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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 9 (search)
ice. November 24 Gen. Floyd has retreated from Cotton Hill, and the enemy threatens our western communications. Gen. Lee has been sent to Western Virginia, but it is not an adequate field for him. He should have command of the largest army in the service, for his is one of the most capacious minds we have. November 25 Yesterday Fort Pickens opened fire on our batteries at Pensacola, but without effect. One of their ships was badly crippled. November 26 The enemy occupy Tybee Island, and threaten Savannah. Vice-President Stephens was in my office to-day, and he too deprecates the passage of so many people to the North, who, from the admission of the journals there, give them information of the condition of our defenses. He thinks our affairs are not now in a prosperous condition, and has serious apprehensions for the fate of Savannah. November 27 Saw President Tyler to-day. He augurs the worst effects from the policy of permitting almost unrestricted interco
family. He has been called to South Carolina to be professor in the Episcopal Theological Seminary of that State. He will go, as there is no hope of his getting back to Alexandria during the war. Nothing from the Fleet. November 9, 1861. Our hearts cheered by news from the fleet. A part of it stranded-one vessel on the coast of North Carolina, from which seventy prisoners have been taken; others on the coast of South Carolina. Unfortunately, a part is safe, and is attacking Tybee Island. The fortifications there are said to be strong and well manned. November 10th, 1861. Returning from church to-day, we were overtaken by W. B. C., on horseback. We were surprised and delighted. He soon explained his position. Jackson's Brigade has been ordered to take charge of the Valley, and is coming to-day to Strasburg, and thence to Winchester. He rode across on R's horse. He dined with us, and told us a great deal about the army, particularly about our own boys. We are
arrison, one man named Adams mortally wounded, and another, named Gallupe, slightly wounded. Colonel Moore took possession of Lancaster to-night.--St. Louis Republican, November 30. At night Capt. Moreau's Cavalry, accompanied by Gen. McCook's body guard, went to the traitor Buckner's farm, situated on Green River, a few miles above Munfordsville, Kentucky, and took possession of the stock, a large amount of grain, wheat, corn, &c.--N. Y. Times, November 30. William H. Carroll, Brig.-Gen. of Confederate forces at Camp Lookout, East Tennessee, annulled the proclamation of martial law made by his predecessor.--(Doc. 188.) United States gunboats Flag, Augusta, Pocahontas, and Seneca went from Port Royal in S. C., to Tybee Island at the mouth of the Savannah River, and threw in a few shells which drew no response from the rebel works; a body of marines was then landed, and the fortifications found to be deserted. Formal possession was then taken of the island.--(Doc. 189.)
n, recommending the laying of a submarine telegraphic cable around the southern coast, to connect the national forts and military stations on the coast with the North, by way of Newport News, Fortress Monroe, Hatteras, Port Royal, Hilton Head, Tybee Island, Fernandina, Cedar Keys, Fort Pickens, Ship Island, to Galveston, Texas. Gen. McClellan fully concurs, and earnestly urges that the plan be adopted by the Government, and that Mr. Field be authorized to have it carried into execution. A b Gen. Fremont took to Springfield, Mo. Joseph H. Sears, of South Carolina, has been apppointed postmaster at Port Royal. The details of the office leave been arranged, and mail matter will be despatched by sea from New York. Letters for Tybee Island are despatched to Port Royal, and thence to the former place. A series of resolutions was offered in the Kentucky Legislature, in which was included a demand on the Federal authorities for the return to the State of ex-Governor Morehead a
guns on some houses near an old furnace, on the Virginia side of the Potomac, where about a hundred and fifty rebels were secreted, and drove them out, killing and wounding many. The British ship Cheshire, of Liverpool, Eng., Capt. Craig, from Liverpool Oct. 10th, and Belfast 19th, via Savannah Bar 6th inst., arrived at New York in charge of a prize crew, and in command of Prizemaster Heath, of the U. S. steamer Augusta, Capt. Parrot. The Cheshire was discovered on the 6th inst. off Tybee Island, in six fathoms water, and, upon being boarded, it was found that she had cleared for Nassau, N. P., and that her cargo consisted of coffee, salt, and army blankets, which was deemed very suspicious. Upon her captain being questioned as to why, if he was bound to Nassau, he should be found in that locality, he replied that he had received instructions at Liverpool to speak the blockading squadron, but for what purpose it was not made known. Not deeming it safe to allow her to proceed, a
