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Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 583 9 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 520 4 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 354 138 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 297 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 260 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 226 0 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 203 1 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3. 160 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Mass. officers and men who died. 137 137 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 129 37 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ing this terrible form of torture, they were placed on Morris' Island, under the fire of their own guns for forty-three daysust, 1864, six hundred of us were selected and sent to Morris' Island, in Charleston harbor, to be placed under the fire of ome days off Port Royal, while a pen was being made on Morris' Island in which to confine us. While at anchor, three of our quarters. On the 7th of September, 1864, we landed on Morris' Island. We disembarked during the middle of the day, under ahe little bit of mush was going with them. While at Morris' Island we considered ourselves in much more danger from the gnkful. I had as much as I could eat for once, even on Morris' Island. All the prisoners seemed to squirt out tobacco juice and we took up the line of march for the lower end of Morris' Island, with a heavy line of darkey guards on either side. Tts (and many had no other kind) had been taken away at Morris' Island. Not only were blankets and clothing not issued, but
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Seacoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. (search)
ict one of the bloodiest defeats known in history upon the powerful column that General Gillmore sent to storm it. Nor is this all: subjected to an incessant, daily bombardment from Dahlgren's fleet and Gillmore's breaching batteries and mortars for fifty days, or until the Federal troops had dug their way up to the glacis and planted their flag on the very verge of the counter scarps of that work, such was the system that the defence was crowned by an evacuation of Battery Wagner and of Morris' Island, which has no parallel in ancient or modern warfare for its skill. Moreover, the works on James' Island, which enabled Beauregard's small force on the 16th of July, 1863, to defeat so signally the strong column under General Terry, were parts of a wholly different system and of other description than those in existence upon the same island when the battle of Secessionville was fought on the 16th of June, 1862. A like radical difference characterized the arrangements made for the defe
ield, Colonel Ducat, Inspector-General on General Roseerans' staff, and Colonel Harker, challenged me for a race. Soon after, Major McDowell, of Rousseau's staff; joined the party; and, while we were getting into position for the start, Generall Wagner, who has a long-legged white horse, which, he insisted, could beat any thing on the ground, took place in the line. McCook, Wood, Loomis, and many others, stopped to witness the race. The horses were all pacers; it was, in fact, a gathering of imbibed freely. General Rosecrans' face was as red as a beet; he had, however, been talking with ladies, and being a diffident man, was possibly blushing. Wood persisted that the Twenty-first Corps could not be beaten in a horse-race, and that Wagner's long-legged white was the most wonderful pacer he ever saw. Negley seemed possessed with the idea that every body was trying to escape, and that it was necessary for him to seize them by the arm and haul them back to the table; he seemed also t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., From Moultrie to Sumter. (search)
on Fort Sumter. Sure that we would all be tasked to the utmost in the coming conflict, and be kept on the alert by day and night, I desired to get all the sleep I could beforehand, and lay down on a cot bedstead in the magazine nearest to Morris Island,--one of the few places that would be shell-proof when the fire opened. About 4 A. M. on the 12th, Major Anderson came to me as his executive officer, and informed me that the enemy would fire upon us as soon as it was light enough to see thnal shell fired from Fort Johnson as the first gun of the conflict, although it was undoubtedly aimed at Fort Sumter. Edmund Ruffin of Virginia is usually credited with opening the attack by firing the first gun from the iron-clad battery on Morris Island. The ball from that gun struck the wall of the magazine where I was lying, penetrated the masonry, and burst very near my head. As the smoke from this explosion came in through the ventilators of the magazine, and as the floor was strewn wi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Inside Sumter: in 1861. (search)
an overcoat of railroad iron; and batteries on Morris, James, and Sullivan's islands were approachinunt his extra eight-inch guns in that way. Morris Island, twelve hundred yards away, was the nearesed from England, was mounted in one of the Morris Island batteries, and in a few rounds demonstrateinch columbiads set as mortars, bearing on Morris Island. From a photograph. to disappoint him, thde-frise at the angle of the gorge nearest Morris Island. It was easy to see that Wittyman was noton as it should have passed the battery on Morris Island, it would have been comparatively safe. lue puff of smoke from a hidden battery on Morris Island advertised the fact that she was being fire were three points to be fired upon,--the Morris Island batteries, the James Island batteries, andas marched to the casemate guns bearing on Morris Island; the second, under Lieutenant Jefferson C.t in the small boat which brought him from Morris Island, and which was manned by negroes. Shortly[2 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first step in the War. (search)
