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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Clark (North Carolina, United States) or search for Clark (North Carolina, United States) in all documents.

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The capture of Forts in North Carolina. We publish, this morning the enemy's version of the attack upon Forts Clark and Hatteras, in North Carolina. The affair is made the most of at the North, and the Yankees will rejoice over it until they receive another Manassas rout at the hands of the Confederates, by which time they will learn that the capture of two mud fortifications is not the capture of the South. Nevertheless, the loss of some of our good men is a source of deep regret, and vigorous strokes will now be the policy of our Government. The Petersburg Express, of yesterday, says all was quiet at Beaufort and Fort Macon on Monday. The Yankee fleet had made no hostile demonstration, and from the very respectful distance which the vessels maintained, it was thought that the Yankees were not over anxious to get within range of the guns of the fort. A gentleman of this city, who left Newbern, N. C., on Monday morning, informs us that the Confederate steamer Winslo
The invasion of North Carolina. Federal Account of the Capture of Forts Clark and Hatteras. We have received the Federal accounts of the expedition to the coast of North Carolina, and its results. The location of Hatteras Inlet being a m and reinforcements for further operations in North Carolina. The expedition reached its destination on Tuesday. Forts Clark and Hatteras were bombarded on Wednesday, and on Friday at 11 A. M. the Confederates unconditionally surrendered. We rs in the Sound, prior to the capitulation. Only two killed were found, and these were discovered in the out-houses of Fort Clark the day of the evacuation of that work. I understand from Surgeon Wyatt and Mr. Brown, formerly of the United Statss and Lieut. Creigel, proceeded up the beach, capturing one brass field-piece and a horse. The force then advanced to Fort Clark, which had been evacuated, but they were compelled to retire again, owing to the shells fired from the fleet falling th