, at about meridian, they reached Murfreesboro, where they were paroled. On Wednesday morning, they were sent under guard to Nashville. Before their arrival at Murfreesboro, their overcoats were taken from them, and within three miles of our lines on the return their blankets were demanded and given up. The distance of thirty miles to Nashville was made that night. The men of the One Hundred and Fourth think they have had a pretty hard time of it; but it is harder for them to rest under the suspicion that they have not done their duty, or have done it indifferently well. They point to their decimated ranks and their
Rebels reports and Narratives. General Bragg's report. Murfreesboro, December 8, 1862. An expedition sent under acting Brigadier-General John H. Morgan, attacked an outpost of the enemy at Hartsville, on the Cumberland, yesterday morning, killed and wounded two hundred, captured eighteen hundred prisoners, two pieces of artillery, and two thousand small arms, and all other stores at the position. On the previous day a small foraging train was captured by General Wheeler, near Nashville, with fifty prisoners, and on the fifth Colonel Reddy's Alabama cavalry also captured a train near Corinth, with its escorts and a number of negroes. Our loss at Hartsville about one hundred and twenty-five killed and wounded. None at either of the above places. Braxton Bragg, General Commanding. General S. Cooper, Richmond. General Bragg's order. headquarters Department no. 2. Murfreesboro, December 12, 1862. General order no. 156. With pride and pleasure, mingled with grati
Doc. 66.-fight near La Vergne, Tenn. in camp near Nashville, Tennessee, Saturday, December 13, 1862. I propose to give full particulars of the fight at La Vergne, as witnessed by a participant in the exciting scene. The Thirty-fifth Indiana, Fifty-first Ohio, Eighth and Twenty-first Kentucky infantry, with two guns of Swallow's Seventh Indiana battery, went out beyond our picket-lines to escort fifty wagons on a foraging expedition. They ventured as far as Stone's River, four milehe highest encomiums of praise for resisting the enemy at great odds — maintaining their position under a murderous fire of musketry, and returning volley for volley, working destruction in the enemy's lines. Col. S. W. Price being called to Nashville on business, the command of the Twenty-first Kentucky devolved on Lieut.-Col. J. C. Evans, who stood firmly at his post in the trying hour, and our favorite, Adjutant Scott Dudley, unconscious of self, stood up boldly, cheering the boys by exam
Doc. 67.-fight near Brentville, Tennessee. Colonel Martin's report. headquarters Thirty-Second brigade, camp near Nashville, Tennessee, December 9, 1862. Lieutenant T. W. Morrison, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Ninth Division. I have the honor to report that in obedience to order from headquarters Ninth division, I ordered the Twenty-Fifth regiment Illinois volunteers, Lieut.-Col. McClelland, and the Eighth Kansas battalion, Capt. Block, to proceed on a reconnoisance to the front, in the division of Franklin, at two o'clock P. M. to-day. The command left promptly at the hour, and I rode with it as far as the outside pickets, which had a short time before been fired into by a small body of the enemy. Here I received an order from headquarters to send out another regiment, and a section of artillery, and in compliance I immediately ordered the Eighty-first Indiana volunteers, Major Woodbury, and two pieces of Capt. Carpenter's Eighth Wisconsin battery, to join the re