tates, property in the vicinity. They also remounted the guns at Fort Moultrie, and constructed batteries on Sullivan's, Morris, and James islands, and at other places, looking to the reduction of Fort Sumter if it should become necessary; meantime y the steamer Star of the West, which tried to reach the fort, January 9th, 1861, and was driven back by a battery on Morris Island, manned by South Carolina troops; the other just before the bombardment of Sumter, April 12th. The feeling of the Calso Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia, and A. R. Chisolm, of South Carolina, who were also Confederate mortar-battery on Morris Island, commanded by Lieutenant C. R. Holmes. From a photograph. members of General Beauregard's staff, went immediately toeph A. Yates; the Mount Pleasant Battery (2 10-inchmortars),Captain Robert Martin, Lieutenant George N. Reynolds. Morris Island, Brigadier-General James Simons commanding, Lieutenant-Colonel Wilmot G. De Saussure, commanding the artillery: Major
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Notes on the surrender of Fort Sumter. (search)
r from Fort Moultrie, Governor Francis W. Pickens sent James Fraser, of the Charleston Light Dragoons, to me at my plantation, fifty miles south of Charleston, with the request that I would assist with my negroes in constructing batteries on Morris Island. Taking my own negro men and others from the plantation of my uncle, Robert Chisolm, and that of Nathaniel Heyward, I was engaged in this work when General Beauregard arrived to take command. I then informed the governor that it would be neongress, and may have been unwilling to compromise himself. The facts of the surrender of Fort Sumter to ex-Senator Wigfall are these: General Beauregard, seeing the fort on fire, sent me with a note to General James Simons, commanding on Morris Island, in which he directed him, if he could do so without risk to his command, to offer assistance in extinguishing the fire. I passed down between Fort Sumter and our batteries; delivering my dispatches, I volunteered to go to Fort Sumter, which
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 12.47 (search)
tenden's division became involved in the battle, but was successfully kept at bay for several hours by the forces under Hardee and Breckinridge, until it was reinforced by two brigades of McCook's division which had been added to the attacking force on the field, after the battle had been joined, the force of fresh troops being thus increased by at least five thousand men. The fresh Federal troops now engaged aggregated at least 25,000 rank and file, further increased, about 1 o'clock, by Wagner's brigade of Wood's division, say 2500 strong.-G. T. B. Our troops were being forced to recede, but slowly; it was not, however, until we were satisfied that we had now to deal with at least three of Buell's divisions as well as with General Lew Wallace's, that I determined to yield the field in the face of so manifestly profitless a combat. By 1 o'clock General Bragg's forces on our left, necessarily weakened by the withdrawal of a part of his troops to reenforce our right and center, h
Chapter 20: A post established at Baxter Springs, with a detachment of cavalry bombardment of Charleston and probable fall of Forts Sumter and Wagner guerrillas along the border displaying unusual activity large quantities of hay being put up for the Government at Fort Scott burning and Sacking of Lawrence by Quantrell murder of one hundred and fifty of her citizens escape of the Desperadoes into Missouri Federal troops in pursuit the guerillas break up into small detachmenting in sufficient force to attack our trains. Reports from the East state that General Gilmore's forces, besieging Charleston, are gradually battering down the enemy's works. From accounts, the bombardment of the city and of Forts Sumter and Wagner, recently, must have been terrific. It is thought that Sumter will certainly fall in a few days, as great breaches have already been made in some portions of the defences. Our siege-gun batteries keep pouring in such a steady stream of shot and
uld resist it battle of Perryville and defeat of General Cooper General Blunt captures Fort Smith Generals Steele and Davidson capture little Rock Colonel Blair sends out a reconnoissance a new department wanted General Gillmore captures Forts Wagner and Gregg in Charlestown Harbor sympathizers of the rebellion receive anonymous notices to leave the City supposed to be the action of the Union League arrival of General Blunt and Staff and Colonel Judson the Bourbon County fair activithave watched over the State from the beginning of the war with special interest, for which her loyal people will ever feel grateful. It is now officially announced that, after upwards of a month's bombardment, General Gillmore has captured Forts Wagner and Gregg, in Charleston Harbor, and that the city of Charleston is entirely under his guns. The vigorous bombardment of the city itself will now soon be commenced. The rebel strongholds are gradually crumbling before our victorious arms, an