fication, demanded its surrender, together with the rebel forts on Morris Island, threatening to shell Charleston, should his demand not be complied with.--(See Supplement.) The United States ship Bainbridge foundered in a storm off Cape Hatteras, and seventy-nine of the crew were lost. Chattanooga was shelled by the National forces under Colonel Wilder. The cannonade commenced at ten o'clock in the morning, and continued at intervals until five o'clock in the afternoon. Every piece from which the rebels opened was eventually silenced, although they fired with not less than nineteen guns. The only casualty on the Union side was the wounding of one man, Corporal Abram McCook, belonging to Lilly's battery.--General Meade issued an order regulating the circulation of newspapers in the army of the Potomac.--the rebel steamer Everglade, while endeavoring to run out of Savannah River, was overhauled and sunk near Tybee Island. Twenty-two of her passengers and crew were captured.
March 3. The rebel schooner Arletta or Martha, was captured and destroyed off Tybee Island.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. (search)
along a narrow strip of shifting sands formed on Tybee Island by the action of wind and waves. In the light o the 29th of November, to make an examination of Tybee Island and Fort Pulaski, and to report upon the proprieteries of mortars and rifled guns established on Tybee Island, and recommended the occupation of the island, aNo. 11, 4 10-inch siege mortars1650 yards. Tybee Island is mostly a mud marsh, like other marsh islands rolled out to Martello Tower and light-house, Tybee Island. From a War-time sketch. the end of the sand poifficulties of the same sort as were met with on Tybee Island, but much more discouraging. Jones Island is noe of the regiments which was assigned to duty on Tybee Island, and participated prominently in the siege operaman came floating over on a log from Cockspur to Tybee Island. We got from him some very useful information. f the siege it contained 48, of which 20 bore on Tybee Island. After the position of our several batteries be
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
of the main, and numbers of them had been shot and killed. Commander Rogers, in a letter to a friend (Nov. 9th), said: A boat which came off to the Seneca said one man. (giving his name) shot six of the negroes. With equal ease Dupont took possession of Big Tybee Island, at the mouth of the Savannah River, from which Fort Pulaski, which was within easy mortar distance, might be assailed, and the harbor of Savannah perfectly sealed against blockade runners. On the Martello tower on Tybee Island. this was the appearance of the tower when I sketched it, in April, 1866. its height had been somewhat. Diminished by demolishing a portion of its upper part, on which rested a roof. Such towers had been erected early in the present century along the British coasts, as a defense against an expected invasion by Bonaparte. The lower story was used for stores, and the upper, being bomb-proof, as secure quarters for the men. The walls. Terminated in a parapet, behind which cannon were
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
high water, presented five faces, and were casemated on all sides, and mounted one tier of guns in embrasures and one en barbette. The absolute blockade of Fort Pulaski may be dated from the 22d of February. Preparations were then made on Tybee Island to bombard it. Nearly all of the work had to be done in the night, and it was of the same laborious nature as that performed on Jones's Island. It took about two hundred and fifty men to move a single heavy gun, with a sling-cart, over the quaking mud Quincy A. Gillmore. jelly of which Tybee Island is composed; and it was often with the greatest difficulty that it was kept from going down twelve feet to the bottom of the morass, when, as sometimes it happened, it slipped from the causeway or a platform. No one, said Gillmore in his report, can form any but a faint conception of the Herculean labor by which mortars of eight and a half tons weight, and columbiads but a trifle lighter, were moved in the dead of night over a narro
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