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f: I have already advised you of the movements of the army under my command from Louisville. More or less skirmishing has occurred daily with the enemy's cavalry since then, and it was supposed the enemy would give battle at Bardstown. By troops reached that point on the fourth, driving the enemy's rear guard of cavalry and artillery of the main body to Springfield, whither pursuit was continued. The centre corps, under General Gilbert, moved in the direct road from Springfield to Perrysville, and arrived on the seventh one mile from town, where the enemy was found to be in force. The left column, under Gen. McCook, came upon the Maxville road about ten o'clock yesterday, (the eighth.) It was ordered into position to attack, and a strong reconnoissance directed. At four o'clock I received a request from Gen. McCook for reenforcements, and learned that the left had been seriously engaged for several hours, and that the right and left of that corps were being turned and seve
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
Steps were taken to repair the burned railway bridges. and a singular railway battery was constructed in Philadelphia for the protection of the men engaged in the work — a car made of boileriron, musket-proof, with a 24-pound cannon mounted at one end to fire grape and chain shot. General Scott planned a grand campaign against Baltimore. He proposed to move simultaneously upon the city four columns of troops of 3,000 men each--one from Washington, a second from New York, a third from Perrysville, or Elkton, by land or water, or both. and a fourth from Annapolis. It was thought 12,000 men would be needed for the enterprise. They were not at hand, for 10,000 troops were yet needed at the capital for its perfect security. The time for the execution of the plan seemed somewhat remote. Gen. B. F. Butler conceived a more expeditious and less cumbersome plan. He was satisfied that the Confederates in Baltimore were numerically weak, and that the Unionists, with a little help, coul
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hobson, Edward Henry 1825- (search)
nburg, Ky., July 11, 1825; received a common-school education; enlisted in the Kentucky Volunteers in 1846, for the war with Mexico, and was mustered out of service in June, 1847. In 1861 he organized and was commissioned colonel of the 13th Kentucky Volunteers; served at Camp Hobson till February, 1862; commanded his regiment at the battle of Shiloh with such skill that he was promoted brigadier-general of volunteers by President Lincoln. He took part in the siege of Corinth; commanded a brigade at Perrysville; and was ordered to Mumfordsville, Ky., to protect the lines of communication and to discipline new troops. Placed in command of the Southern Division of Kentucky, he was ordered to Marrowbone, Ky., to watch the movements of Gen. John Morgan. He pursued Morgan through Kentucky and Indiana, and attacked him in Ohio. He was mustered out of the service in September, 1865. General Hobson was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in 1880, and was its vice-president.
esired that the troops should, if it were practicable, be sent back at once to York or Harrisburg. Gen. Scott adopted the President's views warmly, and an order was accordingly prepared by the Lieutenant-General to that effect, and forwarded by Major Belger, of the army, who accompanied the Mayor to this city. The troops at Cockeysville, the Mayor was assured, were not brought there for transit through the city, but were intended to be marched to the Relay House, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They will proceed to Harrisburg, from there to Philadelphia, and thence by the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, or by Perrysville, as Major General Patterson may direct. This statement is made by authority of the Mayor, and Messrs. George W. Dobbin, John C. Brune, and S. T. Wallis, who accompanied Mr. Brown, and who concurred with him in all particulars in the course adopted by him in the two interviews with Mr. Lincoln. George Wm. Brown, Mayor. --National Intelligencer, April 23
services. It was here, or rather at Savannah, Tennessee, where one of the largest hospitals was established, soon after the battle, and placed in her charge, that she first met Mrs. Eliza C. Porter, who was afterward during Sherman's Grand March her associate and companion. Mrs. Porter brought from Chicago a number of nurses, whom she placed under Mrs. Bickerdyke's charge. The care of this hospital occupied Mrs. Bickerdyke for some months, and we lose sight of her till the battle of Perrysville where amid difficulties which would have appalled any ordinary spirit, she succeeded in dressing the wounds of the soldiers and supplying them with nourishment. But with her untiring energy, she was not satisfied with this. Collecting a large number of negro women who had escaped from the plantations along the route of the Union Army, she set them to work gathering the blankets and clothing left on the field, and such of the clothing of the slain and desperately wounded as could be spar
