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nd Saline, the 2d of last July, when we captured Colonel Clarkson and his command of one hundred and ten men. Even Colonel Jewell, who was also present on that occasion, did not display more conspicuous bravery than Colonel Phillips. The night's march, the short and decisive engagement, just at the dawn of that lovely summer's morning, will be remembered by those who participated, while they live. Colonel Phillips received much praise for the ability with which he handled his brigade at Indian Creek, Neosho, and Newtonia, last September. On other occasions, too, he has shown himself to be a brave officer, and yet one who never loses his head. It was mainly through his exertions that authority was obtained from the War Department to organize and equip the three Indian regiments. Having been a staff correspondent of the New York Tribune, and a personal friend of Assistant Secretary of War, Dana, perhaps no one in Kansas could command more respectful attention from the authorities at
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 16 (search)
motion. In an examination of the enemy's position upon the railroad with General Newton I had agreed with him that an assault at that point would not be advisable, as the artillery of the enemy had too full a sweep of the ground we must pass over. I was under the impression that if the Army of the Tennessee attracted the attention of the enemy I should be able to reach the rebel right flank. Generals Wood and Kimball met very bad ground in their advance. The country about the head of Indian Creek over which they passed is very broken and intersected by difficult little streams and marshes. Owing to these difficulties, it was nearly 6 o'clock before Kimball's and Wood's divisions arrived at the enemy's position. Their skirmishers were soon driven in, and General Wood was engaged selecting a point of attack, when he was severely wounded and disabled from attending to the management of his advance. Colonel Knefler's brigade, the left one of Wood's division, charged and carried the
March 21. Yesterday an expedition was sent out to the vicinity of Indian Creek, west of Keitsville, Mo. Capt. Stevens, with fifty-two men, and one of his mountain howitzers, were accompanied by thirteen home-guards. On the route, he was informed that a rebel force was to rendezvous at the house of one Boone the next night. Capt. Stevens approached the house early in the morning, and captured nine rebels who were in the house. Eight more, who arrived soon after, were also taken in. The prisoners thus taken, seventeen in number, who were all carried into the Union camp, include three rebel captains, to wit: James W. Bullard, George R. McMinn, and Jasper Moore. The men were all armed, and the arms fell into the hands of the Nationals. About one thousand pounds of bacon, which had been collected at the house for the use of the rebel army, was also taken possession of by the Union troops.--St. Louis Republican. Commodore Du Pont, having received from the Mayor and inhabitan
ming Court-House, a place of no importance. It contains a few dilapidated buildings, and points again to the native genius and industry of the people, who eke out a miserable existence in this Godforsaken, country. Here a small dirty tavern stands, with two or three half-starved old men gazing upon the Yankees as they march along, eyeing them, expecting that they will destroy all property, and insult women and murder the children. We passed through this place about noon, and struck the Indian Creek road. Proceeding through a most miserable country, we camped for the night about thirty miles south-east of Wyoming Court-House, and grounded ourselves for the night. At two A. M., Friday, the seventeenth, boot and saddle sounded, and at three A. M. our column was in motion. We crossed the Tug range of mountains and met the Tug Fork of Big Sandy, continued down the creek to near Abb's Valley, where we learned the rebel Colonel Beckley was organizing a battalion at Camp Pemberton, unde
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, Chapter 5: California, New York, and Kansas. 1857-1859. (search)
f Thomas Ewing, Jr., on the corner of Third and Pottawottamie Streets. On the 1st of January, 1859, Daniel McCook, Esq., was admitted to membership in our firm, which became Sherman, Ewing & McCook. Our business continued to grow, but, as the income hardly sufficed for three such expensive personages, I continued to look about for something more certain and profitable, and during that spring undertook for the Hon. Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, to open a farm on a large tract of land he owned on Indian Creek, forty miles west of Leavenworth, for the benefit of his grand-nephew, Henry Clark, and his grand-niece, Mrs. Walker. These arrived out in the spring, by which time I had caused to be erected a small frame dwelling-house, a barn, and fencing for a hundred acres. This helped to pass away time, But afforded little profit; and on the 11th of June, 1859, I wrote to Major D. C. Buell, assistant adjutant-general, on duty in the War Department with Secretary of War Floyd, inquiring if there wa
