Browsing named entities in A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864.. You can also browse the collection for Pleasant Valley (Maryland, United States) or search for Pleasant Valley (Maryland, United States) in all documents.

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Chapter 5: The Maryland campaign of 1862 along the route Pleasant Valley south Mountain Antietam reminiscences of the sojourn in Maryland after the battle of Antietam The Sixth Cde. What a panorama of autumn landscape, grandeur and loveliness, lay before us! 'T was Pleasant Valley. An earthly paradise, if anywhere there be one, lies in Maryland between the Kittoctan on tion and chagrin, later. A division commanded by Gen. Walker is said to have returned down Pleasant Valley along the Monocacy and to have recrossed the Potomac. A force under McLaws and Anderson is impossible without severe punishment and crippling their strength. Now we are moving into Pleasant Valley as part of a force which is being thrown between Lee and the lower fords of the Potomac. Wrick. All the troops in the vicinity of the Potomac except those at Harper's Ferry, are in Pleasant Valley. The Sixth Corps, about mid-day, moved through the little hamlet of Burkittsville abreas
Chapter 6: Return to the old Dominion up Loudon Valley New Baltimore McClellan relieved of command grand divisions reminiscences of the marches and halts Stafford, C. H. Belle plain reminiscences A pontoon bridge had been thrown across the Potomac at this place, over which we passed and climbed the high banks on the Virginia shore. We marched up Loudon Valley, which is a continuation in Virginia of Pleasant Valley, in Maryland, lying between the same ranges, which, under different local names, cross the state of Virginia. Somewhat more than a day's march from Berlin, the Sixth Corps, having bivouacked on a farm which lies in the north central part of the valley, stretching from the pike down toward Goose Creek, rested there the following day and night. On the morning after our arrival we were sent to forage, hay being needed for our horses. We were directed to the barns on this farm, which stood on a ridge perhaps half a mile east of the highway, and in the
column, in its turn, began to round the bluff to march down onto the bridge, our drivers, having been for a long time in the glare of the light, now coming suddenly into the deep shadow of the rock, were blinded and utterly unable to discern the steep bank within the swing of their whips, on their right hand; Bear hard to the left, officers shouted, standing at the bend in the road; and the drivers instinctively obeyed, blind as moles. Across the river, and through the pass, and on, up Pleasant Valley, all night and all day following we were afoot. On the evening of the 30th of August, we were again in the vicinity of Frederick. Our existence at this time was peripatetic. We were on the wing all day, and after we had made some preparations at nightfall, for tarrying, assembly would be sounded, and we either were directed to move at once, or notified that first call would be at three A. M. During the next three days our corps held the South Mountain passes, and the Nineteenth Corps