Your search returned 6 results in 3 document sections:

William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington, Chapter 14: the greatest battles of the war — list of victories and defeats — chronological list of battles with loss in each, Union and Confederate. (search)
Total 15,849 67 504 55 626 June 26 Mechanicsville, 49 207 105 361 June 27 Gaines's Mill, 894 3,107 2,836 6,837 June 28 Includes loss at Garnett's Farm on the previons day, Golding's Farm, 37 227 104 368 June 29 Includes loss at Peach Orchard (or Allen's Farm) on same day. Savage Station, 80 412 1,098 1,590 June 30 Includes loss at White Oak Swamp, and Charles City Cross Roads. Glendale, 210 1,513 1,130 2,853 July 1 Malvern Hill, 397 2,092 725 3,214 July 7 Bayou Cache, Ark 6 57 -- 63 July 13 Murfreesboro, Tenn 19 120 46 Not including men surrendered in the capitulation.185 Aug. 5 Baton Rouge, La 84 266 33 383 Aug. 9 Cedar Mountain, Va 314 1,445 622 2,381 Aug. 16-31 Includes Bristoe Station, Groveton, Gainesville, Chantilly and the Rappahannock. Manassas, Va 1,747 8,452 4,263 14,462 Aug. 30 Richmond, Ky 206 844 4,303 5,353 Sept. 10, 11 Fayetteville, W. Va 25 95 190 310 Sept. 12-15 Harper's Ferry, Va 44 173 12,520 12,737 Se
llant conduct while exposed to the enemy's fire; also, to all the officers and men engaged. After a short rest, we proceeded, with seven additional companies of infantry, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Wood of the Eleventh Wisconsin regiment, to the bridge across Bayou de View, as before mentioned. I have the honor to be Your obedient servant, William F. Wood, Lieut-Col. First Regiment Indiana Cavalry. St. Louis Democrat account. The battle of the seventh of July, near Bayou Cache, won against tremendous odds, resulted in the death of over one hundred and ten rebels and the utter demoralization of six Texan regiments, who have not ventured to molest us since. The army under General Curtis was encamped at the junction of the Bayou Cache and Cache River, where our progress was delayed by a blockade of fallen timber. A road had been cut through this blockade on the evening of the sixth, and early next morning Colonel Hovey, of the Thirty-third Illinois regiment, was
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 1: The Opening Battles. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller), Engagements of the Civil War with losses on both sides December, 1860-August, 1862 (search)
, 752 missing. July, 1862. July 1, 1862: Booneville, Miss. Union, 2d Ia., 2d Mich. Cav. Confed., Gen. Chalmers' Cav. Losses: Union 45 killed and wounded. Confed. 17 killed, 65 wounded. July 4-28, 1862: Gen. Morgan's raid in Kentucky. July 6, 1862: Grand Prairie, near Aberdeen, Ark. Union, detachment of the 24th Ind. Confed. No record found. Losses: Union 1 killed, 21 wounded. Confed. 84 killed, wounded, and missing (estimate). July 7, 1862: Bayou Cache, also called cotton Plant, Round Hill, Hill's plantation, and Bayou de view. Union, 11th Wis., 33d Ill., 8th Ind., 1st Mo. Light Artil., 1st Ind. Cav., 5th and 13th Ill. Cav. Confed., Gen. A. Rust's command. Losses: Union 7 killed, 57 wounded. Confed. 110 killed, 200 wounded. July 9, 1862: Tompkinsville, Ky. Union, 9th Pa. Cav. Confed., Morgan's Cav. Losses: Union 4 killed, 6 wounded. Confed. 10 killed and wounded. July 12, 1862: Lebanon, Ky. Union,