Browsing named entities in The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Index (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller). You can also browse the collection for Rich Mountain (Virginia, United States) or search for Rich Mountain (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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, L, 360, 366; Il, 326; Fourth, I., 356, 358; Fifth, I., 356, 358; IX., 68, 71. Rhode Island,, U. S. S.: III., 342; VI., 105; officers on deck of, VI., 113. Rhodes, C. D.: IV., 46, 120, 132, 168, 186, 220, 322. Rhodes, J. F.: VII, 24, 50; opinion of, regarding the food and clothing of U. S. army, VIII., 56. Rice, A. V., X., 231. Rice. E. W. X., 205. Rice, J. C.: II, 253; III, 58; X., 139. Rice, S. A., X., 139. Rice, W., IX., 328, 329. Rich Mountain, Va.: I., 348; VII., 30. Richardson, A. D., VII., 146. Richardson, I. B.: I., 280, 325; II., 67, 72, 324, X., 131. Richardson, R. V., X., 297. Richardson, war correspondent, New York Tribune, General Sherman's reference to, VIII., 29. Richardson, Fort, Va. (see Fort Richardson near Savage Station, Va., and Fort Richardson, Arlington Heights, Va.). Richmond, Ky.: II., 322; losses at, X., 142, 156. Richmond, La., VI., 316. Richmond, Va.: I.,