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William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 2: (search)
ns, at least now. A much more feasible plan is to move up the Cumberland and Tennessee, making Nashville the present objective point. This would threaten Columbus, and force the abandonment of Bowlieneral McClellan to move around the right flank of the rebels at Bowling Green, and advance on Nashville, while supplies and troops from Halleck should move up the Cumberland, guarded by the fleet. where the railroad between those points crosses the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers, including Nashville and the fortified points below, It is, I have no doubt, within bounds to estimate their force s line was broken at Henry and Donelson, when he let go Bowling Green and fell back hastily to Nashville, and on Buell's approach he did not even tarry there, but continued his retreat southward. General Buell. Muldraugh's Hill is about forty miles south of Louisville, on the railroad to Nashville, and was one of the first points of consequence occupied on that line by the Union forces. Ge
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 4: (search)
he battle at Iuka, he says: In the early part of September the enemy in our front manifested great activity, feeling with cavalry at all points, and on the 13th General Van Dorn threatened Corinth, while General Price seized the town of Iuka, which was promptly abandoned by a small garrison under Colonel Murphy. Price's force was about eight thousand men, and the general impression was that he was en route for Eastport, with the purpose to cross the Tennessee River in the direction of Nashville, in aid of General Bragg, then in full career for Kentucky. General Grant determined to attack him in force, prepared to regain Corinth before Van Dorn could reach it. He had drawn Ord to Corinth, and moved him by Burnsville on Iuka, by the main road twenty-six miles. General Grant accompanied this column as far as Burnsville. At the same time he had dispatched Rosecrans by roads to the south, via Jacinto, with orders to approach Iuka by the two main roads coming into Iuka from the sou
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 6: (search)
drove him into Chattanooga. The whole country seemed paralyzed by this unhappy event; and the authorities in Washington were thoroughly stampeded. From the East the Eleventh Corps (Slocum) and the Twelfth Corps (Howard) were sent by rail to Nashville, and forward under command of General Hooker. Orders were also sent to General Grant by Halleck to send what reenforcements he could spare immediately toward Chattanooga. Bragg had completely driven Rosecrans' army into Chattanooga. The la like Sherman or McPherson should be selected. H. W. Halleck, Major-General. On the 29th of September Hooker reported the head of his column passing from Cincinnati to Louisville, and on the 2d of October he telegraphed Mr. Stanton from Nashville: The last of the infantry of the Eleventh Corps reached their destination yesterday. The Twelfth are now passing through this city. Washington, September 30, 1863. Major-General Hurlbut, Memphis. * * * * All available forces must be
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 8: (search)
ommand of the Military Division of the Mississippi, General Thomas, who was in command of the Army of the Cumberland at Chattanooga, telegraphed General Grant at Nashville, proposing the following plan for a Spring campaign: I believe if I can commence the campaign with the Fourteenth and Fourth Corps in front, with Howard's cont as soon as the Spring opened sufficiently to admit of it. On the 17th of March General Grant was made Lieutenant-General, and was succeeded in command at Nashville by General Sherman. In the same report General Thomas continues: Shortly after his assignment to the command of the Military Division of the Mississippi, Geood spirits and condition. I hope Johnston will fight here instead of drawing me far down into Georgia. On the 9th he telegraphed General J. D. Webster, at Nashville: Have been fighting all day against rocks and defiles. General McPherson was at 2 P. M. within two miles of Resaca, and will there break the road, and leave
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 11: (search)
force when the reenforcements ordered reach Nashville. * * * * From General Corse, at Rome, I l On the 16th I telegraphed General Thomas at Nashville: Send me Morgan's and Newton's old divisiing the excellent forts that already covered Nashville. At Chattanooga he had General Steedman's ders Military division of the Mississippi, Nashville, Tenn., January 15, 1864. Major-General Hallecks needed to guard the roads and bridges from Nashville south, both by way of Decatur and of Stevensent a letter to General Banks before leaving Nashville, directing him to finish his present expedierman a copy of the letter to Halleck, dated Nashville, January 15th, General Grant, a few days afters Military division of the Mississippi, Nashville, Tenn., April 5, 1864. Colonel C. B. Comstock, ers Military division of the Mississippi, Nashville, Tenn., April 10, 1864. Lieutenant-General U. Smine which course Hood would take—advance on Nashville, or turn toward Huntsville. Under the circu[20 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 12: (search)
