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e ringing from the mast-head. The sail crossing our bows, we took in our studding-sails, hauled up south-east, to intercept her, and got up steam. Our latitude being 35° 17′, and longitude 20° 53′, we were within striking distance of Cadiz or Gibraltar, and could afford now to use a little steam. The chase did not reward us, however, as she proved to be English—being the ship Richibucto, from Liverpool, for Vera Cruz, laden with salt. We received from her some English newspapers, which gavh, and the consequence is, that when the wind also sets into the strait—that is to say, when it is from the westward—it is impossible for a sailing-ship to get out of the strait into the Atlantic. She is obliged to come to anchor in the bay of Gibraltar, and wait for a change of wind. This is sometimes a long time in coming—the westerly winds continuing here, not unfrequently, two and three weeks at a time. As a matter of course, a large number of ships collect in the bay, waiting for
Africa the Sumter anchors in the harbor of Gibraltar the Rock; the Town; the military; the revieinto day. We could not think of running into Gibraltar before overhauling these sails; we might, pe2 P. M., turned our head in the direction of Gibraltar, and gave the ship all steam. By this time of the burning ship which the inhabitants of Gibraltar had witnessed from the top of their renownedal ship, when captured, have been taken into Gibraltar, there to await the disposition which a prizlency, and stated that my object in visiting Gibraltar was to repair, and coal my ship, and that I ur stay, and that is, that you will not make Gibraltar, a station, from which to watch for the apprattractions for traffic were twofold: first, Gibraltar was a free port, and, secondly, there were sities of this quay, whilst the Sumter lay in Gibraltar, was the frequent proximity of the Confederay, is par excellence, the grand spectacle of Gibraltar. I had the good fortune to witness one of t[11 more...]
Chapter 25: The Sumter still at Gibraltar ship crowded with visitors a ride over the Rock with Colonel Freemantle the galleries and other Subterraneahat? he inquired. Why, simply, I replied, by stationing one of his ships in Gibraltar, and another in Algeziras. If I go to sea from Gibraltar, the Algeziras shipGibraltar, the Algeziras ship follows me, and if I go to sea from Algeziras, the Gibraltar ship follows me. True, rejoined the captain, I did not think of that. I cannot say, continued I, thatin's Chair, and to relate to me the legend in connection with it. The Rock of Gibraltar has always been the darling of Spain. It has been twice wrested from her, onSpanish Government owns the fortress of Ceuta, on the African shore opposite Gibraltar, and by virtue of this ownership claims, as it would appear, jurisdiction forf the burning within the league. He replied that the United States Consul at Gibraltar had made the statement to the Admiral. Here was the cat out of the bag again
e British Government, as I had done with the merchants of Gibraltar, to obtain a supply of coal, I next dispatched my paymastnited States Consul at Cadiz, before the war, was then in Gibraltar, and at his request, I sent him along with the paymaster.t addressed a note to General Codrington, the Governor of Gibraltar, requesting him to intercede with her Britannic Majesty'so ask the good offices of his Excellency, the Governor of Gibraltar [this letter was addressed to the Colonial Secretary, whohe following:— Confederate States steamer Sumter, Gibraltar, February 25, 1862. Sir:—I have had the honor to receere was a continuous line of telegraph between London and Gibraltar— I have had the honor to receive your letter of the s, leaving out the time during which she was blockaded in Gibraltar. She captured seventeen ships, as follows: the Golden Roof Charleston. Her new owner changed her name to that of Gibraltar. She was lost afterward in the North Sea, and her bones l<
Chapter 27: Author leaves Gibraltar, and arrives in London Mr. Mason Confederate naval news Sojourn in London author Embarks on board the steamer Melita, for Nassau Sojourn in Nassau New orders from the Navy Department author returns to Liverpool the Alabama gone. We had been long enough in Gibraltar to makeGibraltar to make many warm friends, and some of these came on board the mail-steamer in which we had taken passage, to take leave of us; among others, Captain Lambert, R. N., in command of her Majesty's steam frigate, the Scylla, to whom I am much indebted, for warm sympathy, and many acts of kindness. The captain was the son of Vice-Admiral Sir d for that vessel not yet having arrived. Mr. Stribling's place on board the Alabama will be supplied by Midshipman Armstrong, promoted, whom I will recall from Gibraltar, where I left him in charge of the Sunter. It will, doubtless, be a matter of some delicacy, and tact, to get the Alabama safely out of British waters, without s
