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h commands a view of Chelsea and Boston Harbor on the east; Boston, Roxbury, and Cambridge, on the south; Brighton, Watertown, and West Cambridge track of woodland on the north — has on its summit a flat rock, called Lover's Rock; on of those register-surfaces where a young gentleman, with a hammer and nail, could engrave the initials of two namess provokingly near each together. The view from this hill, so diversified and grand, fills the eye with pleasure, and the mind with thought. Pasture Hill, on which Dr. Swan's summer-house, in his garden, now stands, is of the eastern and southern scenery above noticed. The hill is mostly rock, and will afford, in coming years, a most magnificent site for costly houses. The next highest and most interesting spot, on the north side of the river, is Mystic Mount, in West Medford, near the Brooks Schoolhouse. It is owned by the town, and commands much the same view as Pine Hill, only at a lower angle. To some of us who have kept it for m
more and more. So much the better, Pomp; for the day of judgment will be all fire and light. Pomp concluded not to wash up, but wait. 1781.--New-England money. This epithet is used in the Medford records, for the first time, in 1781, when the town voted to raise one thousand three hundred pounds, to pay interest on their debt. 1781.--When the news of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis reached Medford, 1781, the inhabitants immediately testified their joy by a bonfire on the top of Pasture Hill. Wood and rags, covered with tar, were the imflammable materials used to express the jubilation. The first register of deeds in Middlesex County chosen, Dec. 20, 1784. There was but one candidate,--William Winthrop, Esq.,--who received seventeen votes in Medford. 1785.--Aunt Jenny Watts, of Medford, carried baked puddings and beans, on horseback, in market-baskets, to Cambridge College twice each week, and would retail her load only to undergraduates! She sold the best of article
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
up entrenchments there; another detachment went to the rail fence with the New Hampshire men; and a third, with their colonel, went to the redoubt. After the battle they slept on their arms at Prospect Hill. Three Medford men were under Stark: Rev. David Osgood, chaplain; Daniel Reed, drummer; and Robert Bushby. Although Medford was not the scene of battle, she was near enough to experience the excitement and bitterness of war. We can imagine the people huddled in little groups on Pasture Hill, or on the marshes, hearing the boom of cannon, seeing the smoke of burning Charlestown, but, on account of the position of Bunker and Breed's hills, seeing only a part of the actual battle. In the afternoon Major McClary, of Epsom, N. H., came galloping back to town for bandages. He had scant time to answer the numberless questions of the people who crowded around him. Putting spurs to his horse, he hurried back, only to fall a victim to the murderous fire from the ships in the
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., A business man of long ago. (search)
e warming-pans, the rose blankets, the woolen coverlets, which, with stores of spotless linen, were the housekeeper's pride in those days. The solid silver tankards, the cream pot, the butter boats and porringers, the tiny teaspoons and sugar-tongs, would make a modern collector envious. The house stood very near the street, but back of it, screened from the public gaze, was a beautiful garden containing nearly two acres of land. It was laid out in terraces on the southern slope of Pasture hill. The plots were bordered with box, and contained vegetables, fruit, and flowers in profusion. At the highest point was a garden house, Near the site of the Medford Club House. from which a beautiful view and pure air were assured even in the warmest weather. This garden was jealously guarded by its owner. A contract made with a gardener after Mr. Hall's death concludes as follows: Also that he shall not admit any person into the Garden without the consent of Mrs. Hall. The rose
ce where a firm gravel deposit formed the banks and bed of the river. The place selected on the south side of the river was a little west of the northerly end of Walnut street, and west of and adjoining the estate of Mr. Chandler on South street. It is evident that this estate encroaches somewhat upon the original landing place. On the northerly side of the river the landing place was nearly opposite the location of the old high school building on High street. The southerly end of Pasture hill at that point formed the bank of the river. Persons travelling towards the north and west would leave the river and pass up the steep bank to the left in front of the location of the public library building, and those travelling eastward would turn to the right along the gravel beach to a point near the Cradock farmhouse which stood on what was then known as Salem Path to Mistick Ford, near the present square. In order to verify the correctness of some of these statements, and to form
