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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the war in the South-West. (search)
General Logan, who commands it, causes a boat-bridge to be thrown over the river at Larkin's Ferry. Upon the occupation by a strong advance-guard of the surroundings of the bridge on the left bank and the approaches of the high chain called Sand Mountain, which borders the valley on the east, he causes a part of his troops to pass over. General Smith moves into these mountains with the main column, whilst a strong detachment proceeds to occupy, farther down, the town of Guntersville. Smith, in spite of the rain which breaks up the roads and compels him to leave his artillery behind, crosses Sand Mountain on February 2d and penetrates the pass leading into Will's Valley. He occupies Lebanon and Rawlinsville, but, not having succeeded in meeting Thomas' cavalry, which was to come from Trenton to lend him help, he turns back the following day, followed by Roddey, who dares not attack him, and recrosses the Tennessee on February 4th. On his part, Thomas had directed General Palme