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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
ef of police the military would at once yield to the civil authority. The police commissioners met and protested against this act as illegal, and disbanded the police. Banks soon regulated the matter so as to quiet the citizens, and Kenly, organizing a police force of loyal men, whom he could trust, 250 strong, took possession of the quarters of the late marshal and police commissioners. There he found ample evidence of treacherous designs. Concealed beneath the floors in several rooms he found a large number of small-arms, of every description; and in a wood-yard in the rear, in a position to command an alley, were four iron cannon with suitable cartridges and balls. The old police commissioners continuing to hold meetings, they were arrested and sent to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. At the suggestion of many Union citizens of Baltimore, George R. Dodge, a civilian and citizen, was appointed chief of police, and Colonel Kenly joined his regiment — the 1st Maryland Volunteer
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823- (search)
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823- Military officer; born in Kentucky in 1823; was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1844; was Assistant Professor of Ethics there for two years, and then engaged in the war with Mexico. in which he was wounded, and brevetted captain. After that war he was again a tutor at West Point; resigned in 1855: practised law in Kentucky: and became one of the most prominent Knights of the Golden circle (q. v.) in that State. After the Civil War began he became commander of the Kentucky State Guard, and adjutant-general of the State. He soon joined the Confederate army, and surrendered the fort and garrison of Fort Donelson (q. v.) in February, 1862, when he was sent a prisoner to Fort Warren. After his release, he continued in the Confederate service until the close of the war. He became a lieutenant-general in the army; was selected by General Grant to be one of his pall-bearers; and was elected governor of Kentucky in 1887.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cannon, (search)
rapid-firing gun, invented by John and Matthew Browning, of Ogden, Utah; firing 400 shots in one minute and forty-nine seconds; adopted by the United States in 1896. Zalinski's dynamite gun, calibre 15 ins.; throws 500 lbs. of explosive gelatine 2,100 yds.; also discharges smaller shells. Three of the guns of this class were used with tremendous effect by the United States dynamite cruiser Vesuvius at the bombardment of Santiago de Cuba in 1898, and larger ones have been installed at Fort Warren, Boston; Fort Schuyler, N. Y.; Fort Hancock, N. J., and at San Francisco. Graydon dynamite gun, calibre 15 ins.; using 3,000 lbs. of compressed air to the square inch; throws 600 lbs. of dynamite 3 miles. Armstrong gun, calibre 6 ins.; weight of shot, 69.7 lbs.; of powder, 34 lbs.; pressure per square inch, 31,000 lbs. Hurst, double-charge gun, same principles apply as in the Armstrong and Haskell guns. Brown wire-wound gun, made in segments; kind authorized by Congress, 37 1/
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
t, Ky., and openly joined the Confederates.—24. Count de Paris and Due de Chartres entered the United States service as aides to General McClellan.— Oct. 11. Marshal Kane, of Baltimore, sent to Fort Lafayette.—15. Three steamers despatched from New York after the Confederate steamer Nashville, which escaped from Charleston on the 11th.—23. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus suspended in the District of Columbia.—30. All the state-prisoners (143) in Fort Lafayette transferred to Fort Warren, Boston Harbor.—Nov. 3. Rising of Union men in eastern Tennessee, who destroy railroad bridges.—Dec. 1. Loyal legislature of Virginia meet at Wheeling.—3. Henry C. Burnett, representative from Kentucky, and John W. Reid, representative from Missouri, expelled from the House of Representatives because of alleged treacherous. acts. Fortifications at Bolivar Point, Galveston Harbor, Tex., destroyed by the United States frigate Santee.—9. The Confederate Congress passed a bill
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889 (search)
idding him adieu, urged him to go to a spring near by, where his horse and arms were. He complied, as he was leaving the tentdoor, followed by a servant with a water-bucket, his sister-in-law flung a shawl over his head. It was in this disguise that he was captured. Such is the story as told by C. E. L. Stuart, of Davis's staff. The Confederate President was taken to fort Monroe by way of Savannah and the sea. Reagan, who was captured with Davis, and Alexander H. Stephens were sent to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. Inaugural Address>head> The following is the text of the inaugural address, delivered at Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 18, 1861: Gentlemen of the Congress of the Confederate States of America, Friends, and Fellow-Citizens,—Called to the difficult and responsible station of chief executive of the provisional government which you have instituted, I approach the discharge of the duties assigned me with an humble distrust of my abilities, but with a sustaining confide