Van Dorn's order, moved toward Corinth, Gen. Lovell, whose force numbered one half that of Gen. Price, in advance. On the third instant, Thursday, Lovell's advance was constantly engaged in heavy skirmishing, driving the enemy steadily backward, for six miles, from position to position, killing and wounding them in considerable numbers. Price here turned off, and taking position on the left of Lovell's division, the army moved onward. Night put an end to the fighting. Arriving at Indian Creek on Friday morning, the third, the enemy in front of Lovell crossed and destroyed the bridge, and attempted, with all the artillery and infantry he could bring to bear, to prevent our crossing. Their efforts were futile, however, for the bridge was quickly reconstructed, and our gallant boys, under a galling fire, gained the other side to see them leave. With Price on the left and Lovell on the right, our army now steadily advanced, attacking the redoubts, breastworks, and rifle-pits a
at Hartsville) are Brigadier-General Emmet McDonald, Colonels Thompson and Hinkle, Major Rubley, Captain Turpin, and two lieutenants, names unknown, Colonel Porter, mortally wounded — since dead, Captain Crocker, well known in Western Missouri, and two other captains severely wounded. One piece of their artillery was dismounted and abandoned. They retreated toward Houston, but on Monday changed their direction and moved rapidly south toward the North Fork of White River, at the mouth of Indian Creek, where they paroled and released Lieutenant Brown and the other prisoners. General Marmaduke, several times on the march, expressed his wonder at the bravery of our troops, repeating: Why, Lieutenant, your boys fought like devils. I cannot sufficiently express my admiration of their conduct. The Twenty-first Iowa and Ninety-ninth Illinois were never before under fire, yet not a single man or officer flinched. Nothing could have been finer than their steadiness and discipline. The T
ommissary's stores. On the third we moved forward, Villepigue's brigade in advance, skirmishing more heavily with a force of the enemy composed of two regiments of infantry, a section of artillery, and some cavalry, until we drove them across Indian Creek. At this point artillery fire became more frequent. Here we took an abandoned twelve-pounder howitzer. The bridge was repaired, under fire, and I crossed the whole division, consisting of Rust's brigade on the right, Bowen's in the centre, ossed the railroad, and with his artillery, under Major Watts, put an effectual check upon the pursuit by the enemy's cavalry. Rust's brigade was put in position on the hill carried the day before, until everything had been withdrawn across Indian Creek, when he followed, bringing up the rear to Chewalla, where the division was reunited. The march was resumed on the fifth, this command acting as the rear guard to the army. Before reaching Tuscumbia bridge an order was received from the Gene
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cody, William Frederick 1846- (search)
Cody, William Frederick 1846- Scout; born in Scott county, Ia., Feb. 26, 1846. In 1857-58 he was under contract to supply the Kansas Pacific Railroad with all the buffalo meat needed during its construction, and in eighteen months he killed 4,280 buffaloes, on account of which he received his widely known sobriquet of Buffalo bill. During the Civil War he was a guide and scout for the national government; in 1868-72 was scout and guide in all the movements against the hostile Sioux and Cheyenne Indians; in 1876 was scout of the 5th Cavalry, and in the action at Indian Creek, in a personal encounter, killed Yellow Hand, the Cheyenne chief. He has been in more Indian fights than any other living man. He is coauthor of The Great Salt Lake trail.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Missouri Volunteers. (search)
1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to muster out. Service. Curtis' Campaign in Southwest Missouri and Arkansas February-March, 1862. Marshfield, Mo., February 9. Sugar Creek, Ark., February 17. Bentonville February 17. West Plains, Mo., February 19. Keytesville February 25. Battles of Pea Ridge, Ark., March 6-8. Spring River March 13. Salem Spring River March 18 (Detachment). Scout through Gadfly, Newtonia, Granby, Neosho and Valley of Indian Creek and skirmish April 8. Scout from Batesville, Ark., June 16-17 (4 Cos.). White Oak Bayou, Miss., June 23 (Battalion). Near Fayetteville, Ark., July 15. Expedition to Coldwater, Miss., July 22-25 (Battalion). White Oak Bayou, Miss., July 29 (Battalion). Chariton Bridge, Mo., August 3. Montevallo August 7. Between Stockton and Humansville August 12. Stockton August 12. Neosho August 21. Hickory Grove August 23 (Co. B ). Expedition from Clarendon, Ark., to
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