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ry for help, and quickly stepped to a place in the front rank of her brave defenders. His well-tried associate in battling against wrong, Mr. Dalby, was left behind now, only because he was physically unable to march to the rescue. Before entering the army of the Union, Mr. Geer had spent some ten years in the ministry, in and around the city of Cincinnati. During that time he received about eleven hundred members into the church. He was eminently successful as a revivalist. When Fort Sumpter was fired upon, he was stationed as pastor of the George Street Methodist Protestant Church, in Cincinnati. When the news of the outrage was received at the Queen City, the pastor of George Street Church vowed he was a United States soldier until either himself or the rebellion should be crushed. He began recruiting at once for the Army of Freedom, and was as successful as he had been in marshaling forces for the Army of Peace. Until this time he had been unwilling to interfere with
careful how you talk, sir. Turning to a rebel officer, the speaker continued: Colonel, take this man to General Hardee, and give him all the particulars. (Handing him a note addressed to Hardee.) I was thereupon placed on a stolen horse, and conducted to General Hardee. On my way from Bragg'sto Hardee's quarters, my mind was busied with singular fancies. I thought of rebel treachery and oppression; I thought of the arch-conspirators at Montgomery, the disgraceful bombardment of Sumpter, the murder of United States troops in the streets of Baltimore, the enslavement of four millions of Adam's race, all by the hateful power that now had me in its clutches. These atrocities made me the more willing to suffer in the defense of the Government that I had volunteered to serve. Hardee is a noble-looking man, and on this occasion was dressed in full uniform of blue cloth. General, said my conductor, here is a Yankee officer, referred to you by General Bragg. For what p
o tell the truth concerning ourselves, no matter whether we should die for it or not, and so I addressed the court as follows: May it please the court, I was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, but early in life removed with my father to Ohio, and settled in Shelby county, where he raised his family of six sons and three daughters. Of this family, I am the youngest member, except one. Early in life I commenced a public career, which I followed until I heard of the bombardment of Fort Sumpter-until I heard that a league of men, banded together for the express purpose of destroying the best government on God's earth,--had dragged our glorious old banner down into the dust, and trampled it beneath their feet, and finally fired it from a cannon's mouth, in order that no vestige of it might remain. Then I remembered that my grandsire had fought under that holy banner at Bunker Hill; that he was present on the field, when Molly Pitcher, stripping the uniform from the stiffening l
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Gettysburg, Pa., July 1st-3d, 1863. (search)
Ga. Battalion, Maj. George W. Ross (m w), Capt. Charles J. Moffett. Brigade loss: k, 40; w, 295; m, 333 = 668. Perry's Brigade, Col. David Lang: 2d Fla., Maj. W. R. Moore (w and c); 5th Fla., Capt. R. N. Gardner (w); 8th Fla., Col. David Lang. Brigade loss: k, 33; w, 217; m, 205 = 455. Posey's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Carnot Posey: 12th Miss., Col. W. H. Taylor; 16th Miss., Col. Samuel E. Baker; 19th Miss., Col. N. H. Harris; 48th Miss., Col. Joseph M. Jayne. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 71 = 83. Sumpter (Ga.) Artillery Battalion, Maj. John Lane: Co. A, Capt. Hugh M. Ross; Co. B, Capt. George M. Patterson; Co. C, Capt. John T. Wingfield (w). Battalion loss: k, 3; w, 21; m, 6 = 30. Heth's division. Maj.-Gen. Henry Heth (w), Brig.-Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew (w). Staff loss: w, 2. First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. Johnston Pettigrew, Col. James K. Marshall (w and c): 11th N. C., Col. Collett Leventhorpe (w); 26th N. C., Col. Henry K. Burgwyn, Jr. (k), Capt. H. C. Albright; 47th N. C., Col. G
Major-General) Q. A. Gillmore was selected to command the land forces engaged in these operations. In addition to being an educated and skilful military engineer, he had considerable experience in the special duties required in these operations. General Gillmore, despite the enemy's defensive works, landed his force on Morris Island on the tenth of July, and immediately commenced the slow and difficult operations of conducting the siege of Fort Wagner, and establishing batteries against Fort Sumpter. Without, however, waiting for the reduction of the former, he opened, on the seventeenth of August, his fire on the latter, and, on the twenty-third, after seven days bombardment, Fort Sumter was reported a shapeless and harmless mass of ruins. Being under the fire of other forts of the enemy, and inaccessible by land, our troops could not occupy it, and a few guns have since been temporarily remounted, but they have been as often silenced. General Gillmore now vigorously pushed for
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
