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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketch of Third battery of Maryland Artillery. (search)
s left boot and sock. Very soon he heard a minnie ball pass over his head and strike the bank behind him. He paid no attention to it, thinking it was a random shot, but a second, third and fourth one came, striking the bank about the same place; but the last one came so very near his head that he concluded to beat a retreat, being convinced that a picket in a tree top, not far distant, was taking deliberate aim at him. When, on the 4th of June, the New Hope line was abandoned for the Lost Mountain line, and that afterwards for the Noonday Valley line, the Third Maryland took part in every movement. On the 22d, at Marietta, the battery was ordered out on the field with General Stevenson's division, to charge the right wing of the enemy's line. It was placed on a hill half a mile from the Federal force, there to await further orders; but it was not sent forward. Stevenson's division was repulsed, with the loss of a thousand men killed and wounded. The Maryland battery lost none
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sketches of the Third Maryland Artillery. (search)
Sketches of the Third Maryland Artillery. By Captain William L. Ritter. The disastrous expedition to Sherman's rear. The movement of Hood's army to Sherman's rear began on the 29th of September, 1864. The Chattahoochee river was crossed on the 30th, and part of the army proceeded to Lost Mountain, while another part made for Ackworth and Big Shanty and captured the garrisons at those places. Marching by way of Dallas, Van Wert and Cave Spring, the army next reached Cedartown, where the wagon train, the sick and the shoeless, with all the artillery except one battery of each battalion were left behind; while the remainder of the army proceeded to Resaca and Dalton. Stevenson's division started on the 9th of October, at noon, and the Third Maryland was the battery chosen to accompany it. It was the intention of General Stephen D. Lee, who commanded the corps, to capture the garrison at Resaca, and he made forced marches in order to take it by surprise. On the 12th it was
Rome; and as Hood had now abandoned the Macon and West Point roads, this was the nearest point at which he could connect with the few remaining railroads in the South-West. He must either move towards Blue Mountain, or to the Tennessee river, or attack Sherman's communications. He chose the last named course, and at the same time Forrest captured Athens and moved up into the interior of Tennessee, threatening the line between Thomas and Nashville. On the 3rd of October, Hood reached Lost Mountain, which made it certain that he would attempt to strike the railroad in the neighborhood of Marietta, in Sherman's rear. Sherman at once ordered the Twentieth corps to hold Atlanta, and moved himself with the remainder of his army, upon Marietta. He crossed the Chattahoochee on the 3rd and 4th of October, and learned that heavy masses of artillery, infantry, and cavalry had been seen from Kenesaw mountain, marching north. Allatoona, where more than a million of rations were stored, w
; Gen. Hooker and staff at, II., 303; entrenchments on, II., 305; Pulpit Rock at, II., 307, 346: IV., 204; V., 208, 251; VII., 35; VIII., 325; signal station on. VIII., 325; IX., 115, 170; Grant at, X., 30, 31. Lookout Valley, Tenn., II., 274, 279, 296; IX., 99. Lorena, IX., 350. Loring, W. W.: I., 352, 356; II., 322, 331, 348; X., 244, 251. Losses: in battles of (Civil War and what they mean, X., 120 seq., 142 seq.; percentages of Confederate losses, X., 158. Lost Mountain, Ga., III., 118. Lotier, I., VII., 282. Loudon, Tenn., IV., 160. Loudon Heights, Va., II., 60 seq., 325, 348. Louisa Court House, Va., IV., 108. Louisiana: I., 31; secedes, I., 346; Inf. company of, at drill, VIII., 143; State University of, IX., 246; X., 28, 86. Louisiana troops, Confederate: Artilery: Stewart's, I., 354; Watson's, I., 354. Engineers: First, II., 105. Cavalary: First, II., 322; Second. II., 350. Infantry: Second, X., 156; Third, I., 350
ker's corps are fortifying the hills between Acworth and Atlanta. Heavy rains for the past two days here have made the roads almost impassable for artillery, and retarded movements considerably. Some slight skirmishing occurred near Lost Mountain yesterday. All quiet this morning. [Second Dispatch.] Atlanta, June 6. --Press reporters who left the front at noon report that our army is still moving towards the railroad, the right of the enemy having already crossed near Acks still moving towards the railroad, the right of the enemy having already crossed near Ackworth, and Hooker's corps is reported 5 miles east of it on the Altoona road. Gen. Johnston's headquarters are west of Marietta, with our left resting at Lost Mountain. Hardee is commanding the right, with Polk the left, and Hood the centre. The Yankee cavalry dashed into Big Shanty at 10 o'clock this morning, and were met by Williams's brigade who were fighting them when the reporters left.
