Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 26, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Page Valley (Virginia, United States) or search for Page Valley (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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uggest remedies, but not too late to prevent censure from falling upon an able officer because he failed to perform an impossibility. The Latest. At last accounts General Early was at Keezle-town, and was expected to make a stand there. --This place is about fourteen miles from Staunton, and six from Port Republic. It is situated on the road which runs parallel to the Valley turnpike and leads to Waynesboro'. We heard a report last evening that a cavalry engagement took place in Page Valley on Friday, in which the enemy were badly beaten and driven back. Passengers by the Central train report that considerable excitement exists in Staunton, and that many of the inhabitants are making preparations to leave. We are informed that there was no fight of any consequence at Fisher's Hill, and that our loss was very trifling. It is understood that the trains and supplies were brought off safely. From east Tennessee. The following official dispatch has been received a