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d. Same day, a debate occurred in the House on the Militia Bill; but, without taking a vote, the bill was recommitted. Jan. 23. In Senate.—Mr. Schouler, of Middlesex, offered an order, which was adopted, directing the Adjutant-General to furnish estimates, for the use of the Legislature, of the cost of furnishing 2,000 overco that it would take effect immediately upon its passage. The amendment was carried, and the bill was passed to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Schouler, of Middlesex, the bill was ordered to be printed. Jan. 30. In the House.—The Senate Militia Bill came up in order. Mr. Durfee, of New Bedford, moved to strike out all aftnapsacks, at $2.25 each, $4,500; 2,000 blankets, at $3 each, $6,000; camp equipage (exclusive of tents), $3,000,—total, $31,500. On motion of Mr. Schouler, of Middlesex, the communication was laid on the table, and ordered to be printed. Feb. 1. In Senate.—Mr. Whitney, of Plymouth, from the Committee on Federal Relations, re
enate were Messrs. Stone of Essex, Bonney of Middlesex, Northend of Essex, Rogers of Suffolk, Davis of Bristol, Walker of Middlesex, and Cole of Berkshire; on the part of the House, Messrs. Bullock e was amended, on motion of Mr. Schouler, of Middlesex, to limit the force to five thousand men, in. An amendment was proposed by Mr. Clark, of Middlesex, to strike out the clause ratifying the acts passing it to be enacted. Mr. Bonney, of Middlesex, opposed the bill. He said that it authorizosed by Messrs. Northend of Essex, Bonney of Middlesex, Battles of Worcester, Cole of Berkshire, Cas, elicited a warm debate. Mr. Schouler, of Middlesex, spoke in favor of the resolves. He could n It would embarrass them. Mr. Bonney, of Middlesex, was not opposed to the sentiments of the renies belonged to the county of Essex, one to Middlesex, and one to Suffolk. Captain Thomas J. C. Athe controversy of our time, that the men of Middlesex, the men of Charlestown, the men of Concord,
h; and men, unused to public speech, were fired with eloquence. A general camp of rendezvous was established in the city of Worcester, and named Camp Wool, in honor of the veteran, Major-General Wool. To this camp all recruits from the counties of Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester, were sent. The old camp at Lynnfield was continued, and designated Camp Stanton, which served as the general rendezvous of recruits from the counties of Barnstable, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Middlesex, Norfolk, Nantucket, Plymouth, and Suffolk. Until further orders, Lieutenant-Colonel Lincoln, of the Thirty-fourth Regiment, which was then being recruited, was placed in command of Camp Wool; and Colonel Maggi, of the Thirty-third Regiment, which was also being recruited, was placed in command of Camp Stanton. Surgeon-General Dale was instructed to have a surgeon at each of the camps, to examine recruits. These camps were intended for recruits who were to form new regiments; and Camp
minister in the pulpit, and the capitalist in his banking-house, felt it. This general confidence and buoyant hope had their origin and their growth mainly in the fact of the triumphant re-election of President Lincoln, and the universal confidence reposed in Lieutenant-General Grant, whose wise and comprehensive policy had become known to the people. The Legislature of Massachusetts assembled at the State House on Wednesday, Jan. 4. The Senate was called to order by Mr. Wentworth, of Middlesex, and organized by the choice of Jonathan E. Field, of Berkshire, for President, who received twenty-five votes, and John S. Eldridge, of Norfolk, ten; and by the choice of Stephen N. Gifford, clerk, who received all the votes that were cast. Mr. Field, on taking the chair, referred to national matters in the following words:— The people have decided that the Union shall at all hazards be preserved. No man was bold enough to ask for popular indorsement, who held any other creed. By