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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A. 1 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 1 1 Browse Search
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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
49, 452 Pelham, Major, 176 Pender, General, 217, 236, 270, 274 Pendleton, Captain, 94 Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 217, 431 Pendleton County, 457, 459 Pendleton, General, 153, 162, 196, 198-204, 207, 209-10 Peninsular, 54, 57-58-59, 65 Penn, Colonel, 307, 309, 310 Penn, Major, 16, 203, 204 Pennsylvania, 46, 131, 159, 164, 236, 257, 259, 263, 264, 285-86-87, 306, 367, 401-02, 409, 414, 455 Perrin, General, 355 Perrin's Brigade, 355 Peters, Professor, Wm. E., 473, 474 Petersburg, Pa., 264 Petersburg, Va., 341, 359, 465-66, 474, 476 Petersburg, Western Virginia, 332-33, 335-338 Philadelphia, 255, 262, 386, 394 Pickett, General, 163, 236, 275, 342, 360 Piedmont, 165, 370, 374-75-76, 382, 434 Piedmont Station, 11 Pisgah Church, 105, 285 Pittsylvania House, 26 Pitzer, Major A. L., 107, 187, 211, 220, 226-27, 377 Plank Road, 167, 169, 182, 203-212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 222-23, 225- 233, 317-18, 320, 322, 324, 344, 351-52 Pleasant Valley, 154
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Sanders's Creek, battle of. (search)
Sanders's Creek, battle of. In 1780, before Washington heard of the surrender of Charleston (q. v.), he sent a detachment of Delaware and Maryland regiments, under the Baron de Kalb, for service in the South. They marched from Petersburg, Pa., for the Carolinas. After leaving the southern borders of Virginia, they made their way slowly through a poor, thinly inhabited country, without provision for a supply of food, the commissaries without credit, and compelled to get their supplies from day to day by impressment. With De Kalb's forces were two North Carolina regiments, under the respective commands of Colonels Rutherford and Caswell, who were chiefly employed in repressing the North Carolina Tories. The governor of that State (Nash) had recently been authorized by the legislature to send 8,000 men to the relief of South Carolina. To raise and equip them was not easy at that gloomy juncture. The Virginia regiment of Porterfield was at Salisbury. It rallied to the standar
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 24. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.60 (search)
he reappearance of Yankees, and had to keep up a lively skirmish all day. We also observed many and demonstrative people in the woods, some distance to our right, and I ordered Lieutenant Jackson to warn them off by some shots. At sunset a courier was sent from headquarters ordering me to leave Mechanicsburg after dark and fall back to Carlisle. There we met Jenkins' Brigade, and Captain Moorman rejoined his company and took charge of it. The entire command continued then to march to Petersburg, Pa., where we arrived about 2 o'clock in the morning. We encamped there, but expecting an attack, our horses were held saddled and our arms ready to hand. July 1st.—At daybreak we were again in the saddle and on the road to Gettysburg. During the forenoon we heard heavy cannonading from that direction, and soon we learned that the two hostile armies had met unexpectedly. The Federal troops were finally defeated, but the loss on both sides was heavy, and that of the Union army the most