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ing home and in doing so he adopted the advice of his fellow-captives at the Fort. Proceeding to Washington, Mr. Harrold was placed upon his parole of honor, and then returned to Baltimore, where he took passage in a steamer for Fortress Monroe. At this point his baggage was subjected to a most rigid examination, and everything taken away which the Federals considered contraband of war, including some twenty New York papers of the latest dates. The frigates Minnesota and Wabash were off Old Point, with a considerable fleet of war vessels, large and small.--The much-talked of naval expedition was said to have sailed Southward. In New York, business continued utterly prestrated, except in reference to manufactures and supplies for the army. Indeed, our informant represents that it is impossible to conceive of the actual state of affairs there without visiting the city in person; and that, we apprehend, very few Southern men will do under existing circumstances. The war fever c
t. 27th, 1861. Yesterday, about 9¼ o'clock, a flag of trace was sent from our city to carry a number of persons to Old Point, thence to go Northward. A number of letters from persons in Norfolk and Portsmouth were carried down — not the least hn Gaynor and wife, Daniel R. Turner, Mrs. Joanna Mott. One of our men, taken prisoner at Hatteras, was brought to Old Point, and came up last evening in the flag of truce.--While our flag of truce was at the Point, several ladies and gentlemenen had been imprisoned for some time in Fort Lafayette, but was allowed, in company with the ladies, to make his way to Old Point. Our little boat stood off about an hundred yards from the snore and was met by a boat from the Point with one of the written report to that effect, which was as creditable to himself as it was gratifying to his parents. After reaching Old Point, he was subjected to rigid search, and this report taken from him. His youthful ambition, wounded by so unexpected an o
Our Correspondence.from Norfolk. the weather — the fast in Hampton Roads — Tract Courtesies — the Yankees at Old Point — the markets, Etc. Norfolk, Sept. 27, 1861. Sunshine at 7 o'clock A. M., heavy showers at 8, and bright sun a Fort Monroe. The steamer Octarara took off the passengers that went down from Norfolk yesterday, and brought from Old Point live ladies and two gentlemen, bound South, who were transferred to the steamer Kahukee and brought to this place. and spacious and airy parade grounds. The Yankee soldiers — officers, at least — may have a good time generally at Old Point, if old Wool and Picaroon Butler will allow it. The extensive hotel, spacious billiard saloons, bowling alleys, pistol f mind and nerve who control the destinies of our great Southern nation. It is reported here that Joseph Segar, of Old Point, has been shot by a Confederate picket. There is, as before stated, but little business going on here, except
The Daily Dispatch: September 30, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Equinoctial — presentation — Scarcity of specie, &c. (search)
t, and minus anchor and small boats the steamer returned to the city. It was a very perilous adventure and at one time the danger of going ashore somewhere near Old Point and falling into the hands of the enemy was quite imminent. The presentation took place last night at the National Hotel. The flag, which is much admired fjoyment, the feasting, dancing, and congenial socialities continuing until a rare hour. The Federal steamer Octarara came up to Craney Island yesterday from Old Point, under a flag of truce, with several ladies and gentlemen going South. They have arrived here. Among the passengers are Southerners of high character and ampleto the shipping. The Confederate steamer Kahukee is getting ready to go down again with a flag of truce. Several ladies and gentlemen will take passage for Old Point, whence they will proceed to the North. The great difficulty in getting specie, even for small change, is a source of general complaint here, as well as in