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eady to fall on Hunter's right flank and co-operate with Early's pursuit, on the 21st, to Big Lick, and then across to Hanging Rock, a gap in the North mountains, on the Salem and Sweet Springs turnpike. There it struck the flank of Hunter's retreatand forced him in rapid retreat through Salem, harassing and damaging his rear and capturing a portion of his train at Hanging Rock, as he escaped into the mountains west of the Valley. Imboden followed the rear of Hunter's retreating army across tocavalry, the command that had marched by way of Buchanan, attacked Hunter's line of retreat at 1 a. m. of the 21st, at Hanging Rock, and also in the vicinity of Salem, aiding Imboden in creating dismay in the ranks of the baffled and retreating army the rear and on both flanks at the same time. The night of the 21st, the Valley army encamped between Big Lick and Hanging Rock, and there it remained on the 22d, except Ramseur's division, which moved eastward to the vicinity of Botetourt Spring