After an interchange of salutations, Webster inquired of Mr. Dunn the condition of affairs in and around Baltimore. Very bad, indeed, replied that gentleman; the bridges are all down, and the tracks have been torn up all along the road from Perrysville to Baltimore. The telegraph-wires have been cut, and no communications have been received from Baltimore or Washington except through couriers. The roads are guarded with soldiery, whose sympathies are with the rebellion, and it is almost imand I will arrive in Washington to-morrow night, or lose my life in attempting it! I see that you are determined to go, said Mr. Dunn, and further argument would be of no avail; but I assure you, that you cannot travel further by rail than Perrysville; you may succeed in getting across the river to Havre de Grace, but after that you will have to rely entirely upon yourself. Never fear for me, replied Webster, with a smile, I will get through all right, I feel confident. I will have but
a straightforward account of himself that they were allowed to proceed, and he arrived in Havre de Grace in time for breakfast. Crossing the river, he went directly to the headquarters of Colonel Dare, who was in charge of the Union troops at Perrysville, and requested that officer to forward the telegram to General McClellan at once. This the Colonel promised to do, and in a few minutes the important message was flying over the wires to its destination at Columbus, Ohio, and the President'sy journey to Washington, accompanied only by a trusty member of my force. Before leaving I left orders that should I fail to meet with Webster upon the way he should be directed to await my return in the city of Pittsburg. On my arrival at Perrysville I found that a mode of communication had been hurriedly established with Washington, by means of a boat which sailed down the Chesapeake Bay and landed their passengers at Annapolis, from which point the railroad travel to Washington was unint
his service, now that he had assumed the command of a military department, and was about to take an active part in the impending struggle. At Philadelphia I ascertained that Timothy Webster had already departed for Pittsburg, according to previous instructions, and hastily telegraphing to the General that I would instantly respond to his letter in person, I took the first train leading westward and was soon upon my way. Timothy Webster, meanwhile, had proceeded on his journey from Perrysville, and arrived without accident or adventure in Philadelphia. He immediately repaired to the office of Mr. Dunn, who informed him that he had just received a dispatch for him from Chicago. Webster hastily opened the message and found my directions for him to await my return at the city of Pittsburg. Remaining in the Quaker City until the following day, he took the western train and in due time arrived at his destination. On inquiring at the telegraph office in Pittsburg he received anot
A Woman killed by a dog. --The Pittsburg papers state that on Thusrday morning last, an old lady named Betsy Davis, aged sixty seven years, residing with two brothers in Ross township, near Perrysville, Pa., was found lying by her bedside in a dying condition — her left leg having been horribly lacerated by a dog, as was supposed. The flesh, from the knee to the ankle, had been literally torn off, and eaten up, as it could nowhere be found in the room. The body was badly scratched as if by the nails of a dog.--The old lady was raised and placed in bed, where she expired in about two hours. The dog was killed. Developments made during the coroner's inquest, rendered probable the supposition that the old woman was stupefied with liquor when attacked by the dog.
regiment and the New York Seventh Regiment, had landed there and were moving overland toward Washington. Gov. Hicks had ordered resistance to the movement, and troops were collecting from all parts of the adjacent country to operate against them. They would have to march some thirty miles through a hostile country to reach Washington. We learn by the Messenger of Taylor's Pony Express, who left Havre de Grace yesterday afternoon, that there were eight hundred Pennsylvania troops at Perrysville, awaiting transportation to Annapolis. They had arrived yesterday morning, and were anxious to proceed on their route to Washington. There is no doubt that the military road ordered by Gen. Scott is to be across the country from Annapolis to Washington city. The American also says: Yesterday afternoon Serg't Lindsay. of the Central Station, proceeded at the head of a squad of policemen to the President Street Depot, where, in compliance with the orders of the city authoritie