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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 3: military operations in Missouri and Kentucky. (search)
mands there, is re-enforced sufficiently for him to spread his forces, he will have to take and hold Mayfield and Lovelaceville, to be in the rear and flank of Columbus, and to occupy Smithland, controlling in its way both the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. At the same time Colonel Rousseau should bring his force, increased, if possible, by two Ohio regiments, in boats, to Henderson, and taking the Henderson and Nashville Railroad, occupy Hopkinsville, while General Nelson should go, with a ucted of coal-barges, strongly braced together, and otherwise connected by trestle-work planked over. It was capable of bearing the heaviest ordnance and thousands of men. He also seized and occupied Smithland, not far from the mouth of the Cumberland River, and thus closed two important gateways of supply for the Confederates in the interior of Kentucky and Tennessee, from the Ohio. When Fremont's order for co-operation reached Grant, and was followed the next day by a dispatch, Nov. 2. sa
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 7: military operations in Missouri, New Mexico, and Eastern Kentucky--capture of Fort Henry. (search)
hat portion of Kentucky lying west of the Cumberland River. He had arrived in Washington on the 5th,portion of Kentucky lying eastward of the Cumberland River, which had formed a part of Sherman's Depreatest importance, on the borders of the Cumberland River, farther westward. Zollicoffer, as we ha consider, occurred on the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. These are remarkable rivers. The Tefive hundred miles from its mouth. The Cumberland River rises on the western slopes of the Cumbernnessee River, and Fort Donelson, on the, Cumberland River. The two latter were in Tennessee, not fly light draft to allow them to navigate the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, into whose waters they to Smithland, between the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers; and at the same time gun-boats were pator of East Tennessee. He had crossed the Cumberland River in force, after the battle of Mill Springf Southern Illinois, Kentucky west of the Cumberland River, and the counties of Eastern Missouri sou[2 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 8: the siege and capture of Fort Donelson. (search)
Floyd and Pillow disgraced, 223. the Army mail service, 224. the Army mail at Washington, 225. a voyage on the Cumberland River, 226. visit to Fort Donelson, 227. Nashville, 229. The fall of Fort Henry was followed by immediate preparations for an attack on Fort Donelson, on the Cumberland River. Preparatory to this was a reconnoissance up the Tennessee River. Lieutenant-Commander S. L. Phelps was sent up that river on the evening of the day of battle, Feb. 6, 1862. with a detachmenson. In the center of Stewart County, in Tennessee, was its shire town of Dover, situated on the left bank of the Cumberland River, where that stream, running nearly due north, makes an abrupt turn to the westward, and, after flowing about half a r Tyrone, toward the evening of the 5th. Most of his fellow-passengers, as far as Clarksville, sixty miles down the Cumberland River, consisted of about two hundred colored soldiers, who had just been paid off and discharged from the service. The f
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 9: events at Nashville, Columbus, New Madrid, Island number10, and Pea Ridge. (search)
Zollicoffer, on a bluff, four or five miles below Nashville, which was unfinished, and was then abandoned. The citizens of Nashville, believing General Johnston would make a stand there, had commenced this fort on the south or left bank of the Cumberland, and were much incensed by its sudden abandonment. Pursuant to previous arrangement, the mayor of Nashville (R. B. Cheatham) and a small delegation of citizens crossed over to Buell's quarters at Edgefield, and there made a formal surrender the Capitol of Tennessee. The Capitol of the State of Tennessee is one of the finest of its kind in the United States. It is in the center of four acres of ground in the midst of the city, and crowns a hill that rises 197 feet above the Cumberland River. It is composed of fossilated limestone, taken from quarries near the city, and its style is of the most beautiful of the Grecian orders, with four porticoes, whose columns are 833 feet in height. It is a parallelogram, in form, 140 by 270
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 10: General Mitchel's invasion of Alabama.--the battles of Shiloh. (search)
ort Donelson, and the flight of the Confederates, civil and military, from Nashville. We left General Grant at the Tennessee capital, in consultation with General Buell. Feb. 27, 1862. His praise was upon every loyal lip. His sphere of action had just been enlarged. On hearing of his glorious victory at Fort Donelson, General Halleck had assigned Feb. 14. him to the command of the new District of West Tennessee, which embraced the territory from Cairo, between the Mississippi and Cumberland Rivers, to the northern borders of the State of Mississippi, with his Headquarters in the field. It was a wide and important stage for action, and he did not rest on the laurels he had won on the Tennessee and Cumberland, but at once turned his attention to the business of moving vigorously forward in the execution of his part of the grand scheme for expelling the armed Confederates from the Mississippi valley, For that purpose he made his Headquarters temporarily at Fort Henry, where Genera
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 20: events West of the Mississippi and in Middle Tennessee. (search)
scouts, and designed a detective system of great perfection, by which the active friends of the Confederates of both sexes were found out, and their nefarious practices stopped. Norwere his services confined to the regulation of secret enemies. He made sutlers deal honestly as far as possible, and had a general police supervision over every department of army operations. When General Bragg perceived that the pursuit by the Nationals was relinquished after his army had crossed the Cumberland River, he halted his. forces, and finally concentrated them, about forty thousand in number, at Murfreesboroa, on the Nashville and Chattanooga railway, a little more than thirty miles southeast from Nashville, where he lay several weeks threatening the capital of Tennessee, but apparently without any fear or expectation of an attack from his opponent. He professed to be there to aid the Tennesseeans in throwing off the yoke of the Lincoln despotism. Another object was to cover and defend