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cement of Gen. Burnside in position. He has taken the Virginia side of the Potomac near Lovettsville. infantry and artillery — It will not do to say in what number — have been moving in that direction, until it is evident that the movement is no mere reconnaissance, but in reality an advance of the left wing of the army. This movement, it will be observed, brings our left wing, which was previously in the rear, on nearly a straight line w the centre, and in all the distance from Pleasant Valley to Lovettsville, near or to the enemy. It this respect it will be seen that the movement was necessary, preliminary to placing the army in a portion for an advance, wh it does not in the least betray the plan on which that advance is to be finally made from Lovettsville. General Burnside threatens equally the rebel flank at Winchester and their line of communication via Front Royal. Our cavalry and light artillery, under General Pleasanton, are reported to have occupied Leesburg
el movements; and Burnside and Fitz John Porter are already so close on the heels of Longstreet's army as that he will probably essay to retreat down the Valley rather than to advance further down in this direction. A gentleman who left Pleasant Valley yesterday morning informs us that all the troops in and about Pleasant Valley moved on Sunday and Monday to wards Lovettsville. The advance is general along the entire line below Harper's Ferry. Gen. Sumner's corps remains at the latter poiPleasant Valley moved on Sunday and Monday to wards Lovettsville. The advance is general along the entire line below Harper's Ferry. Gen. Sumner's corps remains at the latter point. Our latest information from the army in front of Washington is up to 10 o'clock last night. A Pennsylvanian, who left Warrenton on Sunday last, has reported 599 rebel cavalry and about 50 infantry at that place, and a small picket at New Baltimore. No troops this side of those points.--He reports that reinforcements are sent to Jackson's army up the valley. A scout, then just in, reported about three hundred cavalry and three hundred infantry at Warrenton Junction — none at
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