pliced like the rest, with the addition of a black cap. The alcove under the tower was, on the removal of the choir, converted into a baptistry, in which was placed a new font, the gift of the rector, the Rev. Charles L. Hutchins, and bearing on one of its sides, In memory of Margaret Gordon Hutchins, at rest, August 22, 1876. The font stands on a slab of Kibbe stone. Its base is of Tennessee marble. From the base rise five shafts; the central one is of Medford granite, taken out of Pasture Hill. The four shafts which cluster round the larger centre shaft are of French red marble. These shafts are surmounted by capitals showing in delicate sculptured work wreaths of lilies of the valley. The octagonal bowl is of Knoxville pink marble. On four of its sides angels' heads are sculptured, while on the remaining sides the words, One Lord, one Faith, one baptism, with the inscription before mentioned. There are in the church other memorials beside the chancel windows already refer
Bakery. I have some recollections of the old house, its large kitchen with its great open fire-place, the crane, pots and kettles, and tin kitchen. The settle on one side of the fire-place, and brick oven on the other side, ample to bake all the pies for the Thanksgiving season. One born on the spot and dwelling where Lydia Maria Child passed her early life can testify to the loveliness of her surroundings —the garden of fruit trees, flowers and vegetables, with its clean walks of Pasture Hill gravel, and beyond, extending to Forest street, (then the turnpike), the field, making in all quite a farm. In those early days the fruits and products of the garden were shared with friends and neighbors. Mr. Francis purchased the property from Francis Burns, who was a brother-in-law of Gov. John Brooks, and father-in-law of Samuel Buel, the first postmaster of Medford.—editor. The Identity of the Cradock House. Vide Register, vol. I., no. 4, P. 119; also vol. II., no. 2, p. 5
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 6., The Lawrence Light Guard.—Continued. (search)
ks at East Cambridge. The next building was the old Admiral Vernon Tavern, occupied by Benjamin Parker in our day for a dwelling, and it was the place of business of his sons, Benjamin, a mason, Gilbert, who had a job wagon, and Timothy and William, harness makers. There was a stone cutters' yard, shaded by a large poplar tree, between the house and Swan street. At different times the proprietors were Mr. Ridgley, Samuel Cady and Mr. Cabot. Rough and hammered stone, the product of Pasture Hill and two quarries above Pine Hill, was sent out in drags drawn by four horses harnessed tandem. The trade extended over a large territory. The fashion of keeping one's residence and business under one roof has long ago disappeared, but from 1835 to 1850, the custom was almost universal. After the fire in 1850, most of the buildings destroyed were replaced by cheaper structures, many of which are still in existence. The Tufts lot, corner of South and Main streets, remained vacant fo
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 9., The Bradburys of Medford and their ancestry. (search)
when digging in the garden was wont to apostrophize the worms he unearthed, much to the amusement of the little folks. Mrs. Bradbury was considered an especially lovable person, and was a source of comfort and a tower of strength at all times to those under her charge. Two of the school terms closed the last of February and of August respectively, and there were two other terms. Each year on the first of May it was the custom for the scholars to go on an excursion, spend the day on Pasture Hill, or its vicinity, and crown a May Queen. Miss Bradbury took a kindly interest in all her pupils, is pleasantly remembered by them as a dignified and most excellent teacher, and a faithful friend. I have found many who speak of her worth and the excellence of her school. One young woman's impressions were colored by her feelings of homesickness. She had been sent to the school because she was in poor health. Although the pupils were not allowed to walk out without permission, her fe
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The pump in the market place; and other water supplies of Medford, old and modern. (search)
he Middlesex canal. Gilbert Parker, who carried on a jobbing business, was a familiar sight in the '40s as he went back and forth with his white horse and hay rigging to and from the canal with water for the different families. Sometimes a few were favored by getting water from the distillery on Ship street, which could be obtained there warm. It is said the excellence of Medford rum was due, among other things, to the purity of the water used in the making which came from a spring on Pasture Hill, off that part which today we call Governors avenue, beyond the estate of Harry Dutton. The first of these wells south of the river was on the west side of Main street, about forty feet from the highway, in the track of the boulevard now being built. This was owned by James Gregg. The water was not fit to drink. A second was south of where Hartshorn's harness shop stands today, on the right of the passageway and about forty feet from the street. In a house on the site of the one st
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