n parsonages were burned; that every church between the Savannah river and Charleston was injured, some stripped even of weatherboarding and flooring; that almost every minister in that region of the State lost home and library; that almost every church lost its communion plate — often a massive and venerable set, the donation of an English or Colonial ancestor,--and that clergy and parishioners alike had been so robbed and despoiled that they were reduced to absolute want.) The record of Fort Sumpter during the Administration of Governor Pickens, compiled by W. A. Harris; address of Major Theo. G. Barker at the anniversary of the Washington Artillery Club, February 22d, 1876; Reinterment of the South Carolina Dead from Gettysburg, address of Rev. Dr. Girardeau, odes, &c.; Oration of General Wade Hampton, and poem of Rev. Dr. E. T. Winkler, at the unveiling of the monument of the Washington Light Infantry of Charleston, June 16th, 1870; South Carolina in arms, arts, and the Industries,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), An incident of Fort Sumter. (search)
rf, and seeing the dripping crew incautiously asked the Federal officer to go to his quarters out of the rain. Of course he accepted. They passed the battery in charge of the artillery squad; a lot of shell and a few mortars lay in their way, all of which the Federal noted, and while it rained, the courteous but thoughtless Confederate and his guest chatted at Headquarters (and of the houses on the beach). Finally the rain held up, and the Federal departed, loaded up his boat and left for Sumpter. What induced the commander at Fort Johnson to move quarters that very afternoon, is easily guessed; we, the non-commissioned mess aspiring to transport our beds and truck in the very house the Captain had vacated so soon as he left. Instead of a pile of official papers which dignified the table in the middle of the floor during the morning, and which caught the Federal's eye before he left, we left a score of old sogers and a pile of pipe ashes, and went to bed. One of our mess had a col
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Third Battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
ascending that way, and cutting off Major Bridges' retreat. In times of high water there was another means of approach from the north by way of the Cold Water, and down the Tallahatchie river. To close that route to the enemy's gunboats, the Star of the West was found to have been sunk in the last named stream, near Fort Pemberton. It will be remembered that it was the Star of the West that opened the war, by getting itself fired into, while bringing reinforcements to Major Anderson at Fort Sumpter, in 1861. To one who knows the nature of the country, this march of seventy miles, from Greenville to Greenwood, will seem almost incredible. Fully forty miles lay through a swamp covered with canebrakes, shrubbery and grape vines, interlaced with the greenbrier. The ground was boggy and difficult, so that when the pioneer corps had cut a road through the jungle, it had to be corduroyed in many places to make it passable. The progress of the battery through this region, surprised no
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
rs men mustered out May 21, 1863.) Dix's Peninsula Campaign June 24-July 7. Expedition from White House to South Anna River July 1-7. Ordered to Folly Island, S. C. Action at Morris Island, S. C., August 3. Siege operations against Forts Wagner and Gregg, Morris Island, S. C., and against Fort Sumpter and Charleston August 9-September 7. Bombardment of Fort Sumpter August 17-23. Capture of Forts Wagner and Gregg September 7. Operations in Charleston Harbor against Forts Sumpter and Charleston September 8 to December 21. Bombardment of Fort Sumpter October 27-November 9. Duty on Folly Island, S. C., till April, 1864. Moved to Gloucester Point, Va. Butler's operations on south side of James River and against Petersburg and Richmond May 4-28. Port Walthall May 7. Swift Creek or Arrowfield Church May 9-10. Operations against Fort Darling May 12-16. Battle of Drury's Bluff May 14-16. Bermuda Hundred May 16-28. Moved to White House, thence
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, United States--Regular Army. (search)
9. Stannardsville March 1. Rapidan Campaign May 4-June 5. Wilderness May 5-7. Spottsylvania May 8-21. Milford Station May 21. Chesterfield May 23. North Anna May 23-26. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Machump's Creek May 31. Cold Harbor June 1-5. Sharp's Farm June 3. Moved to Washington, D. C., June 18, and garrison duty at Forts Willard and Strong, Defenses of Washington, 22nd Corps, to October, 1865. Battery H 1st United States Artillery Stationed at Fort Sumpter, S. C., January, 1861. Duty there till April, 1861. Defence of Fort Sumpter April 12-13. Evacuation of Fort Sumpter April 13 and reached Fort Hamilton, N. Y. Harbor, April 19. Moved to Chambersburg, Pa., June 3, and joined Gen. Patterson's army. Ordered to Washington, D. C., arriving August 28. Attached to Reserve Artillery, Army of the Potomac, to March, 1862. 2nd Division, 3rd Army Corps, Potomac, to May, 1862. 1st Regular Brigade, Artillery Reserve, to October, 186