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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 22 (search)
were driven from Savannah, troops would be sent back to Fort Fisher, and that garrison strengthened sufficiently to make the success of any assault upon it doubtful; besides, by this delay our expedition was losing the chance of surprise. He therefore telegraphed Butler, urging him to start immediately. The only good news received at headquarters upon this important day was the information that a movement made by Warren had been successful. He had destroyed the Weldon Railroad from Nottoway River to Hicksford, with but little loss, and his troops were now on their return to the Army of the Potomac. Grant promptly telegraphed the situation to Sheridan, and impressed upon him the importance of destroying the roads north of Richmond, in furtherance of the plan of cutting off the supplies of that city. The next morning a reply came from Thomas to Grant's last despatch, saying that he would obey the orders as promptly as possible, but the country was covered with a sheet of ice
nville road to Staunton River, completely wrecking about thirty miles of that line also. At Staunton River he found the railroad bridge strongly guarded, and seeing that he could not burn it, be began his return march that night, and reached Nottoway River, some thirty miles south of Petersburg, at noon of the next day — the 28th. In this expedition Wilson was closely followed from the start by Barringer's brigade of W. H. F. Lee's cavalry, but the operations were not interfered with mater the same time, two brigades of infantry under General Mahone. A severe battle ensued, resulting in Wilson's defeat, with the loss of twelve guns and all his wagons. In consequence of this discomfiture he was obliged to fall back across the Nottoway River with his own division, and rejoined the army by way of Peter's bridge on that stream, while Kautz's division, unable to unite with Wilson after the two commands had become separated in the fight, made a circuit of the enemy's left, and reache
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., Operations South of the James River. (search)
ver at that point; the object being to delay reenforcements from the south while the Army of the James was making a lodgment at Bermuda Hundred and City Point. While organizing the division I studied up the situation, and at the end of a week I reported to General Butler that I did not consider the task laid out a feasible one with the means at my command. The reasons I advanced were considered good, and the duty then assigned to us was to destroy the bridges across Stony Creek and the Nottoway River, which I thought we could do by rapid marching, and by heading the Blackwater. The command moved on the 5th of May, and on the afternoon of the 7th reached Stony Creek Station and captured the guard, of about fifty men Major-General M. C. Butler, C. S. A. From a photograph. of the Holcombe Legion, under Major M. G. Zeigler, and the same evening destroyed the bridge, station, water-tank, railroad buildings and cars, and a large amount of railroad material, as well as a good portion
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 8 (search)
pplause. You don't drink, said Duane, but it don't make any difference, because you look as if you had been drinking, and that's all that is necessary. Before I finish this day I must go back to tell of the beginning and progress of the Weldon road expedition. Last Wednesday, General Warren, with his own Corps, Mott's division of the 2d Corps, and nearly the whole of Gregg's division of cavalry, started in the morning and marched down the Jerusalem plank road, striking across to the Nottoway River, at Freeman's Bridge, a distance of from fifteen to seventeen miles. There a pontoon bridge was thrown and the whole command got over before daybreak the next morning, the advance getting that night to Sussex Court House. Meantime the enemy, getting [wind] of the move, sent off A. P. Hill's Corps, that evening, twelve hours after Warren. Hill went to Dinwiddie Court House, but what became of him thereafter, I have not yet learned. Their place in the lines was taken, I presume, by some
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, New York Volunteers. (search)
ly 22. Pollocksville July 26. Near New Berne October 7. Camden Court House and Dismal Swamp November 3. Operations about New Berne against Whiting January 18-February 4, 1864. Wistar's Expedition toward Richmond February 6-8, 1864. Bottom's Bridge and Baltimore Cross Roads February 7. Kautz's Raid against Petersburg & Weldon Railroad May 5-11. Wall's Bridge May 5. Stony Creek Station, Weldon Railroad, May 7. Nottaway Railroad Bridge May 8. White's Bridge, Nottaway River, May 8-9. Kautz's Raid on Richmond & Danville Railroad May 12-17. Flat Creek Bridge, near Chula Depot, May 14. Belcher's Mills May 16. Bermuda Hundred May 17-30. Near Hatcher's Run June 2. Near Petersburg June 9. Baylor's Farm June 15. Assaults on Petersburg June 15-18. Siege operations against Petersburg and Richmond June 16-December 1, 1864. Wilson's Raid on South Side & Danville Railroad June 22-30. Roanoke Bridge June 25. Sappony Church or Stony Cr
