Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 22, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Powder Mill (Kentucky, United States) or search for Powder Mill (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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Powder Mill exploded. --The Austin Powder Mills at Akron, Ohio, were accidentally blown up last, week. They contained some seventy-five kegs of powder. The English papers in announcing the first battle at Bull Run, speak of it as the battle of Dulbrun, and another as the battle of Dullrim. Money has been received in Halifax from the United States for investment. Heretofore colonial investment in the United States was the order of the day. Geo. N. Saunders.--The New York Herald states the balance of Geo. N. Saunders account shows deficit of $5,268 only, instead of $21,000, as reported. Gov. Buckingham, of Connecticut, has issued a call for four more regiments, to be enlisted for three years or the war. All of the diplomatic corps, except Lord Lyons and Assateague, are absent from Washington. The thousandth year of the existence of the Russian empire is to be celebrated next year. The Hon. Thomas F. Marshall fell down a flight of stairs at Newp