to come from Missouri; he had bridge-guards distributed over four railroads, and small garrisons in a dozen towns. In Nashville he had quartermasters' employes to man the forts; and to meet Hood's twelve thousand well-equipped and enthusiastic cavd Franklin and defeated Hood, will not be forgotten. The very day he fought there, Smith's veterans began to arrive at Nashville, and the next night Schofield and Smith had made the concentration complete at the latter place. Then came storms and d him, and the War Department had telegraphed Thomas: War Department, December 15, 1864. Major-General Thomas, Nashville. I rejoice in tendering to you and the gallant officers and soldiers of your command the thanks of this department fn after the lapse of so many years, General Sherman would not introduce matter reflecting upon Thomas, whose victory at Nashville furnished the only justification for the March to the Sea. How far he does violence to so charitable a supposition wil
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 13: (search)
r he entered Savannah to General Webster, at Nashville, Sherman said in a letter, referred to in thby the news of final and complete victory at Nashville. This victory was full deliverance for Gene strong army, capable, not only of defending Nashville, but of beating Hood in the open field. Yet Thomas remained inside of Nashville, seemingly passive, until General Hood had closed upon him andthe highest terms. His brilliant victory at Nashville was necessary to mine at Savannah to make a nstructed General Thomas to hold defensively Nashville, Chattanooga, and Decatur, all strongly forto thousand. Thomas was instructed to hold Nashville defensively. To write at this late day ofecember 23, 1864. General J. D. Webster, Nashville, Tenn. Dear General: Major Dixon arrived last general advance, to fall back slowly toward Nashville, fighting till he should be reenforced by Geuregard (Hood) would attempt to work against Nashville: I can hardly believe that Beauregard wo[23 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 14: (search)
r the apparent slowness of General Thomas at Nashville, can now be clearly traced. They sprung direadquarters Department of the Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn., November 25, 1864, 11 A. M. Lieutenant as, Major-General Volunteers commanding. Nashville, December 1, 1864, 9:30 P. M. Major-GeneralI thought it best to draw the troops back to Nashville and await the arrival of the remainder of Ge8, 7:30 P. M. Major-General Geo. H. Thomas, Nashville. Your dispatch of yesterday received. Itm. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General. Nashville, Tenn., December 8, 1864, 11:30 P. M. Lieutenan0:30 A. M. Major-General Geo. H. Thomas, Nashville, Tenn. Lieutenant-General Grant expresses mucts. U. S. Grant, Lieutenant-General Nashville, Tenn., December 11, 1864, 10:30 P. M Lieutenanon why the movement was not made: Nashville, Tenn., December 12, 1864, 10:30 P. M. Major-GeVolunteers, will proceed immediately to Nashville, Tennessee, reporting by telegraph to the Lieutena[43 more...]
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 19: (search)
nd of one of the new regiments from that State. Whereupon General Sherman issued the following order: [special field orders no. 98.] headquarters Military division of the Mississippi, in the field, Summerville, Ga., October 19, 1864. 1st. Lieutenant-Colonel Willard Warner, acting Inspector-General on the staff of this military division, having been appointed colonel of the One-Hundred and Eightieth Ohio, is hereby relieved from duty at these headquarters, and will proceed to Nashville and assume command of his new regiment. 2d. The General commanding thanks Colonel Warner for his most zealous and intelligent service during the past campaign, compliments him on his good sense in preferring service with troops to staff duty, and predicts for him the highest success in his professional career. By order of Major-General W. T. Sherman. Colonel Warner was an able and gallant officer. As lieutenant-colonel of an Ohio regiment, he was detailed for duty on the staff
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 20: (search)
in February Thomas was arranging the details of the move as far as Atlanta. The records show further, that on the 10th of September Grant suggested a move from Atlanta on Augusta or Savannah, instead of Mobile, since the control of the latter had passed into the hands of the Union forces. Concerning Savannah, the records reveal an escape of Hardee with ten thousand, from Sherman's sixty thousand, without disclosing even a plausible excuse. Here the Memoirs show Sherman looking back to Nashville, from whence alone, through defeat of Hood, could come a success that should vindicate his March to the Sea, and finding fault with Thomas, who, though crippled in all ways by Sherman, was through superhuman efforts there, saving him from the jeers of the Nation. In treating of Savannah, he also attacks Mr. Stanton for carelessness in connection with the captured cotton, and transactions relating thereto, while the records show not only that he had absolutely no foundation for his charg