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A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: April 7, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Peter Roome, Discharged for disability. Geo. Morse, Wm. Emery, Wm. Pinkerton. Discharged for disability. Additional members. Allen, Erasmus D. Beattie, Jas. Bird, Chas. C. Brusseau, October. Carroll, Jno. W. Clancy, Jeremiah. Wounded. Clifford, Richard. Cross, Fred K. Died since muster out. Deveon, Clement. Doolan, Patrick. Dustin, Redford. Dupee, Louis. Ellis, Obed. Essler, Jno. Died since muster out. Esterbrook, Wm. H. Eton, Edwin D. Fannin, Joseph. Fischer, Henry B. Gardiner, Jno. Galliff, Geo. H. Gordon, Jno. Killed or died in hospital. Griffin, Ira. Hall, Albert F. Killed or died in hospital. Hatch, Albert P. Helmer, J. Herron, Wm. Hewitt, Chas. B. Higgins, Fred T. Horrigan, Jno. Horrigan, Michael. Holden, Jas. Hudson, Wm. J. Huntington, Chas. Irish, Millard F. Isaacs, Wm. H. Killed or died in hospital. Kelly, Michael. Kelly, Patrick.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1852. (search)
character than most of the companions of his early years. But through all this somewhat tardy growth there worked a steady and ripening purpose of self-development, which seemed almost to have been born in him, and which gradually brought order out of the chaos of his boyish nature. He became a pupil of the Latin School of Boston at the age of ten. The good influences upon his nature here were twofold. The admirable drill which gives this school a fair rivalry in exact scholarship with Eton or Harrow, taught him by degrees to know his own powers of study; and though he did not attain eminence in mere rank, yet he learned those habits of thoroughness which it is the pride of the school to convey. It was good seed in good ground. But his ambition went beyond this; and while he gradually gained in scholarship, his conscientious and singularly systematic habits made the wide general reading in which he indulged an education in itself. His moral and physical development, moreover
nd make a speech, and tell them who he was, for he doubted whether more than two of the electors had ever heard of him, and he thought there might be as many as six or eight who had heard of me." He introduced the lecture just mentioned with a reference to his late electioneering failure, which was full of good sense, good spirits, and good humor. He had a particular delight in boys and an excellent way with them. I remember his once asking me with fantastic gravity, when he had been at Eton, where my oldest boy then was, whether I felt as he did in regard of never seeing a boy with out wanting instantly to give him a sovereign. I thought of this when I looked down into his grave, after he was laid there, for I looked down into it over the shoulder of a boy to whom he had been kind. These are slight remembrances; but it is to little familiar things, suggestive of the voice, look, manner never, never more to be encountered on this earth, that the mind first turns in a bereav