The Daily Dispatch: June 13, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Staunton — further particulars of the late fight. (search)
senger train, occupied Paris, and destroyed an important trestle work at that point. His forces are estimated at 2,500. The Herald pitches into the Times, of Tuesday, for the publication of a long account of the battle of the 3d between Lee and Grant. The Times claims that it was the most important battle of the war, confesses that Grant was badly beaten, and that the rebels were undoubtedly successful.--The Herald says the account was published solely to defeat Grant's nomination for the Presidency, and that it was successful. Gold closed on the 8th at 194¼. A telegram from Sherman, dated Ackworth Pass, June 7, 6 P. M, says that he has been to Altoona Pass, and finds it admirably adapted for his purposes — it is the gate through the last or more eastern part of the Alleghenies. He says the enemy is not in his immediate front, but his signals are seen at Lost Mountain and Kenesaw. A dispatch from Grant, dated June 7, 5 P. M, says all has been quiet to-day
the gate through the last or most eastern spur of the Alleghenies. It now becomes as useful to us as it was to the enemy, being easily defended from either direction. The roads fence from Ackworth into Georgia are large and good, and the country more open. Details of the position of our troops and contemplated movements are given, but are not needed for public information. The dispatch further states that "the enemy is not in our immediate front; but his signals are seen at Lost Mountain and Kenesaw." Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War. Yankee account of Sherman's repulse on the 27th. The Herald publishes details of Sherman's repulse by Johnston on the 27th ult. The corps which suffered so severely was Hooker's. The writer says: For this desperate charge the troops now debouching through the thick woods were rapidly forming into line. Gens Howard and Wood superintended the movement themselves, and while doing so were repeatedly fired on by sharpshoote
every stage of the proceedings. Stanton's official dispatches. War Department, Washington City, Saturday, June 11, 1864--2 P M. Major General Dix, New York: Official reports from the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, down to 5 o'clock yesterday evening, detail no movement of importance. A dispatch from General Sherman, dated yesterday, states that our cavalry yesterday. (Thursday, 9th) developed the position of the enemy in a line along the hills from Kenesaw to Lost Mountain, and we are now marching by the roads towards Kenesaw. A dispatch from Central Butler, dated this morning at one o'clock, reports "all quiet along our lines. Yesterday Gen Kautz charged the enemy's works at Petersburg and carried them, penetrating the town, but not being supported by Gen. Gillmore, who had withdrawn his forces without a conflict, Gen Kautz was obliged to withdraw without further fleet. Gen Kautz captured forty prisoners and one piece of artillery, which he brought
he floods rendering the made impassable. Both armies were completely drenched and saturated. But with the persistent again of inveterate enemies, they began skirmishing at dawn and continued during the entire day, without any material change or many casualties occurring in the lines. The hostile armies confront each other very closely, and we are of the opinion that we have taken our stand to give the Yankees battle, if they will attack us. They must abandon the untenable route by Lost Mountain. They cannot effectively flank on our right. We think they will make on effort to cast a strong force on our centre. We await the sunshine and a few hours of dry weather very anxiously. The fight that will determine our invincibility is dependent on it, and cannot be deayed It a battle occurs on the present site of the hostile forces, the grandest eight that ever has been exhibited on earth will be presented from the top of Kennesaw Mountain. It overlooks a field that never ha
From North Georgia. Three miles West of Marietta,June 17, 1864. The enemy made an attack in three lines of battle yesterday, on our extreme left, near Lost Mountain, and were received with a terrific volley of artillery and musketry.--They were driven back by our forces, and their dead strewed the ground from which they had been driven. The fight occurred at 2 P. M., and full accounts are not yet received. The enemy cannonaded our works in the centre of our lines furiously. Both lines remain substantially the same as yesterday. The enemy continue firing. They attempted to shell our signal corps on Kennessaw Mountain, but could not reach the top of the mountain. [Second Dispatch.] Three Miles West of Marietta, June 18. --The enemy has moved a large number of his forces on our left. Cannonading and musketry are constant, amounting almost to an engagement. The rain still continues, which renders the roads unfit for military operations. The indications on o
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