pt that on the twenty-ninth, Brigadier-General W. F. H. Lee appeared on our left flank, which occasioned some little skirmishing, lasting but a very short time, and attended with few, if any, casualties. On the twenty-eighth we reached the Nottoway river at Double bridge. The Second Ohio cavalry of McIntosh's brigade, having advanced, drove the rebel pickets before them some miles, before we reached the bridge. There was, however, no force there large enough to give us any trouble, and we cnd fifty miles. Finding it impossible to cut through the rebel lines at Reams' station, and no help coming from the vicinity of Petersburg, General Wilson ordered his command to retreat, under cover of night, toward Suffolk. Having crossed Nottoway river about thirty miles below Petersburg, they struck for the railroad and crossed at Jarrett's station, and bearing southward, crossed the Blackwater at the county road bridge, and came into our lines at Cabin Point, five miles south-east of For
tion, in which case a collision is likely to occur between them and General Wright's corps; or possibly they may make an attack on our left, when the Second corps will have to bear the brunt of their assault. General Hancock, who has just resumed command of his corps, is making all necessary preparations for such an event, and will not be taken by surprise. Wilson succeeded in destroying forty miles of railroad. Last night he was at Stony Grove, south of Stony creek, a branch of the Nottoway river, and on attempting to cross found his passage opposed by the enemy. He then sent Kautz's division westward to cross the stream higher up and then make for the railroad near Reams' station, in which vicinity the entire command now is. Confederate accounts. Army of Northern Virginia, near Gaines' Mill, June 3, 1864. Yesterday evening, about four o'clock, after having been previously arranged, Gordon's and Rhodes' divisions of Ewell's, and Heth's divisions of A. P. Hill's corps
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
South Carolina cavalry. Early in 1863 he was promoted to first lieutenant, and on June 25th following to captain of the company. Under Gen. Wade Hampton in Virginia and in the Carolinas he saw much active service and bore a creditable part in the gallant record of his regiment. At the battle of Hawe's Shop, near Richmond, May 28, 1864, he was wounded in the foot and in the arm so severely as to be disabled until the following November. Returning to duty he was in an engagement at Nottoway River, Va., and then, in the operations against Sherman in the Carolinas, took part in many skirmishes, including the fight at Lynch's Creek, February 26, 1865; the attack on Kilpatrick at Monroe's Farm and the engagement at Cheraw in March, 1865. After the close of hostilities he resumed the practice of law in Chesterfield, Marlborough, Darlington and Marion counties, and in 1865 was a member of the convention for the reorganization of the State government. In 1877 he was elected associate ju
her, or reinforcements. Butler had not yet started for the Cape Fear river; and to him also on this day Grant was obliged to say: Richmond papers of the 10th show that on the 7th, Sherman was east of the Ogeechee, and within twenty-five miles of Savannah, having marched eighteen miles the day before. If you do not get off immediately, you will lose the chance of surprise and weak garrison. Good news, however, came in from Warren. He had completely destroyed the railroad, from the Nottoway river to Hicksford, meeting with only trifling opposition The weather had been bad, and marching and working were difficult; but he was now on his return to Meade. Upon the receipt of this news, Grant telegraphed to Sheridan: The inhabitants of Richmond are supplied exclusively over the roads north of James river. If it is possible to destroy the Virginia Central road, it will go far towards starving out the garrison of Richmond. The Weldon road has been largely used until now, notwithstand
i, 3; seat of, 5; important crisis in 1864, 565. Warren, General G. K., at battle of Wilderness, II., 103-106; at Spottsylvania, 142, 147, 161, 177, 180; unfortunate characteristics of, 184; on the North Anna, 227-230; at Cold Harbor, 271, 276, 278, 280, 290, 295; from Cold Harbor to Petersburg, 339, 347, 363; before Petersburg, June 30, 476, 485, 488; at Weldon road, 514-518, 527; battle of Peeble's farm. III., 75, 76; battle of Hatcher's run, 117-124; destroys Weldon railroad from Nottoway river to Hicksford, 238 246; characteristics of, 464-466; at White Oak road, 4;67; sent to Sheridan, 475-479; inaction of, 479-489; battle of Five Forks, 494; relieved from command, 494; merits and demerits of, 497. Washburne, General C. C., movement against Helena, i., 132. Washburne, Colonel, with General Read at Farmville, III., 568; death of, 568. Washburne, Elihu II., Congressman, suggests Grant's appointment as brigadier-general, i., 10; introduces bill to revive grade of lieute
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