astonishing, too, the progress he made in learning Spanish, which was attributable entirely to the lessons he took from some bright eyes, and musical tongues, in the neighboring village of San Roque, only a pleasant canter over into Spain, from Gibraltar. Chapman was, unfortunately, going from London to Nassau, in a blockade runner, while I was returning from the latter place to Liverpool, preparatory to joining the Alabama. It was thus we missed each other; and the Alabama was on the wing soook with me to the Alabama, as the reader has seen, my old and well-tried First Lieutenant, Kell. He became the first lieutenant of the new ship. Lieutenant Richard F. Armstrong, of Georgia, whom, as the reader will recollect, I had left at Gibraltar, in charge of the Sumter, took Chapman's place, and became second lieutenant. Armstrong was a young gentleman of intelligence and character, and had made good progress in his profession. He was a midshipman at the Naval School, at Annapolis,
the cargo, the house of Chamberlain, Phelps & Co., and Mr. H. J. Burden—all the shippers resident, and doing business in the city of New York. Chamberlain, Phelps & Co., ship 1424 barrels of flour, and a lot of pipe staves, to be delivered at Gibraltar, or Messina, to their own order, and 225 kegs of nails to be delivered at Messina, to Mariano Costarelli. The bill of lading for the flour and staves has the following indorsement, sworn to before a notary: State, City, and County of New York:, 610, 612, cited in the case of the Lafayette. The contingent destination of this property, is another pregnant circumstance. It shows that it was intended for a market, and not for any particular neutral owner. It was to be delivered at Gibraltar or Messina, as the shippers might determine, after the sailing of the ship—probably upon advices received by steamer. So much for the claim of Chamberlain, Phelps & Co. The property shipped by H. J. Burden, consists of 998 barrels of flour,
ery:—. Catapult invented by Dionysius of Syracuse, B. C. 399 Gunpowder artillery used in China.A. D. 85 Cannon throwing stones, weighing 12 pounds, 300 paces.757 The Moors use artillery in attacking Saragossa.1118 The Moors use engines throwing stones and darts by means of fire.1157 The Chinese employ cannon throwing round-stone shot against the Mongols.1232 Cordova attacked by artillery.1280 A mortar for destroying buildings, etc. de-scribed by Al Mailla, an Arab historian.1291 Gibraltar taken by means of artillery.1308 A cannon in the arsenal at Bamberg.1323 Balls of iron thrown by means of fire used by the Moors.1331 Ten cannon prepared for the siege of Cam-bray.1339 The Moors defend Algesiras against Alphonso XI. by means of mortars.1343 Four pieces said to have been used by Edward III. at Crecy.1346 An iron gun with a square bore, for carrying a cubical shot of 11 pounds weight, made at Bruges.1346 Artillery used by the Venetians at the siege of Chioggia.1
le Bridge Company. The bridge is 100 feet wide; the frame is entirely of iron, the flooring being iron joists covered with corrugated iron plates and asphate concrete, and granite blocks laid in cement. I′ron—cham′ber. (Puddling.) That portion of the puddling — furnace in which the iron is worked. The reverberatory-chamber, charge-chamber. I′ron-clad Ves′sel. One having the exposed portion of the hull protected, in whole or in part, by a covering of iron. At the siege of Gibraltar in 1782, the French and Spaniards employed floating batteries, made by covering the sides of ships with junk, rawhides, and green timber to the thickness of seven feet, and bomb-proofing the decks. The largest of these vessels was 1,400 tons burden; their armament was 32-pounders, and they were manned by 500 men. They had furnaces for heating shot. These vessels were finally set on fire by red-hot shot. In 1813, Fulton constructed a steam floating-battery for the United States.
9041,440 1870Batabano, Cuba, to Santiago, Cuba520 1870Jersey to Guernsey1632 1870Guernsey to Alderney1830 1870Santa Maura to Ithaca7180 1870Zante to Trepito11235 1870Sunium to Thermia25160 1870Patras, Greece, to Lepanto220 1870Dartmouth, England, to Guernsey6658 1870Guernsey to Jersey1532 1870Porto Rico to St. Thomas11022 1870Santiago, Cuba, to Jamaica140 1870Portpatrick, Scotland, to Donaghadee, Ireland25160 1871Javea to Iviza430 1871Majorca to Minorca3593 1871Villa Real to Gibraltar15584 1871Marseilles, France, to Algiers, Africa4471,625 1871Singapore to Saigon, Cochin China62060 Date.FromLength in Miles.Greatest Depth in Fathoms. 1871Saigon to Hong Kong975630 1871Hong Kong to Shanghai1,10042 1871Shanghai, China, to Nagasaki, Japan1,200135 1871Nagasaki to Vladivostock, Siberia80 1871Rhodes to Marmarice22 1871Latakia to Cyprus86 1871Samos to Scala Nuova1182 1871Myteleni to Aivali1333 1871Khania to Retimo32200 1871Retimo to Khandia41152 1871Khandia to