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Dimick, Justin, 1800-1871 (search)
Dimick, Justin, 1800-1871 Military officer; born in Hartford county, Conn., Aug. 5, 1800; graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1819; served in the war with Mexico, and greatly distinguished himself at Contreras and Churubusco. In 1861-63 he commanded the depot of prisoners at Fort Warren, Mass. He was retired in 1863; received the brevet of brigadier-general, U. S. A., in 1865. He died in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 13, 1871.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mason, James Murray (search)
placed him in a boat belonging to the San Jacinto. Then the lieutenant returned to Slidell. The passengers were greatly excited. They gathered around him, some making contemptuous allusions to the lieutenant, and even crying out Shoot him! The daughter of Slidell slapped Fairfax in the face three times as she clung to the neck of her father. The marines were called, and Slidell and the two secretaries were compelled to go. The captive ambassadors were conveyed to Boston and lodged in Fort Warren as prisoners of state. The British government pronounced the act of Wilkes a great outrage, though in exact accordance with their code of international law as expounded by their judges and publicists; and the British government prepared for war on the United States. It did not wait for diplomatic correspondence, but made extensive preparations for hostilities before sending a peremptory demand for the release of the prisoners. The Tory papers abused the American government without stin
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Reagan, John Henninger 1818- (search)
Reagan, John Henninger 1818- Jurist; born in Sevier county, Tenn., Oct. 8, 1818; held several local offices in Texas; and was judge of the district court in Texas, to which State he emigrated after its independence. From 1857 to 1861 he was in Congress, and, joining the Confederacy, was appointed Postmaster-General, and was for a short time Secretary of its Treasury Department. He was captured with Jefferson Davis and was sent to Fort Warren. In 1874 he was elected to Congress, where for nearly ten years he was chairman of the committee on commerce, and in 1887 to the United States Senate, on retiring from which he became chairman of the Texas State railroad commission.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Slidell, John 1793- (search)
Slidell, John 1793- Diplomatist; born in New York City in 1793; graduated at Columbia College in 1810, and settled, as a lawyer, in New Orleans, where, in 1829-30, he was United States district attorney. He served in the State legislature, and from 1843 to 1845 was in Congress. In the latter year he was appointed United States minister to Mexico, and in 1853 was elected to the United States Senate, where he remained, by re-election, until February, 1861. He was a very conspicuous Confederate, and withdrew from the United States Senate to engage in furthering the cause. He was sent as a commissioner of the Confederacy to France, in the fall of 1861, when he was captured by a cruiser of the John Slidell. United States under command of Capt. Charles Wilkes (q. v.). After his release from Fort Warren, he sailed for England, Jan. 1, 1862, where he resided until his death, July 29, 1871.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Stephens, Alexander Hamilton -1883 (search)
whatever the result may be, I shall bow to the will of the people of my State. A month later Mr. Stephens was vice-president of the Provisional Confederate Government. After the war Mr. Stephens was confined some time as a state prisoner in Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor, but was released Oct. 11, 1865. He published History of the War between the States. In 1866 he was chosen a delegate to the Philadelphia National Union convention. In 1877 he represented Georgia in Congress, and retained ia delegation, and that Mr. Davis was not their choice. Toombs was the choice of the Florida, the Louisiana, and the South Carolina delegations. In May, 1865, Mr. Stephens was arrested by federal troops at his home in Georgia, and taken to Fort Warren, in Boston Harbor. After his release he wrote a history of the war, and for a time edited a newspaper in Atlanta. He opposed the new departure in the South which favored the election of Horace Greeley to the Presidency, and from the first pr