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ting by Locket of Manchester, England. See under the following heads: — Amalgamator.Oil-cake mill. Arrastra.Oil-mill. Bait-mill.Ore-mill. Bark-mill.Paint-mill. Barker's mill.Pearl-barley machine. Barley-mill.Pearling-mill. Battery.Peat-machine. Bean-mill.Percussion-grinder. Bone-mill.Pestle. Boring-mill.Plaster-mill. Camp-mill.Polishing-machine. Cane-mill.Polishing-mill. Caoutchouc-mill.Porcelain-mill. Cement-mill.Porphyrization. Chilian mill.Post-mill. Chocolate-mill.Powder-mill. Cider-mill.Pug-mill. Clay-mill.Pulp-mill. Coal-breaker.Quartz-mill. Cocoa-mill.Quern. Coffee-huller.Rasping-mill. Coffee-mill.Revolving-pan mill. Corn-sheller.Rice-huller. Corn-mill.Rice-mill. Croze-mill.Rock-pulverizer. Crushing-mill.Roller-mill. Current-mill.Roughing-mill. Cylinder-mill.Runner-ball. Decorticator.Sand-crusher. Devil.Sand-pulverizer. Diamond-mortar.Saw-mill. Disintegrator.Sheller. Drug-mill.Shingle-mill. Edge-mill.Shingling-mill. Flatting-mill.Slitting
ade consisting of a box charged with powder, old nails, etc., to be hurled at boarders. Powder-flask. A pouch or metallic case for holding gunpowder, and having a charging nozzle at the end. Powder-horn. A horn fitted to hold powder and used as a flask. Powder-hose. (Blasting.) A tube of strong linen, about an inch in diameter, filled with powder, and used in firing military mines. Powder-ing-mill. See grinding-mill; snuff-mill; ore, etc. See list under mill. Powder-mill. Works in which the materials for gunpowder are prepared and compounded and the powder grained and faced. See gunpowder. Pow′der-mix′er. A pharmaceutical device for intimately mixing various powders. This is usually done on a small scale in a Wedgwood mortar, but in some cases a cylinder with spiral revolving beaters is employed. Pow′der-prover. See ballistic pendulum; eprouvette. Powder-room. (Nautical.) The apartment in a ship where powder is kept. Power