Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Hanging Rock, Va. (Virginia, United States) or search for Hanging Rock, Va. (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Heroes of the old Camden District, South Carolina, 1776-1861. an Address to the Survivors of Fairfield county, delivered at Winnsboro, S. C., September 1,1888. (search)
by attacking their posts at Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock in succession. Rocky Mount, as you know, i, about seventeen miles from this town, and Hanging Rock is across the Catawba, in Lancaster, about s corps of Waxhaw men to watch the enemy at Hanging Rock, while he advanced with the main body upon nd on the 6th of August fell on the post at Hanging Rock. Then ensued a bloody battle—the contest gf those, who grew up around Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock and Blackstocks and King's Mountain and Cowsed the wounded at Bufort's massacre and at Hanging Rock. These gallant sons of her family died on lames, and on the next page there is one of Hanging Rock, Sumter's battle ground, and between them as is the story that when Kilpatrick reached Hanging Rock he reported to Sherman that several dead bo in his power. It remained for Sherman, at Hanging Rock, the scene of Sumter's great battle, to prous still strive to think of Rocky Mount and Hanging Rock as the glorious battlefields of our forefat[4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Index. (search)
his brigade in the trenches before Petersburg, 395; report of, 402. Hagood, Camp, 117. Hall, Lt. A. J., 375. Halpine, Gen., Chas. G., 353. Hamilton, Capt., 70. Hammond, Lt. F. G., 188 Hammond, Capt. S. J., 134, 162. Hammond, Capt. T. L., killed, 191. Hampden, 112. Hampton, Anthony, 13. Hampton, Edward, 13. Hampton, John, 13. Hampton, Richard, 13. Hampton, Wade, 13, 94, 226, 262, 274. Hampton Roads Conference, 320. Hancock, Gen. W. S., 30, 48, 264. Hancock, Md., 90. Hanging Rock, Battle of, 5, 9, 10, 17, 30, 32. Hanna, 9. Hansbrough, Col., 88, 90. Harden, Capt. O., 15. Hare's Hill, 401, 410. Hardie, Gen. W. J., 131, 301, 309. 368. Harding, 359. Harman, Major, M. G., 87. Harpers Ferry, 20, 85, 268. Harper's History of the Rebellion, deprecated, 30, 31. Harris, Lt., Chas., 59. Harris, Col., 377. Harris, Col. D. B., 116. Harris, Gov. Isham G., 274, 352, 386. Harris, Hon. W. P., 275. Harrison, Miss, Belle, 93. Harrison, Lt., Geo. E., 92.