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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Reunion of the Virginia division army of Northern Virginia Association (search)
n Valley, and between South Mountain and Elk Ridge is Pleasant Valley. Along the base of the Blue Ridge in Virginia, the Shd over the South Mountain range by Crampton's Gap into Pleasant Valley. After some sharp fighting he got possession of Marylnfantry. Lee's army was divided in part by the narrow Pleasant Valley. If a march had been made by Reno, at sun-down, on Tuoff from the rest of the army, and McLaws cooped up in Pleasant Valley with 6,500 men, by Franklin with 12,300 at the one end and reforming the infantry. A line was formed across Pleasant Valley, and Franklin's further progress stopped. Turner's Couch during the night, held eighteen thousand men in Pleasant Valley, behind McLaws, and also eight miles from Sharpsburg. rry, seventeen and a half miles off. McLaws cut off in Pleasant Valley, with no escape except first to capture Harpers Ferry, that all the rest of Lee's army was in Virginia or in Pleasant Valley. Notwithstanding this it took him from the morning of